This night seems to be a long night.

Some are happy and some are sad.

However, Nan Yan didn't have much emotion by accident. I don't know if it was because too much happened today that made her heart very tired. Soon, she fell asleep deeply.

However, the dream is not peaceful either.

She walked into the quiet and repressive cabinet again and again, and as the door slowly opened, a desolate and old smell came on her face.

It makes people feel more in a trance, as if walking in a long river of time.

Everything around it seems to be constantly passing by like flowing water, and Nan Yan step by step, as if stepping on cotton, slowly moving forward.

Following the markings on the wooden shelf, she looked for them one by one.

Soon, in the depths of the library, the wooden frame marked "Guichou Year" was found, and on the second floor of the wooden frame, there were several books covered with thick dust.

That is to record a copy of the imperial edict.

She reached out and picked up one of them directly.

In my heart, I already knew what was written on it, and even kept meditating, don’t open, don’t open, but the hands in the dream couldn’t stop taking down the booklet, and slowly turning to that one page--


Nan Yan opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed.

At this time, the room is already bright.

It was dawn outside, and I could hear the busy voice of the little court lady and the **** in the Yikun Palace.

But she was sweating profusely, and her clothes were wetted with sweat, and she pressed tightly on her body.

"what happened?"

At the astonishing moment when Nan Yan was still drowning in her dream, her heartbeat almost stopped and her breathing was suffocated, but a familiar voice suddenly rang in her ears.

It sounds like a nightmare.

She turned her head abruptly, but saw a tall figure sitting by the bed, at this moment, looking down at her.

There was a little tenderness in his eyes.

"Have a nightmare?"

While talking, he stretched out his hand, gently wiped off the big cold sweat on her face, and gently stroked a strand of sweaty hair behind her ear, saying: "It's okay, you'll be fine when you wake up. "

"...The emperor, the emperor?"

Nan Yan's hoarse voice said slowly: "You--"

Why are you here?

When did Zhu Feng come, and why would he sit by his bed?

He was neatly dressed, not as if he had just gotten up, but as if he was going to work, or that he was about to work.

Zhu Feng looked at her and said, "I have just left the morning court, and come here to see you."


"As a result, I saw that you were still sleeping."


"Why slept so late, was it too tired yesterday?"


Nan Yan looked at him. Only then did he feel a dry throat. He didn't know if it was because he was talking in a dream, or for some reason, his throat was sore.

When she was about to say something, she choked and coughed.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough cough..."

When Zhu Feng saw him, he hurriedly got up to get her a cup of tea.

At this time, Nan Yan didn't care about how amazing the emperor was when he brought tea to his concubine. She just took it and drank it with guts, only to feel that her almost flaming voice felt better.

Zhu Feng said: "What's wrong, is it a nightmare?"


"Seeing how nervous you were just now, and saying those things—"

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan suddenly became nervous again.

She raised her head and looked at Zhu Feng with blinking eyes: "I just talked in sleep?"


"That, that—what did the concubine say?"

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