Nan Yan hurried down the second floor and ran directly towards the door of the restaurant. As soon as he reached the door, he saw several familiar figures walking out of the bustling crowd on the street.

It was Zhu Feng, who held Xinping in his arms, followed by Zhu Chengxuan.

Xinping still didn't know what was going on. Holding a bunch of red candied fruit that had been eaten several times, her little face was also red, and she happily sent the candied fruit to Zhu. Feng's mouth: "Father, eat!"

Fortunately, there were no other passers-by around, and no one heard.

But Zhu Chengxuan was different. He was already sensible. Knowing that they had been delayed for a long time, Zhu Feng came to find them in person, worried that he would be scolded, lowered his head and didn't even dare to raise his eyes.

Nan Yan walked over eagerly.

"Heart Ping!"


At this time, the heart was calm and blessed, and she screamed her mother, instead of calling her "mother concubine".

Nan Yan hurriedly stretched out his hands, and Zhu Fengduo was kind enough to pass the child to her.

Huhu, the heavy little body was delivered to her hands, so that she could hardly lift her arms. Zhu Feng hurriedly stretched out his hands to protect him, but he didn’t know at all, and he happily said to her: " Look, candied haws!"


"You eat it."

Seeing her so innocent and carefree, Nan Yan didn't know if she was angry or funny, so she shook her head: "Mother don't eat."

As he said, he looked at Zhu Chengxuan again: "Where did you go? Why did you come back after so long?"

Zhu Chengxuan lowered his head and said carefully: "My sister wants to buy candied haws, but the one who sells candied haws went too fast. We chased after two streets before we caught up. After we bought it, we ran into a few other performers, and my sister wanted to see. Just—just walked away."

Zhu Feng said with a solemn face: "Go up first and then speak."


Zhu Chengxuan was afraid that he would be scolded today, and buried his head even lower.

Xiao Shunzi and the others hurriedly greeted him, protecting a large group of them on the second floor.

Just walking up the second floor, Nan Yan's heart suddenly beat.

That person just now--

Her footsteps stagnated, and the others had nothing to do. Xinping felt it right away. It was probably because of the mother and daughter's connection. She opened her eyes and looked at Nan Yan and whispered, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Zhu Feng, when they heard Xinping's question, looked back.


At this moment, Nan Yan's cold sweat broke out.

She stammered: "No, it's okay."


Xinping was even more puzzled, tilting his head and looking at her.

Zhu Feng also looked at her, then glanced at the elegant room not far away, the door was hidden, and said softly: "Is it uncomfortable? Go back first and sit down and rest."


"The child has returned, so it's fine."

"Uh, uh."

Nan Yan responded with this sound, and her voice was a little soft. Her two legs were like stepping on cotton. Every step was very difficult. Following Zhu Feng, she slowly walked to the door of Yajian.

Xiao Shunzi immediately stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Inside, there was no one.

Only the window that had been hidden before was opened, and the cold wind blew in from the outside, causing the curtain in the middle to float slightly.


At this moment, Nan Yan's breathing was choked.

And Xiao Shunzi immediately stepped forward and said, "Why did this thing fall?"

He took the people and hung the curtain.

The group of people walked in slowly, and Nan Yan subconsciously glanced at the balcony. After the curtains were hung, any corner of the whole private room was clearly visible, with no one at all.

The big rock in her heart finally came down.

Zhu Feng looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Nan Yan looked up at him in a panic, then shook his head: "It's okay."


Zhu Feng glanced at her again, did not ask anything, but turned his head and said: "Xiao Shunzi, how could this thing fall?"

Xiao Shunzi tied the rope of the curtain and looked at the open window on the balcony again, and said, "Maybe the window was opened and the wind came in, blowing it down."

"Why did the window open?"


Xiao Shunzi hesitated and looked at Nan Yan.

Nan Yan immediately said: "It was the concubine who opened it. Just now, the concubine has been standing on the balcony, opening the window to see if you are back."

"Is it?"

Zhu Feng listened, nodded, and then said softly: "Don't worry, aren't they all back?"


When he said this, he sank again and looked back at Zhu Chengxuan, who was standing behind him with his hands hanging on both sides. He didn't even dare to take a breath, and said coldly: "Let you take your sister, you are like this. Brought it?"

Zhu Chengxuan almost knelt in fright.

"Son, my son is wrong."


Zhu Feng was still reprimanding him. Nan Yan would always persuade him if it was normal, but at this time, her mind was still noisy, thinking about what had just happened.

That mysterious man, he just appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air!

Just now, she didn't even see anyone coming down from the second floor.

However, since he has eyeliners in the palace, he can clearly know many things that happened in the court and the harem, I am afraid that his influence has been very terrible, and he can enter this restaurant without a sound, and then leave without a sound. Not surprisingly.


I had just agreed with him that I would act when Concubine Ning's child was born.

However, she still didn't know what she should do.

Even, I haven't figured out whether or not to do it.

The ambivalence made her feel a little flustered. After a while, the voices of the people around her gradually rang out in her ears, but the gentle and tender voice in her arms, she said to Zhu Feng: "Father , Good brother!"

Nan Yan looked up.

It was Zhu Feng who had been accusing Zhu Chengxuan, and Xinping couldn't stand it, so he went to "help".

As soon as the daughter spoke, he couldn't speak his reprimands.

Even the stern expression showed signs of easing, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "Heart is flat..."

The heart was flat: "Don't scold my brother."

Looking at her, Zhu Feng really couldn't get angry, so he glared at Zhu Chengxuan: "Sister is so close to you, but you don't even have the ability to protect her!"

Zhu Chengxuan buried his head lower: "My son knows he was wrong."

At this time, Nan Yan came back to his senses, and said softly: "The emperor, today this matter is not right. She wants it and that. It is not easy for Xuan'er to take care of her, so don't blame it anymore. Him."


After hearing her say this, Zhu Feng's expression eased a little.

To Zhu Chengxuan said: "In the future, this will not be allowed again!"


Zhu Chengxuan breathed a long sigh of relief as if he was amnesty, and smiled gratefully at Nan Yan.

Nan Yan also smiled faintly.

At this moment, Xinping in her arms suddenly discovered something: "Huh?"

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