Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng frowned slightly.

She is now full of scars, and more sensitive than before. Only a little closer to her, she will avoid her gaze and move towards the beginning.

It's like a snail, trying to shrink itself into a fragile shell.

In fact, for him, this kind of fragile protection can be completely crushed by just gently, even with a finger.

But now, looking at her like this, he couldn't help it.

There was a moment of silence, only a light sigh.

Some things will be longer in Japan.

So, this four people sitting in the not so spacious carriage, abruptly divided into two extremes, one side was lively and joyful, and occasionally laughed, while the other two people were silent and silent. Sadly, he didn't say a word.

Although Zhu Chengxuan had been protecting Xinping, his ears were still listening to the movement behind him.

Feeling that the atmosphere has been so dull and not so good, he turned his head carefully and asked softly: "Father, where are we going?"

When he asked, Nan Yan and Xin Ping both looked back at Xiang Zhu Feng.

Naturally, he is in charge of this journey.

Zhu Feng said: "We got off the car right in front. Today is the winter solstice. The road is very lively. Let's stroll around. Then, go to the restaurant in the city to eat something."

As soon as he heard about eating, Xinping clapped his hands with joy.

"To eat!"

Everyone laughed.

As a result, the carriage drove to a small street in front, and finally stopped. Xiao Shunzi and Ran Xiaoyu hurried forward and helped them out of the carriage.

Zhu Chengxuan still held his heart in his arms.

Zhu Feng exhorted: "Look at my sister well."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "Erchen——" Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhu Feng frowned and immediately changed his words: "My son knows."

Nan Yan also told Xinping not to call her "Father Emperor" or "Mother Concubine". Although she still didn't understand, she nodded obediently.

The group followed Zhu Feng and walked forward.

Going one block ahead, I walked to the center of Beiping City.

The busiest and busiest market.

Because it is the winter solstice, there are a lot of people on the street, and some people have already prepared in advance to do the New Year's goods. The street stalls are full, all the shops are open, all the vendors have opened their voices and shouted loudly to attract customers. .

The restaurants and restaurants on the street are also in full swing.

Xiaoer from the shop greeted the passing pedestrians, and after a while, a drawer of buns came out of the cage, and the white steam rose up, covering most of the street.

These scenes are not in the palace.

Xin Ping saw his eyes straight.

As for Nan Yan, although she has lived a civilian life since she was a child, she has rarely had the opportunity to wander around like this after having been in the palace for so many years.

Zhu Feng didn't urge him, just wandering around with them all the way, looking at the fresh and fun gadgets, he himself found it very interesting.

I went to a small stall selling silk flowers.

Although the folk silk flowers are not as exquisite and elegant as those in the palace, the silk flowers here are brightly colored and come in different styles. Xinping looked at it with enthusiasm, reaching out and shaking Zhu Chengxuan's sleeves.


"what happened?"


As he spoke, he pointed to the colorful silk flowers.

Zhu Chengxuan couldn't help laughing: "You are so young, so you love beauty? Okay, brother will buy it for you."

After speaking, he paid out of his own pocket and bought several for her.

Nan Yan walked over to see this situation and frowned, "How can I let my brother buy things?"

Zhu Feng stood aside, smiling, and said, "It's okay."


"Being an elder brother, I should love my sister more."

When he said this, Xin Ping seemed to be encouraged. He wanted everything he saw along the way. When Zhu Chengxuan faced such a cute and close sister, he would basically say no to what he meant to buy.

Zhu Feng was still applauding.

After a while, Xinping couldn't hold the things in his hand, so Xiao Shunzi came up to help them.

Nan Yan reluctantly said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor-this can't work, everything is left to her, she will turn the sky in the future."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "It's okay."

Zhu Chengxuan also said: "My sister is so good, she won't."


Facing the father and son, Nan Yan had nothing to say.

After a while, they went to another small jewellery stall. The stall owner was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was pushing a small cart with a piece of black satin covered with all kinds of satin. Kind of jewelry.

There are earrings, hairpins, bracelets, and bracelets.

The array is dazzling and dizzying.

Nan Yan was just passing by, but suddenly his eyes swept over something red and bright, and he couldn't help but lag.


And when she stopped, Xin Ping also saw the above things. Seeing Lie Xinxi, she immediately pointed to one of them and said, "I want it!"

Zhu Chengxuan said: "What do you want?"

"That one!"

Her fleshy little fingers were not pointing at anything else, it was the red coral bead bracelet that Nan Yan had just seen.

Of course there will be no such things in the palace, and it is not the same as in the palace, the coral beads in the palace are much more delicate, and the color of this string of coral beads is not very good, dull and not so perfect. .

But it is also a rare good thing.

Nan Yan frowned as soon as he saw it.

When Zhu Feng saw this string of bracelets, for some reason, he seemed to have a chuckle in his heart, but Zhu Chengxuan immediately asked the boss: "How much is this?"

The boss was so happy that he was about to answer, Nan Yan suddenly said: "This is not allowed to buy!"


Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked back at her.

Xinping immediately narrowed his mouth: "I want it."

Zhu Chengxuan also cautiously said: "Mother-mother, I will buy this bunch, my sister likes it."

South flue: "No."

She was so serious that it made Zhu Chengxuan uncomfortable to speak again. Both children looked at Zhu Feng. Zhu Feng hesitated for a while and said, "It's just a bunch of bracelets. Just buy it for the child. "

"Say no, just no!"

This time, Nan Yan was rare and severe and refused to discuss it at all.

The two children looked at Zhu Feng blankly.

Zhu Feng said: "What are you doing so seriously? It's a big holiday."

"No way."


On weekdays, others are afraid of Zhu Feng. He said that no one would dare to say 2. This is the first time someone has rejected him so firmly. Nanyan.

Zhu Feng hesitated for a long time.

In the end, the emperor was defeated by the imperial concubine's harsh attitude.

"Well, don't buy it if you don't buy it."

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