Ran Xiaoyu's heart beat: "You mean, she will still—"

Nan Yan was silent for a while, and slowly said, "It seems that the previous change of dressing failed because of Concubine Hui's intervention, but she has not given up on Concubine Ning."

Ran Xiaoyu's complexion became more solemn.

She folded her clothes again and put them aside, then walked to Nan Yan's side and said softly, "She, will continue to harm Concubine Ning?"

"I'm afraid it is."


"No one can tell whether Concubine Ning's birth is a male or female. At least, there is a half chance."


"But she doesn't want to bet."

Having said this, Nan Yan couldn't help but smile wryly.

There was a time when I was half and half, and the blessings of both children came to me, but in the end, I still failed to double happiness.

This is probably fate.

Ran Xiaoyu said again: "Then, what does she mean to give you this dress?"

Nan Yan glanced at the folded clothes and slowly said, "She hopes that I will not interfere."


"She must understand that this time the dressing change, and the Fuzi Decoction, I know the internal reason. She is worried that she will have an enemy with me, and I will intervene in this matter and bad her."

Having said this, Nan Yan smiled faintly: "This, she thinks too much."


"I am not interested in them at all."

Ran Xiaoyu glanced at her.


From a long time ago, Nan Yan seldom cares about the people in the harem. It is often others who stir up troubles, so she will fight back, but she will hardly take the initiative to pick things up.

But this time--

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a long time, and said softly: "Manny, do you remember what the servant girl over there said to you?"


Hearing these words, Nan Yan's heart moved slightly.

She turned her head to look at Xiang Ran Xiaoyu, only to see her eyes flickering, looking at herself fixedly.

Of course, I did not forget.

She reminded herself that if Concubine Ning gave birth to a princess, it would be beneficial to herself.

That can prove her innocence.

Nan Yan was silent for a while, before sighing lightly, and said, "I and him are already at this point, so why bother to have this innocence?"


Hearing what she said, Ran Xiaoyu felt like he had been cut in his heart for some reason.

She whispered: "Niang Niang..."

Nan Yan smiled faintly at her: "Okay, let's not talk about it."


"Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the emperor will take me, and Xinping out of the palace for a walk, you also go with me, go down and prepare."


"Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu will stay in the palace and spend a good time."

"The maidservant will tell them."

"Well, you go down."


Ran Xiaoyu nodded. Originally, she was about to leave with the dress, but Nan Yan asked her to put it down again. She wanted to see it again, so she left alone.

When I walked to the door, I turned my head and saw Nan Yan still looking at the clothes in a daze.

Ran Xiaoyu sighed and closed the door.


Early the next morning, Zhu Feng came.

It is rare for him to take a day off for himself. Usually, even during the New Year, he would take an hour or two when everyone was on vacation to go to the Imperial Study Room to review the memorial.

But today, the early dynasty is avoided, and all the ministers have the opportunity to celebrate the festival at home.

Everyone is naturally happy.

Nan Yan was also ready early in the morning, put on thick clothes and a wind cloak, standing under the eaves, watching Zhu Feng strode in.

Because he was going to go out of the palace, he was wearing ordinary clothes, but because he was tall, good in figure, and handsome and heroic, even if an ordinary blue cloth gown was worn on him, he was still The lined up is exceptionally good, even showing a bit of gorgeousness.

He walked in front of Nan Yan, looked at her, and suddenly laughed.

Nan Yan bowed to him and saw him smiling at him, and said in a puzzled way: "What is the emperor laughing at?"

Zhu Feng said: "Your body, and my body, it goes well with me."


Nan Yan was taken aback and looked down at herself, only to realize that she had specially selected an ordinary dress for her to leave the palace today, but it was also a blue dress.

It's really good.

Aunt Tongyun stood aside, her eyes narrowed with a smile, and said, "This is probably because you have a strong heart."

When Zhu Feng heard this, the smile on his face deepened.

He turned his head and gave a few words to Grandpa Yu in a low voice. Grandpa Yu immediately stepped forward and said to Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu: "Today is the festival, the emperor has a reward, and the people from Yikun Palace will receive the reward later ."

Everyone immediately bowed and bowed with joy: "Thank you, the emperor!"

Nan Yan gave him a helpless look.

Zhu Feng said: "Let's go, first go to Chengqian Palace to pick up Xinping."


So, the two went to Chengqian Palace together.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard a burst of cheerful laughter inside.

They immediately walked in, and saw that on the large open space in Chengqian Palace, there were wooden stakes and archery targets, and two wooden frames with various weapons.

This is what Zhu Chengxuan uses to get up early every day to practice martial arts.

Today, the time for practice has passed.

At this moment, Zhu Chengxuan was squatting on the ground, holding a meat ball in his arms, and handing her a special bow, softly saying: "You have to be careful, don't strangle your hands."


Nennen's voice answered.

It turned out that I was teaching my sister to shoot arrows.

Holding a small bow, Xinping picked up the small arrow that Wang Wei had specially cut for her, and aimed it at the target in front of him. Once it was released, the arrow immediately fell under his feet.


Zhu Chengxuan hugged Xinping and said, "I have shot out this time, and I can hit the target next time!"

Hearing him boasting of himself so much, Xin Ping was even more happy to jump in his arms.

The two of them were smiling, and when they looked up inadvertently, seeing the emperor and the imperial concubine standing in front of him, Wang Wei was so scared that he immediately got up and saluted: "Father, the imperial concubine."

"Father! Mother concubine!"

Unlike Wang Wei's being cautious, Xin Ping threw away his small bow when he saw them, and flew directly.

Zhu Feng picked her up.

With a smile, "What is Xinping doing?"

Xinping smiled and hugged his neck with one hand, and pointed at the arrow target in front with the other, and said crisply "Archery!"

"Learn archery from your brother?"

"I want to protect my father and concubine!"

Hearing her say this, the smile in Zhu Feng's eyes deepened.

"My heart is really ambitious!"

"Wow haha……"

Seeing their father and daughter like this, Zhu Chengxuan, who stood by the side, showed a trace of envy, and could only bow his head.

Nan Yan looked at it and smiled forward and said, "Xinping must be annoying you these days."

Zhu Chengxuan waved his hand immediately: "No no, my sister is very good."

"Is it?"

"With her, I feel less tired from studying and martial arts."

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