Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1414: It seems that she is really determined

As usual, after Princess Xinping had been in her bedroom for half an hour, Nan Yan showed a little tiredness on her face, and Zhu Feng took her away.

After sending away the emperor and princess, Ran Xiaoyu returned to the bedroom.

Seeing Nan Yan sitting on the bedside, he immediately offered a cup of hot tea, and whispered: "The empress has walked so far today, and she hasn't rested yet. She just played with her Royal Highness, and she was troubled again."

"It's okay."

Nan Yan took the teacup and smiled faintly: "Looking at her, I won't be tired anymore."

Ran Xiaoyu smiled and said, "With your Royal Highness here, the empress is like eating an elixir."

"Isn't it."

The two chatted, Nan Yan drank a little tea, Ran Xiaoyu took the teacup and whispered: "But, mother, did the emperor notice something just now?"

Nan Yan's silent eyes flickered slightly.

"You mean—"

"The lady was out of the corner door today."

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "It's not that he noticed, but someone else should have said something in front of him."


"He went to visit the empress empress today. I heard that today, most of the people in the harem came to the empress, and wanted to stop him. When we get together, what else can we say? Naturally, who is not present, who is the topic? ."

"Ning Fei and the others again!"

Ran Xiaoyu showed anger on his face: "They really don't give me any free time."

Nan Yan smiled faintly: "It's okay."

"But the emperor, will he have doubts about where the empress is going?"

"He didn't say anything, he was all right."

"But the mother is not going to—"

"It's okay," Nan Yan said calmly, "Don't worry."

Although she said so, Ran Xiaoyu couldn't calm down at all, and she couldn't understand how Nan Yan could be so confident about this matter.

You must know that even if you are extraordinary at doing that, you can't guarantee that you won't be noticed.

However, the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch, and no matter how hurry as a maid, the imperial concubine is not in a hurry.

Seeing Nan Yan not caring, she couldn't help it.

After making the bed for Nan Yan and serving her to sleep, Ran Xiaoyu also retreated.

However, Nan Yan did not immediately close her eyes. In the dark and spacious palace, she always had a feeling that she was particularly small, especially when she was lying on the bed at night, feeling the dark sky outside like a huge giant. The black hand, to catch himself.

The black hand didn't know if it was the haze in his heart or fate.

I don't know how long it took, she sighed and closed her eyes.

In the middle of the night, pattering sounds came from outside.

Nan Yan slept in a daze, and didn't know what happened. The next morning, a chill came through the brocade, only to realize that it was raining outside.

An autumn rain and a cold.

At this time, the footsteps of winter can already be felt.

After Nan Yan had breakfast, she walked to the corridor and watched a series of crystal raindrops drip from the eaves, washing the bluestone slabs under her feet clean, even though she was wearing thick shoes, she could feel the chill. .

She couldn't help reaching out and receiving a few drops of rain.


Aunt Tongyun behind him immediately rushed up and blamed: "Why are you standing on this vent again? Standing here without talking, but playing in the water?"

Nan Yan laughed blankly: "Who played in the water?"

"Look at your hand, what should you do if you catch a cold?"

While talking, he took out the veil to wipe her hands.

Nan Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

Since the last time there was a dressing change, Aunt Tongyun has been raising her as a three-year-old child, so she can’t take one more step or eat less.

Fortunately, Ran Xiaoyu took out a thick fox fur and put it on Nan Yan, and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will look at my mother."

This is considered a rescue.

Aunt Tongyun muttered, and went down to be busy again.

Nan Yan looked at her back and smiled bitterly: "I am not like a noble concubine now, but like a hard worker in the coat bureau."

"What did the mother say, who would dare to let you do hard work."

"Haha, I'm laughing."

Ran Xiaoyu looked at Nan Yan's calm eyes, and a few tiny raindrops floated on her eyelashes, like condensed teardrops, but added a bit of clarity and indifference.

She asked softly: "Niang Niang, today-are you still going out for a walk?"


Nan Yan turned her head to look at her.

"of course."


"Of course I want to."


Ran Xiaoyu's heartbeat sank slightly.

I thought the weather was bad today, so gloomy; I thought that the emperor asked that sentence yesterday, and I could see that someone was staring at her behind my back; I thought it was so easy to joke and laugh just now, and I don’t want to do it The tension of the matter... all the "original" made her think that Nan Yan would not go today.

Unexpectedly, I still have to go.

It seems that she is really determined.

Thinking of this, Ran Xiaoyu’s eyes had another layer of worry and gloom. Nan Yan was not bad to her. The two of them were already masters and servants who were born to death. Besides, Nan Yan did not treat her as a slave and has been She regards her as a good sister, and two people can talk about everything.

Only this time, Nan Yan told her that he was going to the cabinet storehouse to find something, but he never explained what he was looking for.

Not to mention why I want to go.

This is the reason why Ran Xiaoyu has been worried all these days.

Nan Yan's transformation seemed to have started from the two days of disappearance, and the biggest problem seemed to be the thing she was going to find in the cabinet.

What are you looking for?

As I was thinking, I saw Nan Yan stretched his hand out of the eaves again. This time, the rain was much lighter. Only some fine and dense raindrops fell on her palm, condensing into crystal clear water drops.

South flue: "The rain is getting lighter, let's go."


Ran Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "Yes."

After speaking, he went back and took an umbrella, held it on top of her head, and the two slowly walked out of the bedroom.

Along the way, the light rain hit the oil paper umbrella, as if someone was whispering in his ear, but such a voice did not alleviate the worry in Ran Xiaoyu's heart.

As they stepped closer and closer to the corner gate, her mood became heavier.

At this time, walked to the door.

She glanced back subconsciously.

Because of the rain, the clouds above my head were densely covered. Even though it was already broad daylight at this time, the sky was already very gloomy, and many corners of the wall were not clearly visible.

South flue: "Xiaoyu."


Ran Xiaoyu looked back at her, but saw her smile calmly: "It's okay."


"Let's go."

After finishing speaking, walking forward, Ran Xiaoyu bit her lower lip and hurriedly followed.

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