At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the gate, and Grandpa Yu, who was guarding the gate, said to the outside: "Ladies, the concubine empress will not be a guest for the time being."

"We're here specially? Don't the noble concubines take the time to meet?"

"This, the empress has already rested."


Hearing these three words, everyone couldn't help but glance at each other.

They just heard Xiaomenzi say that it was the emperor who sent the concubine back to the palace, and now they are resting. Could it be that they——

Just thinking about it, everyone seemed to be stabbed by a needle.

Especially Feng Qianyan, who came with her big belly, originally thought that she could see the imperial concubine fall from power today—even if she did not fall, at least her arrogance would be able to kill her, but unexpectedly, there was no splash, so Zhu Feng would come back with her. In the bedroom, "rested".

How can she not let her be angry.

She smiled in front of her, but her teeth were clenched, making her smile a bit hideous.

"Rested? The concubine rested so early?"


"We heard that Niang Niang has been walking quite far in the palace recently, and she should have improved a lot."


"So, I came here to visit the empress specially."

"Yes," At this time, Concubine Hui and An Bi were also helping each other: "Is the body of the concubine lady better?"

"We also care about the imperial concubine."

"The imperial concubine, don't be in bad health, and keep it from us."


Just as everyone was talking about it, suddenly the door of the bedroom opened.

Everyone was taken aback, and immediately raised their heads.

But when he raised his head, he closed his mouth.

Because the one standing in front of them is not someone else, but Zhu Feng with a gloomy expression.

He held the doors on both sides and stood on the steps with two hands. His tall body was like a big mountain, as if he wanted to protect the entire palace and the people in the palace behind him, giving people a feeling of unshakable.

Everyone couldn't help but froze in place, forgetting to bow and bow.

And he coldly looked at the pile of Yingying Yanyan in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "What are you arguing about?"

"The emperor, the emperor...?"

Everyone was shocked, and then they came back to their senses, and hurriedly bowed down: "My concubine worships the emperor."

Zhu Feng frowned slightly: "Let you retreat first, the concubine has already rested."


"Do you want me to explain in person?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you, they don't know what to say, but they are a little unwilling to retreat like this.

And at this moment, Nan Yan's voice came from the bedroom--

"Since all the sisters are here, why not come in and see."

When they heard this, everyone bowed their heads and couldn't help but stared at each other, revealing an uneasy mood.

Zhu Feng also frowned and glanced back.

In the center of the bedroom, the veil was constantly fluttering by the wind pouring in from the open door, covering the thin and pale figure on the bed, as if the wind and rain would make her break.

However, she had already spoken.

At this time, even the emperor felt a little embarrassed. In the end, he sighed heavily and turned back to his palace.

These concubines also hesitated for a while, although they all yelled to go in to visit the concubine, but now, the concubine let them in, which makes people feel uneasy.

After all, the emperor made it clear just now that he did not want them to enter.

Everyone was in a dilemma, but at this time, they were already struggling, so they could only slowly step into the palace gate.

As soon as he looked up, he saw noble concubine Si Nanyan sitting on the bed.

It can be clearly felt that the wind cloak that she took off just after returning to the bedroom was hung on the hanger. She was still wet from the rain, dripping drop by drop. It was not a short time since she entered the cabinet warehouse. What did he do, why did the emperor not mean to punish her at all?

In everyone's hearts, they all thought.

After a long while, Concubine Hui finally led her head to smile, and stepped forward and said: "I heard that the concubine's body has improved a lot. When I saw it today, she really looked much better."

Nan Yan raised her head and looked at her, with a smile on her mouth: "Thank you Huifei for thinking about it."

After speaking, he looked at the people behind her again.

"Thank you sisters for thinking too."


"Without your concern, how could the illness in this palace heal so quickly?"

She said these words affectionately.

But Wu Wan and Feng Qianyan's ears were full of irony.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, but they couldn't say anything and just laughed.

At this time, Aunt Tongyun walked in with a bowl of **** soup to quench the cold. Seeing so many concubines gathered in the dormitory, she was a little nervous and cautiously handed it to Nan Yan.

She took a sip, it was warm, and it was very comfortable.

However, after all the cold wind that had been blowing for so long just now, and the rain for a while, I couldn't help but sneezed a few times with a blow of cold and heat.

Feng Qianyan immediately said, "I don't know where the empress went? Why did she catch a cold again?"

Nan Yan took the handkerchief offered by Ran Xiaoyu and wiped his nose.

Then he smiled and said, "How come Concubine Ning knowsly ask?"


"Just now, when Father Zhang from the Cabinet Doku went to report, weren't you all in Yonghe Palace?"

Feng Qianyan's expression was a bit awkward.

Nan Yan then smiled and said, "This palace has just been in the cabinet. If you don't believe it, you can ask the emperor."

Everyone immediately took a careful look at Zhu Feng, who was sitting on the chair slowly.

Looking up at the concubines, he reached out and brushed the corner of his clothes, and said faintly: "I said, you can ask me about the concubine."

Hearing what he said, everyone understood.

The imperial concubine indeed broke into the cabinet.

However, the emperor did not do any punishment or punishment at all.

Just forget it.

Just forget it!

This is a bit incredulous. You must know that breaking into the cabinet's treasury is not something the harem can just say without knowing the rules. This is arrogant and disrespectful!

Since the emperor didn't say a word.

Did Sinanyan give him Ecstasy?

Just when Feng Qianyan's teeth were itchy with hatred, and the expressions of Concubine Hui and An Bin were uncontrollable and gloomy, Nan Yan raised his head again, but said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, there's another thing for my concubine, but I really want to invite the emperor."


Zhu Feng also turned to look at her: "What's the matter?"

Nan Yan lowered his head and said softly: "Since I left the cold palace, my concubine has been in the emperor's palace and disturbed the emperor's rest. Today, my concubine asked the emperor for an order, and my concubine wanted to reply--"

When she said this, everyone almost held their breath.

Even Zhu Feng's heart suddenly raised.

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