Xiao Menzi raised his head, but with a hesitant look on his face, he whispered: "Going back to the queen empress-the emperor, the emperor has gone back to the bedroom with the concubine and empress."


Upon hearing this, Feng Qianyan couldn't hold back, and started to whisper in surprise.

Everyone looked at her.

Although everyone felt strange, but she did not have such a big reaction, Xu Miaoyin was still calm. At this moment, she frowned slightly and glanced at Feng Qianyan.

"Fei Ning?"

Feng Qianyan probably felt that his reaction was too great. He hurriedly coughed and concealed the panic and irritability on his face, and said: "Queen Empress, please forgive me, concubine, concubine is out of state."

Xu Miaoyin coughed lightly, then turned to look at the little door and said, "The emperor, did the emperor accompany the concubine back to the palace?"


"Then, the Cabinet Treasury——"

"Over there, Grandpa Zhang and the others continue to guard, as if there is nothing wrong."


At this moment, the expressions on everyone's faces became even more weird.

The imperial concubine clearly rushed into the cabinet's large treasury. For such a big incident, the emperor didn't have the thunder and anger. He didn't even have to deal with it, and accompanied the imperial concubine to the bedroom.

Is there something wrong with this?

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you. They are obviously weird, but they don't know what to say.

After a long while, Hui Concubine Wu Wan chuckled lightly: "The noble concubine... is really infinite grace."


"Broken into the cabinet's large treasury, such a big thing, it was completely fine."


"The rules of the harem—"

Hearing her saying this, Xu Miaoyin's face sank and said coldly: "If the emperor didn't deal with her, naturally she didn't go beyond the rules."


When she said so, the faces of everyone were different.

In fact, from Zhu Feng's expression when he heard Zhang Jian's report, everyone knew that the emperor certainly did not give her such power, but he didn't know why this time, he really didn't deal with her.

In the end what happened?

However, knowing that there was nothing wrong there, Xu Miaoyin was relieved, and said lightly: "Well, my palace is going to rest."

When she said that, everyone also got up.

"I have disturbed the empress for half a day, and it has also troubled the empress."

"The concubine will retire now."

"Hope the empress will live well."

Hearing what they said, Xu Miaoyin waved his hand faintly, and watched everyone exit the Yonghe Palace. However, when Feng Qianyan retreated to the door, Xu Miaoyin still said again: "Ning Fei."

Feng Qianyan stopped immediately.

"What else does the Queen Mother have to order?"

"Neither," Xu Miaoyin said, looking at her tall and erect belly, "It's already this month now, so be careful, don't walk around, go back and take a good rest."


After speaking, Feng Qianyan retired.

Xu Miaoyin sat alone in the faded Yonghe Palace, and sighed for a long while.

Palace maid Chun'er came up immediately: "Queen, mother, are you going to rest?"

Xu Miaoyin thought for a while and said, "Go to the palace and have a look."


"They will not go back to the palace separately, they will definitely go to the bedroom. Go and see if there is nothing wrong. If there is anything, they will immediately report to the palace."


Chun'er got the order and went out immediately.

Sure enough, just as Xu Miaoyin was worried, after the concubines quit Yonghe Palace, they hesitated and did not immediately disperse to their respective palaces.

Especially Hui Fei and Ning Fei, the two looked at each other.

Wu Wan smiled and said, "Sister Ning Fei, where are you going to go?"

Feng Qianyan also said with a faint smile: "How did Concubine Hui plan?"

"My palace? My palace wants to look around the scenery."

"So does the concubine."

"Is it just that?"

"I heard that the imperial concubine's condition has improved quite a bit recently, and my concubine has not gone by these days, please, please go and see today."

"That's fine."

As they said, they walked to the bedroom together.

When the other concubines saw them taking the lead, naturally they all followed, and the crowd waited and left together.


Nan Yan was gently put on the bed.

There was still rain outside on her body, and the heater was burning in the palace, and the combination of cold and heat made her tremble slightly.

Zhu Feng stood by the bed, taking off the wind cloak on his body.

Looking down at her, said: "Is it cold?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, but lowered his head, holding her hands together. Looking at her like this, Zhu Feng reached out and held her hands. Sure enough, the fingers were cold and the palms were not too warm.

He frowned involuntarily.

"How long have you been standing there when I went?"


Nan Yan looked up at him, then lowered his head.

After a while, when Zhu Feng thought she wouldn't be able to answer herself, he whispered: "It seems, it's been a long time."


Zhu Feng couldn't help gritting his teeth.

This is what he usually does when he is angry, but this time, his emotions seem to be more than just anger.

Shen said: "Just thinking about that?"




Under Zhu Feng's gaze, Nan Yan lowered his head and hesitated for a long time before slowly saying, "It's not just thinking about that."


"It's thinking of many things in the past."

Her tone has been indifferent since these days, and at this time, it is still indifferent.

But from that faint tone, I heard a little unnoticeable confusion.

Zhu Feng's heart, somehow, as if a string was plucked.

He thought for a while, and slowly sat down on the bed, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Nan Yan's ears with wet hair behind her ears.

"What else?"


"Tell me about it."


"In addition to burning the memorials in the Cabinet Doku, what else have you done?"


Nan Yan did not answer him, just raised his head and glanced at him.

Although Heyi, Ye Yu, and the queen, Yu Duke will tell him many important things, but no third person can tell about the matter between them. If you don't tell it, it will be completely sealed in memory. .

It belongs only to her, the loneliest memory in the world.

Just now, she only told him that, but for some reason, just listening to a story in the past, Zhu Feng's whole person became a little different.

It is impossible for him to remember completely.

But it seems that some feelings have returned to his memory, or rather, returned to his body.

Seeing Nan Yan only looking at herself without saying a word, Zhu Feng said again: "Huh?"


"What else? Why not say it?"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the gate, and Grandpa Yu, who was guarding the gate, said to the outside: "Ladies, the concubine empress will not be a guest for the time being.

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