"Niang, Niang!"

Accompanied by hurried shouts, the little **** and the chess piece hurriedly ran all the way into the Chonghua Palace from the outside. Although the rain had been much smaller, he ran over by stepping on the puddles, and his robe was also disturbed. Mostly wet.

Wu Wan and Gao Yurong originally drank tea together, but when he saw him running in like this, Wu Wan frowned.

"What's the matter, such a ghost screaming."

"Niangniang, it's a noble concubine!"

As soon as he heard "the imperial concubine empress", Wu Wan's eyes suddenly brightened.

Gao Yurong's expression on the other side also shrank slightly, and hurriedly asked, "What happened to the concubine?"

The little chess piece came forward, leaned in front of them, and said in a low voice: "The empress let people stare at the imperial concubine empress. Just now the news came back that the imperial concubine empress was out of the West Point Gate again."


Hearing these words, Wu Wan's face became stiff.

Then he said coldly: "So what?"

This is something that I knew yesterday, but I brought it to her again.

Moreover, Feng Qianyan also grasped this matter, thinking that he had grasped the handle of the imperial concubine and played in front of the emperor and the emperor. As a result, he didn't clarify the truth, and he even made a fuss.

However, Gao Yurong said: "She went out of the West Point Gate, and then?"

The little chess piece hurriedly said: "I heard that the imperial concubine went out of the West Point Gate and didn't stop yet. As a result, she went around in a big circle, as if she came to—"

Having said this, he leaned forward and said four words in a low voice.

Suddenly, both Wu Wan and Gao Yurong's eyes widened.


"How dare the slave and maid deceive the mother? This is what they said back."

"Why did the imperial concubine go to that place?"

When Wu Wan heard this, he couldn't help but frowned, and turned to look at Gao Yurong, as if he hoped she could give himself an answer, but Gao Yurong was also confused.

Why did the imperial concubine go to that place?

There is a place where the memorials reviewed by the emperor and copies of the imperial decree issued are stored. It is also a place where idlers are not allowed to enter, and ordinary people cannot approach it.

The imperial concubine went to that place!

What is she going to do?

Wu Wan was about to get up immediately, and Gao Yurong hurriedly said, "What is the mother going to do?"

Wu Wan said: "This matter will never be approved by the emperor, right?"


Gao Yurong thought for a while, and said, "Of course it won't be, but this kind of thing doesn't have to be a matter of her own."

"what do you mean--"

"Come here," Gao Yurong commanded, and two little palace ladies ran in immediately. Gao Yurong turned around and said: "There was news from Yonghe Palace just now, saying that the empress is getting sicker today. The news went to Jianfu Palace."

The two little palace ladies said immediately: "Yes."

After speaking, he ran out.

Wu Wan immediately understood: "You mean, let Ning Fei go?"

Gao Yurong smiled and said, "Concubine Ning is now when the concubine is not pleasing to her eyes. Even if she has a little handle, she will hold on to it. This time, let her help."

"It makes sense, let's go."


After speaking, the two of them left Chonghua Palace, and someone behind them was holding an umbrella and slowly heading towards Yonghe Palace under the drizzle.

At this time, Xu Miaoyin was sitting leaning on the couch, holding a stove in his hand, accompanied by several concubines.

Debi Xinqing said, "Why did your mother cough harder today?"

As he said, Xu Miaoyin coughed a few more times and smiled bitterly: "The weather has been cold recently, so you have to be careful not to catch the cold."

The concubines around are also expressing concern.

While talking, Concubine Hui and An Bi walked in and saluted the Queen one after another.

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "It's raining, why are you here?"

Wu Wan said: "I heard that the empress is getting sicker again today, so my concubine came here to have a look, and asked someone to prepare ginseng and antler."

With that, the maid behind her held the box and sent it up.

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "If you have such a good thing, just keep it for yourself."

"The phoenix body of the empress is related to the harem, how can the concubine not be worried."

"You have a heart."

Xu Miaoyin waved her hand and asked the maid Chun'er to take the gift box and put it aside.

He pointed his finger at the chair next to him and asked them to sit down.

As soon as she sat down, An 嫔 looked around, looked at the faces of the concubines who came to ask for Ann, and said, "Is the noble concubine and empress still not here today?"


Xu Miaoyin's eyebrows frowned when they heard them mention the imperial concubine again.

These days, it has almost become a routine. As long as the word "concubine empress" is mentioned, it seems to be a trouble.

She said: "The imperial concubine is still ill, and the palace does not want her to come again, in case she catches a cold and becomes seriously ill again."

Wu Wan smiled and said, "That's not true."


"The concubine empress is getting better recently. Didn't Ning Fei still say yesterday that she went to the corner gate."


"Today, I went further. Concubine sees her spirit is getting better and better."

Hearing this, Xu Miaoyin frowned again: "You said she has gone further?"


Wu Wan smiled and said, "We have all gone to the northeast corner."

As soon as her voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and the little **** said to the door: "Manny Ning is here."

When everyone heard it, they raised their heads again, and they saw Ning Fei Feng Qianyan coming in from outside, probably because of a rush. The skirt corners were stained with mud, and some raindrops fell on the shoulders.

She walked to the door, just in time to hear Wu Wan's words, and paused.

Then he walked in again.

"The concubine visits the empress."

As soon as she saw her walk in, Xu Miaoyin was a little sick, but her brain's reaction was not slow. She immediately seemed to understand something and looked at Wu Wan and the others from the corner of her eye.

His eyes flickered slightly.

Then he said to Feng Qianyan: "It's raining, why are you here? What should I do if I slip and fall all the way?"

Feng Qianyan was confused when she heard what Wu Wan and the others said, but when she heard the queen questioning herself, she immediately said: "Oh, I heard that the empress' empress is not well, so I came here to take a look."

"What's so good about this."


Feng Qianyan bowed, and saw Xu Miaoyin pointing his finger at the chair beside him, and walked over to sit down.

As soon as I sat down, I couldn't wait to say: "When my concubine came in just now, I seemed to hear Concubine Hui and An concubine talking about the concubine, did she go outside the corner gate again?"

Suddenly, everyone was quiet.

Everyone is not stupid, they naturally feel that they seem to be coming at the concubine again.

Xu Miaoyin frowned.

However, before she could say anything, Father Yu's voice rang out again--

"The emperor is here."

As soon as I heard that the emperor was coming, everyone's reaction was faster than yesterday, and they all stood up immediately. Xu Miaoyin frowned, but still got up immediately.

I saw that Zhu Feng was still carrying rain and walked in slowly.

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