Nan Yan's heart moved slightly and raised his head.

I saw Zhu Feng slowly walk into Yikun Palace from the night outside.

Nan Yan was stunned: "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng walked in, with the chill outside on his body. Instead of walking to the bedside, he stood in the middle of the room and brushed the corners of his clothes by himself.

A cool breeze was still coming, but it suddenly awakened Nan Yan.

She hurriedly got up: "The concubine visits the emperor."

Zhu Feng also shook his sleeves: "Get up, it's so late, you have to go to bed too, so you don't need to get up and kneel."

Nan Yan immediately leaned on the edge of the bed and stood up again.

But looking at Zhu Feng, his eyes flickered slightly and said: "The emperor, the emperor is here—"

She hesitated a little. If she said to see herself, Zhu Feng usually went to the morning dynasty to see herself before taking a seat at the Imperial Study Room; if she came to accompany her, she would come with peace of mind every afternoon.

It's the first time these days to come at night.

She couldn't help but stiff her hands and feet.

Hearing her question, Zhu Feng's movements were slightly stagnant, but he immediately took off his big clothes and handed them to Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu who hurried forward to serve, and then said: "Tonight, I am here. Rest here."


Nan Yan's heart sank.

When Aunt Tongyun and Nianqiu heard these words, they smiled at each other, overjoyed.

It's been a long time.

Although I know that the imperial concubine has fallen out of favor after arriving in Jinling and suffered a lot of grievances along the way, and even said, abuse, but after returning, the relationship between the two is still peaceful, even if the empress goes to live in the cold palace, no one dares Bullying more.

It's just that the relationship has never been lukewarm, let them watch them as slaves, and they are also anxious.

Finally, the emperor is going to stay in Yikun Palace tonight!

This is simply a happy event!

Aunt Tongyun was so excited that her hands and feet were trembling, she hung up Zhu Feng's clothes by herself, and immediately gave Nianqiu a wink: "Hurry up and let them prepare hot water, and the emperor will wash it."


Nian Qiu hurried out.

After a while, he brought hot water towels again. Nan Yan sat by the bed and watched them bustling with enthusiasm. After a while, Zhu Feng cleaned it up.

He took off his large clothes outside and put on a white shirt.

Although the clothes are loose, they can’t hold him tall and well-proportioned, especially with long waist and thin legs. Even in such simple clothes, he looks very good. Especially, the neatly tied buns are scattered all day long, and the long black satin-like hair is scattered. In the back of the head, let alone a romantic attitude.

Looking at this scene, Nan Yan's eyes were slightly hot for some reason.

In the past, she had seen him like this more than once.

More than once, I have experienced his gentleness.

They used to be so close...

These days, even if two people are together every day, they still take their daughters, as if they are a family, but she knows that their hearts are far apart.

Now, seeing him like this suddenly made her feel in a trance, like in a dream.

When he was in a daze, a figure flashed in front of him.

She raised her head, Zhu Feng had already walked in front of her, and Aunt Tongyun and the others all retreated outside, closing the door gently at this time.

Listening to the sound of their footsteps away, there seemed to be a chuckle or two.

Zhu Feng lowered his head and looked at her with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"what happened?"


"What is it?"


Nan Yan was still a little stunned, staring at him blankly, watching him sit down next to him, the arms of the two people pressed together, even though they were still wearing clothes, they could feel his body temperature, which seemed to be even higher than usual. It's warmer, and soon ironed and dyed it on my body.

She shuddered slightly.

Subconsciously said: "The emperor."


"The emperor really wants to—"

Zhu Feng also looked at her with wide eyes.

There was only one candlestick left in the room. The light of the swaying candle was reflected in his eyes, but it was extraordinarily bright, even brighter than usual when standing under the sun, and facing such bright eyes, Nan Yan behind I can’t say anything.

The emperor really wants to stay here overnight?

If you ask him, how will he answer?

No matter how he answers, how can he refuse?

Thinking of this, Nan Yan only felt the indescribable contradiction and sorrow, turned his head, and said faintly: "Nothing."

After speaking, he lay down on the bed.

Because Zhu Feng hasn't come for a long time, and Yikun Palace didn't prepare a big quilt. They were covered with two small quilts on the wide bed. Nan Yan lay down first, then retracted against the wall and got into the quilt.

Zhu Feng looked at her for a while and went to bed.

But he was lying outside, covering the quilt outside.

Under the candlelight, the two people's silhouettes were projected on the wall. Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at Nan Yan's silhouette. His slender eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was trembling at the moment.

He stretched out his hand--


Nan Yan immediately let out a nervous cry and looked at him with wide eyes.

But seeing Zhu Feng stretched out his hand, took her quilt, and tucked it.

Softly said: "I'm just afraid you catch a cold."


"It's okay, go to sleep."

Nan Yan looked at him for a while, then nodded gently, and then closed his eyes.

Even if she closed her eyes, Zhu Feng could still see that her eyelashes were constantly trembling, and together with her breathing, a little turbulence was intertwined in this silent night.

The night slowly got deeper.

It was all quiet outside, and the entire imperial city fell into a deep sleep.

A gust of wind shook the trees outside, and the shadows of the trees were mottled with a rustling sound.

Zhu Feng opened his eyes.

He has always been awake, and tonight is the first time he has been to Yikun Palace in so long, sharing a bed with Nan Yan, and his mood is a bit complicated.

After waking up, looking at this once-familiar place, more familiar feelings emerged from the bottom of my heart.

what is it then?

He was thinking, but gradually heard the breathing in his ear, which belonged to the person next to his pillow.

The breathing was heavy and rapid.

This is definitely not the breathing of a sleeping person.

Zhu Feng frowned, turned his head slightly, and saw Nan Yan lying there, his eyes wide open, and he didn't look asleep at all.

Zhu Feng frowned: "Are you still asleep?"


Nan Yan was also caught off guard. He probably forgot that there was a person sleeping next to him, and immediately turned his head to see Zhu Feng, also startled.


"Why are you still asleep?"

At this time, five more days have passed.

Nan Yan was silent for a while before whispering: "Sleep, I can't sleep."

"Can't sleep? Why?"

As Zhu Feng said, he subconsciously reached out and touched it, and he was shocked.

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