At this moment, Xinping in her arms suddenly discovered something: "Huh?"

Everyone was stunned by her scream, Nan Yan lowered his head and looked at the daughter in her arms: "Xin Ping, what's the matter?"

Xinping opened his eyes and looked around, as if traveling around.

Suddenly said: "Where is Feifei?"


Nan Yan also froze for a moment, and immediately looked up and looked around.

Ran Xiaoyu has not returned yet.

Although Xin Ping is now able to speak and can accurately call out other people's names, she is not called Ran Xiaoyu's name, but always calls her "Fei Fei".

This is probably a sequelae of the previous Changqing City Rebellion.

She is closer to Ran Xiaoyu than others, and when she sees her, she will be very happy. She stretches out her hands to "fly", but in the palace, Ran Xiaoyu cannot be as free as outside the palace. , Took her across the wall, but as long as she held her and held her higher, she was also very happy.

Now, as soon as she saw Ran Xiaoyu's absence, she immediately spoke.

Zhu Feng also frowned, "Where is Ran Xiaoyu?"

Nan Yan just remembered: "Just now, my concubine asked her to go out to look for it. She was afraid that she had gone on another road and had not found it yet."

Having said that, I was a little worried.

At this time, a big hand was placed on the back of her hand, Nan Yan looked up, but Zhu Feng looked at herself.

He said: "She is so old, is she still lost?"


"You are too anxious."

With that, she pressed the back of her hand lightly.

His voice is deep and full of magnetism, giving people a strong sense of oppression when speaking loudly, but when he lowers his voice and speaks softly, it gives people a very solid feeling, as if he can completely rely on it.

Coupled with his palm and the warm temperature, it gives people a sense of relief.

Nan Yan nodded as well.

Indeed, it's nothing more than others, who is Ran Xiaoyu, and why would he worry about her being lost?

Since she asked her to look for it, she naturally wanted to look for it with all her heart, and she has a strong temper, and she must have gone a little bit if she can't find it. However, with her skill, there is definitely no danger. When I can't find it, I will come back naturally.

So, he nodded gently.

However, she was still a little uneasy in her heart, probably because she had just seen the sequelae caused by the mysterious person, she said softly: "The emperor should let someone go and find it, lest she stay outside. It's so cold outside."

"Of course."

With that, Zhu Feng turned his head and told Xiao Shunzi to let someone go out to find Ran Xiaoyu.

After a while, Xiao Er from that shop brought hot dishes upstairs again.

They went in and out these few times, and the store also saw that these people are either rich or expensive, so they were very careful. The dishes they sent were also more dedicated than usual, and there was a big pot of steaming lamb soup. .

As soon as the lid was lifted, a refreshing fragrance filled the room.

Xinping smelled it, and his eyes lit up: "Wow."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Why are you greedy? Didn't you even eat candied haws just now?"

Zhu Chengxuan whispered from the side: "My sister just took it around to play and didn't eat much, and she was a little hungry when she ran a lot of places."

Zhu Feng smiled and hugged her to sit on her lap, and said, "Well, let me feed you first."

After finishing talking, people filled a bowl of hot soup, took a small spoon, scooped it up, blew it, and then fed it to Xinping's mouth.

Xinping took a sip, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

"good to eat!"

"Is it delicious? Then eat more."

The people who were serving around were afraid to take a mouthful. You know, it was the first time that they saw the emperor show such a gentle expression, and they even fed the princess by himself, which was beyond dreams.

Zhu Chengxuan watched from the side, and there was an expression of envy in his eyes.

He has never been like this since he was a child.

After a while, he lowered his head and ate with his bowl.

Because it’s outside, there’s no need to say anything about eating. Everyone talks and laughs. In addition, this little cat sighs every time it takes a bite. It seems that there is something to eat, and the world is clear. This way As a result, the atmosphere became warmer.

Only Nanyan.

Holding the steaming soup in the bowl, facing the delicious dishes on the table, she has no appetite at all.

Zhu Feng fed Xinping a half bowl, turned to look at her, and said, "What's the matter? It's not delicious?"

"No, no."

"Eat more, it's hot outside, drink some hot soup to warm it up."


"Just now the store said, what else?"

Xiao Shunzi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "There are dumplings."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "This is good, it's time to eat some dumplings in the winter solstice."

Sure enough, in a short while, Xiao Er from the shop brought a big pot of steaming dumplings. The dumplings were floating in the soup. One by one, the dumplings were plump and round. One bite open, oily and fleshy, with a mouthful of meaty aroma.

Cao Ping ate four or five in a row, even more.

Only Nanyan can taste like chewing wax.

For one thing, there seemed to be an inexplicable and depressing breath left by the mysterious person in this room; secondly, she couldn't rest assured that Ran Xiaoyu hadn't returned yet.

Seeing Xinping still clamoring to eat, she stopped her aloud, "Stop eating. You have eaten so much. If you continue to eat, your stomach hurts at night."

Zhu Feng also said: "Yes, listen to your mother."

Xinping also knows that acting like a baby doesn't work in the face of her own mother. She can only pouting and crawling into Zhu Chengxuan's arms. Her brother bit a dumpling. She hurriedly leaned in to take a bite of the broth and filled her mouth with oil. .

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Nan Yan also smiled and shook his head.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, Xiao Shunzi went out to take a look, and immediately said, "Girl Xiaoyu is back."


When Nan Yan heard it, he relaxed, and she saw Ran Xiaoyu walking back from outside.

She asked: "Why are you coming back now?"

Ran Xiaoyu didn't know if he ran a long distance. At this time, he was panting, and his face was a little pale. He glanced at Nan Yan, lowered his head, and said softly, "The slave and maid walked a few streets and no one was found. I was worried about the road, so I made a round and came back."

"That's good, just in time to have something to eat."


Although on weekdays, slaves are not qualified to sit and eat with the emperor and concubines, today because they are traveling in micro-services, there are not so many rules; Zhu Feng also knows that Nanyan has always treated her kindly, so he did not stop her.

Ran Xiaoyu took a bowl and went to the corner to eat.

Zhu Feng turned his head to Nan Yan and said, "Okay, she's back, shouldn't you also have something to eat?"


Nan Yan was taken aback.

Just now, although she didn't have an appetite, she also ate some with the dishes and chopsticks like everyone else, but it tasted like chewing wax.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Feng has been paying attention to her.

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