She raised her head and looked at Zhu Feng with blinking eyes: "I just talked in sleep?"


"That, that—what did the concubine say?"


Zhu Feng looked at her for a while, then suddenly chuckled and said, "What else can I say, just a murmur, I didn't hear it clearly."


Nan Yan only felt that a big rock in his heart was suddenly removed, and his heart contracted suddenly.

She breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhu Feng looked at her again and said softly: "What's the matter? What nightmare did you have?"

I don’t know why, he will be so gentle to himself now. The words that the Cabinet Doku said to him yesterday were premeditated by himself, and he knew how he would treat himself, but when he really faced him like this , Nan Yan's heart, on the contrary, was a bit unpleasant.

Zhu Feng has never been a gentle person.

She also remembered how disappointed and angry he was on the day of her miscarriage, saying those things to herself——

"I shouldn't have you in my heart."

"I don't have you anymore in my heart!"

But now, everything seems to have passed, and the two of them also "released their previous suspicions", Zhu Feng went back to the past, the look of indulging in every possible way to himself.

But her heart is no longer the same.

This feeling made her very contradictory, and also an indescribable pain.

She gritted her teeth so hard that she even felt pain, and then reluctantly raised her head and said calmly: "It's nothing, it's just a normal nightmare."


"When I saw the emperor, my concubine forgot."

Zhu Feng looked at her with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and wiped her forehead, wiped away the fine cold sweat, and said: "Just forget it."


Nan Yan stared at him blankly.

He felt his thick callused hand gently stroked his face. Although he tried his best to restrain his strength, it was not gentle, but the roughness actually made people feel a strange tenderness.

Nan Yan looked at him and stopped talking.

At this time, Ran Xiaoyu's voice came from the door: "The emperor? Empress?"

Nan Yan hurriedly turned his gaze away, and saw that they were already at the gate, probably waiting for him to wake up, so as to help him get up. They had been waiting for a long time.

She spoke immediately, but her voice was strangely hoarse. After coughing twice, she said, "Come in."


Ran Xiaoyu immediately walked in with Nianqiu, holding a hot water towel.

He bowed to them and put down the things in his hands.

Seeing that they had all come in, Zhu Feng stood up, lowered his head and said to Nan Yan: "Well, you are busy with you, I am going back to the imperial study room too, just come over and tell you."


Nan Yan looked up at him.

Zhu Feng smiled slightly: "You forgot what I told you, tomorrow is the winter solstice."


"Let's go out and shop."

Nan Yan was stunned again before remembering.

Zhu Feng told her before that she would take her and Xinping out of the palace on the day of the winter solstice. She used this as an excuse to get the opportunity to walk freely in the palace, but instead took this one. I forgot about it.

Now, when he mentioned this, Nan Yan felt an indescribable sourness in his heart.

She nodded gently: "Concubine knows."


"Get a good rest, don't get tired as soon as you leave the palace tomorrow."


Zhu Feng patted her shoulder gently, then turned and walked out.

When he left, he happened to pass in front of Ran Xiaoyu. At this time, Ran Xiaoyu also looked up at him, but with a contradictory expression. He didn't even dare to look in his eyes and hurriedly lowered his head.

Zhu Feng didn't care about her either, and walked out of Yikun Palace.

When he left, Ran Xiaoyu raised her head cautiously and looked at Nan Yan who was sitting on the bedside. At this moment, she was still a little dazed. She looked pale and her eyes were dizzy. She didn't know what was thinking.

This situation continued into the afternoon.

Aunt Tongyun saw her sitting by the window, looking at the bleak scenery outside in a daze, and urged her to go for a walk and relax, but Ran Xiaoyu knew that she had already been to the cabinet storehouse and got the "truth" Nanyan. Will never go out again.

She just stayed so quiet.

But I don't know how turbulent waves are in her heart under such superficial calm.

In the evening, an unexpected guest arrived.

The little court lady of Yanxi Palace plays the piano.

She is a new face in the palace, and she didn't deal with the queen and noble concubines much, so when she entered Yikun Palace, she was timid, and cautiously bowed to Nanyan: "The slave and the maidservant see the concubine empress."

Nan Yan turned her head and looked at her: "Are you the maid of Yanxi Palace?"


"Serving Qin-Lady Qin?"


"What are you doing here?"

"Our lady heard that the imperial concubine and empress returned to Yikun Palace, and her body was also well, so she specially asked the servant to send a gift for the empress."


Nan Yan frowned slightly.


I just returned to Yikun Palace, and my health is a little better. Is it worthwhile for her to send someone a special gift?

Besides, she and herself are not very good relationships.

However, seeing that Nongqin really came forward, holding a tray in his hand, covered with a layer of cloth, Ran Xiaoyu walked over and took it.

Nanyan Road: "Go back and say, I'm bothered."

"Yes. The slave and maid retire."

After speaking, Nongqin hurriedly backed out.

Ran Xiaoyu was holding the tray, and some monks Zhang Er was confused, and walked to Nan Yan's side: "Manny, what is Qin Ruolan doing?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, and reached out and lifted the cloth on the tray.

But I saw a set of clothes underneath.

"What does it mean?"


Nan Yan still didn't say anything, because she didn't quite understand, Ran Xiaoyu put down the tray, picked up the clothes, and carefully inspected it. There were no dangerous things like needles, just ordinary clothes. That's it.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, then smiled faintly.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Manny, what does Qin Ruolan mean?"

Nan Yan said calmly: "She means that so many people and so many things are busy making clothes for me."

"she was……"

"It seems that she also knows that she was going to change the dressing. We know it, and we used her to use her."

"That's her own business, it has nothing to do with us."


"Now what is she going to do with this dress?"

Nan Yan thought for a while, and said: "She realized that they were'making clothes for the wedding' for me. Now, they really sent a piece of clothes. She meant that she would continue to do so.

Ran Xiaoyu's heart beat: "You mean, she will still—"

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