Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1298: Sure enough, it's a noble concubine again?

The rain is still falling.

Grandpa Yu returned to the Imperial Study Room with a few accompanying eunuchs. Although Zhu Feng would not let them follow, he could somewhat guess where he was.

I felt relieved and worried.

For the emperor, he followed him for so many years, knowing how deep his feelings for the imperial concubine empress in his heart, this time the imperial concubine gave birth to the emperor, it is understandable that the emperor is angry, but the two are still young after all, and there shouldn’t be a chance. Mistakes cut off all future love and happiness.

Therefore, Zhu Feng is willing to see her. It would be a very good thing if the two of them can rebuild the old one.

However, his worry also came from this matter.

Even he knew that even though the emperor was angry, he still had feelings for the imperial concubine. How could Ning Concubine fail to tell?

It can be seen, how could he encourage the emperor to visit the imperial concubine in the cold palace?

Is there any conspiracy in the middle?

Just thinking about it, the door of the Imperial Study Room was pushed open behind him. Because of too much force, the door hit the walls on both sides with a loud clanging noise. Grandpa Yu was shocked, shaking his hands and almost knocking over the table. Of a teacup.

He held the tea cup in both hands and put it away. Looking back, it was Zhu Feng who walked in.

The whole body was wet from the rain.

Father Yu was terrified, and hurried forward: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng's face was gloomy, his body was drenched with rain on his face, and he didn't know where he came back from, but at this time he didn't seem to feel cold at all. As soon as he walked in, he sat directly behind the desk.

When several eunuchs saw this, they all did not dare to take a mouthful and stood cautiously.

Grandpa Yu looked around and waved to let them all go out.

A few people left the imperial study room for the rest of their lives, leaving Grandpa Yu alone. Although he has served Zhu Feng for many years, knowing that he is not a good-tempered person, this appearance is still rare.

He cautiously said: "The emperor, the emperor is in the rain, do you want slaves and maids to prepare for bathing?"


"Or, change your clothes to avoid catching a cold."


Zhu Feng did not speak.

His heavy breath echoed in the quiet Imperial Study Room.

Obviously it was just breathing, but it was faint, revealing the feeling of a beast roaring low, which made people frightened.

Grandpa Yu bit his scalp, and could only say to himself: "Then, the servant maid will make a cup of hot tea for the emperor to drive away the cold."

After speaking, he held the teacup that was almost broken, walked to the other side, brewed a cup of tea hot, and then returned to Zhu Feng’s hand, not daring to urge, so he held his hands and stood there. To his side.

In the imperial study room, it became quiet.

Zhu Feng's breath was quiet little by little, only the gust of wind and rain outside, but there was no intention to stop at all.

I don't know how long it took, Zhu Feng stretched out his hand and held the teacup.

He didn't drink the tea, but stared at the tea inside gloomily, as if he couldn't wait to see a hole in the teacup. Father Yu was on the side, not knowing what to say, and suddenly, he heard a "clang".

The tea cup, in his hand, cracked!


Father Yu exclaimed in shock, Zhu Feng actually crushed the teacup abruptly!

The hot tea spilled on his hand, a few pieces fell from his fingers, fell to the ground and fell to pieces. Father Yu was so frightened that he hurried forward and held his hand, and he wanted to call for an imperial doctor.

But seeing that Zhu Feng didn't change his face, he only said coldly: "Okay, you go out."


"Get out!"

His voice was low and calm, with a sense of depression, as if a beast was trying hard to control the killing intent in his heart. After experiencing the previous time, Grandpa Yu knew too well that Zhu Feng at this time must never be offended. , I could only let go of his hand, bowed a trembling bow, and walked out.

However, just when he was about to walk to the door, Zhu Feng suddenly stopped him.

"Order to go down, the day after tomorrow, drive back to Beijing!"


Grandpa Yu was surprised again.

Before, everyone was worried about the schedule of returning to Beijing, but Zhu Feng has never missed his words. Everyone thought he would stay in Jinling for a while, but they didn't expect that he would suddenly return to Beijing.

But, so fast—

Grandpa Yu hesitated for a while, but seeing Zhu Feng's face, he didn't dare to ask more. He hurriedly responded and went down to give orders.

Zhu Feng's words immediately caused chaos in the entire Jinling Palace.

The emperor made an order, and naturally no one dared to disobey. Together with the queen in Yonghe Palace, they all started to get busy. Everyone packed their bags and prepared to return to Beijing.

The next day, Ye Wei who heard the news was also taken aback.

He entered the palace, originally intending to find the emperor, but when he heard the news suddenly, he turned around and walked to the cold palace.

He knew that no one was in charge of Lenggong now, and no one would inform them. Now he should quickly tell Ran Xiaoyu and let her prepare, so as not to get busy and suffer on the road.

However, as soon as he walked to the door of the Cold Palace, he was stopped by the guard standing there.

Ye Yu said in confusion, "I went in to see Ran Xiaoyu, and the emperor approved it."

The two guards said blankly: "Master Ye, please forgive me, the emperor has just made an order, Leng Gong, no one is allowed to enter."


Ye Yu frowned: "I can't enter either?"

The guard was still expressionless: "No one is allowed."


Ye Xu hesitated for a moment, feeling a little bit wrong in his heart.

Before Zhu Feng even let himself go in to see Ran Xiaoyu, and even closed one eye to those who brought him in with food and drink. Now he is suddenly forbidden to enter. Could it be that something happened?

He hurriedly turned back and arrived at the Imperial Study Room, only to see the door closed.

Grandpa Yu and the others were standing outside.

Ye Xu hurriedly said, "Where is the emperor?"

Grandpa Yu pointed inside, and the people around didn't even dare to move, nor did the atmosphere dare to take a breath.

Ye Xu couldn't help but lower his voice: "Can't go in?"

"Who dares?"


"All night, there was no sound, and even the empress came over and ignored her."


It seems that something went wrong.

Ye Xu frowned and said, "What happened? Why did the emperor suddenly want to return to Beijing, and then--"

Grandpa Yu took a cautious look inside and made sure that Zhu Feng hadn’t come out before he whispered in his ear: “Today, after going to the Da Ci’en Temple to make sacrifices, the emperor went back to the palace and went out alone. The servants guessed that he I went to Cold Palace."

"Leng Gong?!"

"Yes, but when you come back, that's it."


Ye Xuan's eyes flickered slightly.

Sure enough, it's a noble concubine again?

It seems that only the imperial concubine can make him have such a big reaction, but what happened?

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