Ye Xu couldn't ask for a result, because for a whole day, no matter how busy the eunuchs, the civil and military officials in the palace, including the concubines in the harem were busy, Zhu Feng didn't even show her face.

Until the next morning.

The rain also came the next morning, and the heavy dark clouds could not dissipate, like a rock on people's hearts.

Grandpa Yu and the others stood at the door and looked inside carefully.

Because Zhu Feng has never shown up, and even the door can't be opened, they don't know if he can get out of the imperial study room as scheduled, and really set off for Beijing today as he said.

Everyone stood in the doorway, their expressions looked a little dazed.

Around, lanterns swayed with the wind, and the light swayed.

At this moment, after hearing only a "creak", the door finally opened. All of them suddenly looked up, and saw the room in pitch darkness, and a tall figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

It is Zhu Feng.

He was expressionless, there was no warmth in his deep eyes, and he gave everyone a cold look.

As soon as they saw him, everyone immediately bowed down: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng said lightly: "What are you doing here?"

"The minister, the minister is waiting here for the emperor."

"I'm leaving for Beijing today. What I should do and what I should do."


Grandpa Yu hurriedly waved to everyone, everyone immediately dispersed, and Zhu Feng walked under the eaves, and someone immediately stepped forward with an umbrella.

He said lightly: "Let's go."

Soon, under the rain curtain, rows of figures carrying lanterns quickly shuttled through the imperial city, walked out of various palaces, and gathered at the gate of the palace.

The concubines of the palaces naturally arrived very early.

Everyone has heard that the emperor stayed in the imperial study room all day yesterday and has not shown up. Everyone is worried, and some people look at Concubine Ning with a bit of a good show.

After all, the emperor had stayed at Jianfu Palace before, but now he suddenly stopped going to her, and everyone felt that they could watch a joke again.

Someone deliberately asked her: "Manny Ning, how are you resting these two days?"

In the light of the fire, a faint smile appeared on Feng Qianyan's face, ignoring other people's provocations.

Because she already knew what had happened.

Xu Miaoyin, who stood by, watched the scene completely, and said nothing.

After a while, the emperor arrived.

Everyone knelt down and bowed down. Feng Qianyan was naturally standing in front because she was named Concubine Ning. She looked up cautiously. Although the light was dim, she couldn't hide the red blood in Zhu Feng's eyes and the quenching. The look in Bing's eyes.

There was a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Zhu Feng glanced at everyone.

Naturally, I also saw her.

Then said: "Let's go."

After speaking, he waved his hand and asked everyone to get on the carriage. At this moment, Queen Xu Miaoyin was taken aback and said: "The emperor, there is one missing person."


When she said this, everyone was stunned.

In fact, of course everyone knows that one person is missing.

The imperial concubine is not here.

However, everyone knows, and no one wants to mention it. After all, the emperor hates the noble concubine so much now, and whoever presupposes her to the emperor, isn't it unhappy for himself?

Sure enough, Zhu Feng's footsteps stagnated.

He didn't look back, but he could see from the fire, his temple bulged slightly, as if he was clenching his teeth.

Shen said: "Huh?"

Although the people around showed cautious expressions, the queen behind Xu Miaoyin still said softly: "Noble concubine, I haven't arrived yet."

Everyone is so quiet that they can't even hear their breathing.

However, the eyebrow lawsuit was fierce.

After a long time, Zhu Feng sneered: "Noble concubine? Is such a criminal woman worthy of being my noble concubine?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Miaoyin was taken aback. Even Father Yu and Ye Wei who were serving by his side opened their eyes wide in shock. Xu Miaoyin subconsciously said, "The emperor means--"

Zhu Feng said coldly: "She doesn't deserve the treatment of a noble concubine anymore."

After speaking, he lifted his foot into the carriage.

Xu Miaoyin was startled, and suddenly understood something, and then looked back to the back, and in the long line following the carriage, there were some low-class slaves and maidservants who drove along. Walk behind the carriage.


She hesitated, but Zhu Feng was already on the carriage and the curtain was severely dropped.

And at this moment, Concubine Hui and Concubine Ning looked at each other, Wu Wan's face showed an almost overwhelming expression of joy, and murmured: "This, this is great, that **** finally— It's time for her to suffer."

Gao Yurong on one side was also very happy, but also a little confused: "Why is it so sudden?"

Everyone also has such doubts in their hearts.

After being beaten into the cold palace, the emperor also asked Ye Wei to send things to the cold palace. Actually, this matter could not be kept from others, so everyone understood that although the emperor was angry with the imperial concubine, he still retained a trace of friendship.

But this time...

It was completely unfeeling.

Did something happen yesterday, or the day before yesterday?

Only Feng Qianyan, the Concubine Ning who was standing in the crowd, had a glint in her eyes, and the smile at the corner of her mouth flashed away, so fast that almost no one noticed.

If it weren't for Li's injury and protection of King Wei, he would stand beside him.

He can't see it either.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists hard, but was also silent.

In this kind of weird silent atmosphere, everyone's eyes were joyful or ridiculed, and they got into their carriage one after another with an expression of watching the show.

And Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan, at this time, his brows had become pimple, he walked to the queen's side, and said softly: "Mother, is this true? Father, does he really treat the imperial concubine like this?"

"Don't talk too much."

Xu Miaoyin only confessed: "Take good care of your sister and don't let her have any accidents."

"Erchen knows that he has been looking at his heart peacefully."


On the other side, Concubine Hui was about to get on the carriage, but some "reluctant" kept looking at the back of the team, the low-level court ladies and eunuchs who were soaked in the rain.

Gao Yurong said: "Niang? What's wrong?"

Wu Wan smiled and said, "My palace really wants to go over and take a look to see what that **** looks like now."

Gao Yurong also smiled and said, "My concubine also wants to go and see, but it's so heavy rain, and I'm about to set off soon, so the empress still don't want to go out of business.


"After all, there are still opportunities in the future."

"You are right," Wu Wan laughed: "The days in the future are still long. It is time for this palace to'visit' her."

After speaking, he got into the carriage.

Soon, the imperial driver left the old palace in Jinling and headed north in the patter of rain.

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