This was the first time I went out today. Xinping didn't get what she wanted. She was aggrieved, and blinked and lay down on her elder brother sobbing.

Nan Yan scowled: "Don't cry!"


Xinping simply hugged Zhu Chengxuan's neck, turned his head, and ignored her.

This time, it was Zhu Feng who came to the game again and said, "Well, I haven't bought anything, so don't scold her anymore."


"Today is a holiday."

The emperor who used to be grumpy and feared by everyone is now a lubricant.

Such a situation would be unbelievable before anyone in the palace.

Even Zhu Chengxuan was also a little startled.

How could his own fierce father like a **** of war become like this.

Of course, at this time, he knew that he couldn't talk too much, he only calmed down with his grievances, patted her back and gently comforted her, and the group left the small stall.

Going further along this road, Xin Ping stopped talking, and the atmosphere became a little dull.

Everyone is cautious.

But Nan Yan's body hadn't fully recovered. After walking for so long, plus just losing his temper, he felt a little tired at this time.

Zhu Feng looked at her face and immediately said, "Tired?"

Nan Yan nodded slightly.


He raised his head and was about to look at the direction. Xiao Shunzi behind him immediately stepped forward, pointed to a small building in front of him and said, "Master, there is Tianxiang Tower in front."

It is where they are going to rest and eat.

So Zhu Feng said immediately: "Then don't go shopping, hurry up to the Tianxiangju in front to rest, and eat more."

So everyone immediately arrived at the door of Tianxiangju.

This restaurant is the largest restaurant in the city of Beiping, and business is usually very good, but today it is even more lively, with an endless stream of customers.

The shop Xiaoer stood at the door, and when he saw a group of them approaching, he immediately came to say hello diligently.

"How many distinguished guests, what would you like to eat?"

Zhu Feng did not answer him, but looked back at Xiao Shunzi.

When Xiao Shunzi went out of the palace, she put on ordinary clothes. She looked like a shrewd and capable young man. He stepped forward and said, "My master and madam are a bit hungry. I want to find a quieter place to rest. , Have something to eat, here you are—"

Seeing the popularity of this group, the second person in the shop immediately laughed and said, “There is a private room on the second floor of the shop. Please come upstairs for a few guests.”

Zhu Feng nodded and took them with him, ready to walk in.

However, just as they were about to step into the threshold, Xinping, who was lying on Zhu Chengxuan's shoulders, suddenly said in a Nuonuo voice: "Brother!"


Zhu Chengxuan turned to look at her, only to see her eyes wide open, looking across the long street outside the door.

Following her gaze, she saw a large bunch of red and bright things dangling over the crowd on the other side of the street. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was a hawker selling candied haws, shouting and walking towards the end of the street.

Little children, almost no one dislikes candied haws.

Zhu Chengxuan said, "Does Xinping like that?"


She nodded vigorously, but at the same time, she gave Nan Yan a careful look.

She was frightened just now.

Sure enough, Nan Yan frowned and said, "No, I'm going to eat soon. You are not allowed to eat that."

At this moment, Xin Ping was even more aggrieved, and his little mouth was pouted. How could Zhu Chengxuan see his sister being so wronged.

Hurriedly said: "It's just candied haws, I will not buy a bunch for her."


Nan Yan was so angry that he couldn't speak for the first time. However, Zhu Feng, who is usually the most uncomfortable with Zhu Chengxuan and Renrou's personality, was still helping.

"It's okay, just a bunch of candied haws."


"It doesn't matter if you didn't buy that thing just now, this candied haws, children like it, let her eat it."

After speaking, he directly told Wang Wei: "Xuan'er, take my sister to buy it, and I will come back immediately."


Hearing his permission, Xinping immediately smiled with joy, and Zhu Chengxuan hurriedly hugged her, turned and ran out.

Nan Yan sighed helplessly.

Zhu Feng thought for a while, then gave Xiao Shunzi a wink, and Xiao Shunzi immediately greeted and followed, and several guards in civilian clothes let them follow.

Although today is a microservice patrol, there are a lot of guards around them.

At this time, the hawker selling candied haws was far away.

In addition to the large number of people around, many vendors were yelling loudly. Zhu Chengxuan and their screams were all obscured by the loud voices, and they could only push away the crowd and follow.

Nan Yan looked worriedly.

Zhu Feng said: "Don't worry, someone will accompany them, let's go upstairs and wait."


Although he was still worried, he had already said so, and Nan Yan couldn't help it.

Only with him, followed the shop's second child to the second floor.

As the second floor of the shop said, the second floor is much quieter than the first floor. The spacious floor is divided into a dozen private rooms with the doors closed. Only a few large tables are placed in the center of the hall, and there are screens in the middle. Open, so it's not as noisy as downstairs.

The shopkeeper led them to the door of a private room named "Dongxue".

"A few, please."

As soon as the door opened, a few of them walked in.

This is a very spacious private room with a large round table, a few comfortable chairs, and two hanging curtains at the back to separate the main hall from the balcony. There are four large windows on the balcony. At this time Being concealed, you can hear the lively sounds outside and see the people coming and going downstairs.

It's a very comfortable private room.

Zhu Feng waved his hands to Xiao Shunzi and the others again, so they all withdrew from this private room, leaving only two of them inside.

Nan Yan hadn't noticed it yet, so she walked to the window and looked down while holding the window frame.

With peace of mind, Wang Wei had already chased the hawker selling candied haws away, and he couldn't even see the figure.

The wind outside, with a chill, kept blowing, blowing both her hands cold. At this moment, a cup of steaming tea was delivered to her eyes.

Nan Yan was taken aback, and when he turned around, he saw Zhu Feng holding a teacup in his hand, smiling at himself.

She was a little startled for a while.

"Xie Emperor."

"Huh? Didn't I say that after coming out, don't use the palace name anymore."


This is of course.

Since it is a micro-service outing, it should be the case. However, Zhu Feng didn't tell her what she should call her. Xiao Shunzi called them "Mrs. Master". Should I call him-"Husband"?

Nan Yan hesitated.

Reaching out to take the tea cup, he whispered softly, "Thank you, sir."


Zhu Feng looked at her and asked: "Just now, why didn't you let Xinping buy that bracelet?"

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