Just now, although she didn't have an appetite, she also ate some with the dishes and chopsticks like everyone else, but it tasted like chewing wax.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Feng has been paying attention to her.

Moreover, he didn't forcefully ask to eat by himself, but waited until Ran Xiaoyu came back and saw that he was relieved before letting himself eat more.

Somehow, one of the stones in Mingming's heart was gone. At this time, she felt that her chest sank again.

Muttered: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng said: "You have lost a lot of weight lately, and finally came out today to relax. You should be more happy. Why are you in a bad mood?"

"No, no."

"If you don't have it, eat more, go out later, it will be cold."


"Furthermore," Zhu Feng said, then glanced at Xinping, who was next to Zhu Chengxuan's arms, and smiled: "Look at this girl, if you want to eat it, you can't eat it. You should also cherish good luck."


Nan Yan's heart became more depressed.

Nothing else, just because of his intentional and unintentional "cherishing good luck".

But Zhu Feng also took Xinping into his arms and pointed to the south flue: "Look, isn't your mother bad?"

Xinping immediately said: "Not good!"

The people around couldn't help but laugh, and they didn't dare to laugh, they turned their faces to one side.

It's rare that the atmosphere is so good, and the emperor who always sullen his face on weekdays, making people afraid to take a breath, also joked. Nan Yan naturally couldn't dismiss it.

Can only respond softly: "Yes."

So, someone brought her half a bowl.

Nan Yan took the bowl, and in full view, he could only eat bite by bite with a bitter smile, but this time, the taste seemed better than before.

Especially when looking at Xinping, her eyes couldn't wait to fall into the bowl, take a bite by herself, and blink her eyes.

Can't help but want to laugh.

At this time, there was a gust of wind outside, causing the windows to shake.

Nan Yan turned his head and took a look. The sky outside became darker, and then said, "The emperor, is it time to go back?"

Zhu Feng said: "It's almost there."

"Then, let them hurry down and prepare the car."


As Zhu Feng said, he asked Xiao Shunzi to take a few people down to prepare the car, and only Ran Xiaoyu was left to serve.

After taking two more bites, Nan Yan put down the bowl.

"Let's go."

Ke Xinping immediately pointed to her bowl: "More!"

She couldn't eat so much. There were two dumplings left at the bottom of the bowl. If it was on weekdays, it would be fine. Today, this girl has sharp eyes and saw it all at once, and said, "My mother is not good, long pockmark."

This was originally Aunt Tongyun and the others talking about teasing her. If the meal is left, the rice at the bottom of the bowl will turn into pockmarks on her face. Who knows, she actually used Nan Yan's body.

Nan Yan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhu Feng couldn't help but smile.

As soon as he stretched out his hand and picked up the bowl, Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment: "Hey?"

Before I finished speaking, I saw Zhu Feng taking the spoon, and the couple ate the rest, and then said to Xinping: "Okay, now there is no need to grow pockmarks."

Nodding contentedly.

Nan Yan frowned: "The emperor--"

No matter what, the emperor shouldn't eat what he has left.

But Zhu Feng didn't care at all, as if it were a very common thing, he held his heart flat in his arms, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's time to go back. If it's a little later, it will be dark."


Nan Yan couldn't, and could only follow.

When he reached the door, Xiao Shunzi had already settled the account with the store, and the carriage was waiting at the door. Zhu Feng held Xinping and walked forward with Nan Yan and Zhu Chengxuan. Xiao Shunzi and Ran Xiaoyu followed behind. .

As soon as he walked out of the gate, Zhu Chengxuan turned his head inadvertently, saw a person curled up under the steps, and stopped for a while.


It was a beggar, rags, shivering in the corner.

He stopped there and looked at the man. At this moment, Ran Xiaoyu behind him lowered his head and walked forward, seeming to be distracted, and didn't notice that he was standing in front, and suddenly hit his back.


Zhu Chengxuan was almost knocked down the steps.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly stopped, and said softly: "Dian-Gong, Gong Zi, forgive me."

Nan Yan turned around hurriedly: "What's the matter?"

Zhu Chengxuan said immediately: "It's okay, it's because I'm not good. I just stood here and didn't go, so I blocked the way of sister Xiaoyu."

Ran Xiaoyu lowered his head and said nothing.

Zhu Feng had already stepped down the steps with his heart calm and walked to the side of the carriage. At this time, he looked back at him: "What are you looking at?"

"Back to father, it's that."

Pointing at the beggar on the street.

Zhu Feng glanced at it, but frowned slightly.

Zhu Chengxuan said, "Father, father, can the son give him some money?"

Zhu Feng said: "If you want to, just give it to him."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay much. First, he got into the car with Xinping. Nan Yan also walked over to get in the car. Looking back, he saw Zhu Chengxuan walking in front of the beggar and giving him a piece of silver. The beggar kowtow with gratitude. Calling "Benefactor", Zhu Chengxuan didn't say much, and asked him to be more careful, so he got into the car.

Soon, the carriage drove forward and went to the palace.

On the way, everyone was quiet. Zhu Chengxuan lay by the window, watching the scenery passing by outside, but he was not as excited as when he first came out.

Indeed, in addition to those prosperous sceneries, there are some that are not easy for them to see.

It is also possible that some officials do not want them to see.

Nan Yan knew that he must be thinking a lot of things in his heart, and just wanted to persuade him, Zhu Feng on the side spoke first.

"What are you thinking?"

Upon hearing his voice, Zhu Chengxuan hurriedly turned his head: "Father--"

"Still thinking about that beggar?"

"Yes, my son is thinking, he is really poor, he is still wandering at such an age."


"In fact, on the road just now, the children also saw some such poor people. Although they are celebrating today, they can't even eat a full meal.


Seeing Zhu Feng being so cold, Zhu Chengxuan suddenly became cautious, and said cautiously: "Father, son, son just think they are too pitiful and want to do something for them, so he gave the beggar. A little money."

Zhu Feng said coldly: "Do you think I don't want you to give him money?"


"You can give him money, but even if you give money to a beggar every step of the way, the world's poor will not be reduced by 10%."


"It's not this beggar that you should consider."


"The things in the world are endless. Don't care about the gains and losses of one city and one pool, and don't worry about personal gains and losses."


"What the people of the world need is not a good person."


"So, you have to watch more, learn more, ask more, what you have to do is to let everyone in the world get what they want."


"That's how it is called, all the poor people in the world are happy."

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