She hurriedly said: "Manny, what's wrong?"

Feng Qianyan didn't pay attention to her immediately. Instead, he waited for Qin'er and said angrily: "What did you just say? You say it again!"

Qin'er was also terrified by her.

Tremblingly said: "Slaves, slaves have only heard of it."

"Say it!"

"Yes," Qin'er lowered her head and said softly, "It's spreading from inside and outside the palace. Yesterday the emperor took the imperial concubine, and His Royal Highness Wei, and Princess Xinping, went out for a holiday together."

After saying this, Feng Qianyan couldn't help but want to throw something to vent his anger, but there was really nothing left in his hand, so he clenched his fist and slammed his fist on the bed.

The whole bed was shaken.

Hanxiang was so frightened that he hurried forward, supporting Feng Qianyan's body with one hand, and wiping her with the other hand on her chest, and whispered: "The mother calms her anger, the mother calms her anger, this, this is nothing but A little thing."

"This is still a small matter?!"

The corners of Feng Qianyan's eyes were red.

She gritted her teeth and said viciously: "The emperor actually took her out of the palace for the festival, and her daughter...what is this?"


"Are they a family?!"

Hanxiang and Qin'er looked at each other, but they were speechless.

Seeing them so silent, Feng Qianyan became more and more angry, the blue veins on her neck burst out, and her teeth creaked, and said angrily: "I, I--"

Just when she couldn't vent her anger, suddenly, there was a throbbing pain in her stomach.


She hurriedly reached out to protect her belly.

Hanxiang and Qin'er turned pale when they saw this scene, and hurriedly stepped forward to protect her and said, "Niang, what's wrong with you?"


Feng Qianyan frowned, sweat dripped from his forehead one by one, and said: "It hurts me!"

"How could this be?"


Feng Qianyan said, grasping Hanxiang's hand tightly, and her whole body was shaking.

Hanxiang was terrified, and hurriedly helped her to sit back on the bed, and constantly wiped off her sweat with a handkerchief, and then ordered Qin'er: "Hurry up and get the medicine for the empress!"


Since Shao Ren started to use the method of burning moxa to induce birth for Feng Qianyan, her fetal movements have been much more than before, and the movements have been greater, so the pills left by Shao Ren are always available in the palace.

Qin'er immediately went to dig out the box and took out a vermilion pill.

It was brought to Feng Qianyan's mouth carefully, and another cup of hot water was brought to her.

Feng Qianyan took the pill and drank half a glass of water, and finally healed a little, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat, his face was pale, and his lips were not bloody.

At that moment, the pain almost made her faint.

Hanxiang was still wiping sweat for her: "How is your mother? Is it better?"


"The mother must not be angry, the doctor has urged her, these days, the mother should not be stimulated, nor can she argue with others."


Feng Qianyan even gritted her teeth when she said that, swallowing that breath fiercely.

Hanxiang also hurriedly reached out and wiped her chest smoothly, and said: "The empress is just inconvenient now, she can't wait for bedtime, so what if you make them proud for a while?"


"When the prince is born, it is too late for the emperor to feel sorry for his wife."

Feng Qianyan closed her eyes when she said that.

But he gritted his teeth and said: "While I am pregnant, it's like taking back the emperor's favor?"


"Will it be that easy?"

After that, he said to Hanxiang: "Go back and tell the doctor Shao that the matter of inducing labor must be stepped up, and my palace can't wait too long!"

When Hanxiang heard her say this, she was shocked.

You know, using the method of burning moxa to induce labor to protect the baby was originally to win from danger. She was betting on her own life and the life of the child in her belly to push the child to be born at seven months, which was already very dangerous. .

If you want to advance, I am afraid that something really will happen.

Hanxiang was in a cold sweat, and said: "My mother calms down her anger, don't be impulsive."


Seeing Feng Qianyan's anger unfavorable, Hanxiang thought for a while, and suddenly said: "By the way, the maidservant was outside, as if she saw someone."

"A person? Who?"

"The man was hiding in the dark, and the servant didn't see too clearly, but he looked like—"

"who is it?"

"It's like a person serving Lady Qin at Yanxi Palace."


Feng Qianyan's attention was immediately turned away, and his brows were twisted.

"Qin Ruolan?"

"Yes, like the little **** Anshun next to her."

"What did he come here for? Did he pass by, or—"

"It's not like passing by," Hanxiang echoed the situation at the time. She didn't take a closer look because she was going to send the doctor Shao, but Anshun saw that she noticed her, immediately turned away, and said to Feng Qianyan: " He seemed to be watching something outside, and when he saw the servant, he left."

"He, he didn't find anything about you, did he?"

"Don't worry, the maidservant didn't leave the palace gate when she gave the imperial physician the banknote."


Feng Qianyan nodded, but put the winter solstice matter behind his head, a sneer appeared on his face, and said: "Qin Ruolan...a little lady Qin, in this palace, she doesn't even have a grade, so what can she tell? Is the wave coming?"


"Don't care about her."

She thought for a while, and then beckoned to Hanxiang, and Hanxiang immediately attached her ears, Feng Qianyan whispered: "You still go to Doctor Shao and tell him..."


In Yikun Palace, Nan Yan certainly knew how shocking the concubines were caused by the events of the winter solstice.

Without going out, she also knew how hateful she was.

So of course she didn't go out anymore.

In addition, I was really tired after going out for a day shopping yesterday. Today, Zhu Feng didn’t come over with peace of mind. She didn’t think much about it. Seeing the twilight fall, she ate a little dinner alone and leaned back on On the couch, I quietly flipped through the book for a while-although I didn't read anything, I was ready to sleep.

While making her bed, Aunt Tongyun said: "My mother has gone to bed earlier these days."


"But your spirit is still not very good."


"Obviously, I slept enough for five or six hours every day."


Nan Yan didn't say much. After Nian Qiu served her to wash, she wore a close-fitting thin coat and sat on the bed.

Aunt Tongyun and the others are also going to quit.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he stopped and bowed down to the outside.

"The slave maid pays respects to the emperor."


Nan Yan's heart moved slightly and raised his head.

I saw Zhu Feng slowly walk into Yikun Palace from the night outside.

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