Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1458: "Old People" in Cold Palace

When a large group of people walked out of Yonghe Palace and headed for Jianfu Palace, Nan Yan happened to pass by another road.

Listening to the noise over there, she glanced at it.

"Oh, it's so lively."

Ran Xiaoyu also followed behind her and did not support her, because both hands were carrying a baggage, and he only glanced over there, and said, "Mother, don't look at them. Beware of slippery feet."

"Do not worry."

Nan Yan glanced again, then turned her head and walked intently. Ran Xiaoyu followed her behind and said: "The mother is right. They all went to Jianfu Palace together today, because they wanted to see Ning. What is the problem with my concubine?"

Nanyan Road: "It's hard to miss this opportunity, of course I won't let it go."

"The mother, how do you think today's affairs will end?"


Nan Yan thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "This, really ask me."


"In this harem, except for the one locked in Lenggong, everyone is a human being. It's really hard to tell who wins and who wins."


"Wait for us to come out, after we come out, things should have a result."


Ran Xiaoyu nodded, but couldn't help but stop. He looked back at the backs of the concubines who were gradually walking away, and at Nan Yan's back, he was silent.

Although Nan Yan has always been disinterested in Ning Fei's belly, she is different.

She always thought that if Concubine Ning gave birth to a daughter, she would be able to clear away Nan Yan's grievances.

No matter what Nan Yan said, she and Zhu Feng have come to this point. It doesn't matter whether they are washed or not, but in her opinion, the matter still needs a solution. Even if it is settled, it must be clear. Zhu Feng knew that the imperial concubine's heart was only broken, but it never changed.

She witnessed all the pain in Nanyan along the way.

She wants to let Zhu Feng know!

More importantly,


Nan Yan turned her head and saw her stopping there and whispered softly, "Why haven't you left?"

Ran Xiaoyu immediately said: "Yes."

Carrying the baggage and followed up again.

The people on the other side were crowded, and they went to Jianfu Palace lively, but the two people here went deeper and deeper, getting colder and colder, and gradually walked to that familiar place, the door was hidden.

Leng Gong, after it snowed, became even more deserted.

As soon as the door was pushed open, they felt a breathtaking chill, and they both shivered involuntarily.

There were people cleaning the snow on the road outside, but there was no cleaning inside. The snow accumulated all night, almost reaching people's ankles, and it was all white.

Nan Yan couldn't bear the cold and coughed twice.

Ran Xiaoyu immediately stepped forward: "Niang?"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

With that, he stretched out his hand to close the wind cloak on his body, wrapped himself firmly, and then walked in with Ran Xiaoyu.

They also lived in Lenggong for a long time, and they were very familiar with the road here.

After a while, I saw the row houses in front.

They lived there before.

And the room next to it was also very familiar, it was where Qin Ruolan lived when he was in Lenggong.

Only later, after she left Lenggong, she was deserted, but when she was beaten into Lenggong again this time, she naturally went back there. Only far away, Nan Yan saw a figure shaking in the window.

However, she did not continue to move forward.

Because she saw the room on the other side, which was where she lived before.

Just one glance, the memories of the previous sufferings seemed to be back in her mind for an instant, and the pain returned to her heart. Nan Yan stopped and couldn't help frowning.

I realized that I was not as forgiving as I thought.

She said to Ran Xiaoyu: "You send things over."

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her: "Manny, you won't go?"

"I—I don’t want to see her."

"Hey, the maidservant said before, why bother to be like this, she treated you the way before, you give her clothes."

Nan Yan said calmly: "Since I have saved her, I naturally need her to survive, otherwise it will be for nothing. I just, I just don't want to see her suddenly."

"The slave and maidservant go over. Mother, you--"

"I'm just waiting here."

"The servant girl will be back soon."


Nan Yan watched her leave, and stood there for a while, surrounded by snowy and cold air, she suddenly became a little bit cold, and hurried around in the snow to avoid freezing herself.

After two steps, I saw a string of footprints on the white snow behind those row houses.

And this place, it seems that there is not much people coming and going.

Who has walked here?

Nan Yan was a little curious. She walked along the footprints and made many detours. She herself almost couldn't tell where she was going. As soon as she looked up, she saw a very dilapidated room behind the dry tree in the distance. Thatched house.

here is--

Nan Yan was puzzled, and suddenly, there was a scream in front of him.

A figure ran from the front.

It seemed to be a woman in ragged clothes, with tousled hair, and she couldn't see her appearance at all. Behind her was a few strong mothers who shouted: "Don't let her run, grab her!"

Seeing that person hit her, Nan Yan subconsciously reached out and grabbed her.


The man also raised his head and looked at Xiang Nanyan.

Suddenly, both of them stayed for a while.

The next moment, Nan Yan took a breath of air, and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. The mothers from behind rushed up to grab him, and when they saw Nan Yan, they were shocked: "Gui , Empress of Concubine? Why are you—here?"


Nan Yan was still immersed in consternation, unable to speak for a long while.

Several mothers hurriedly knelt down and said, "I ran into the mother, please forgive me."


Nan Yan still did not speak, but looked at the person who was kneeling in the snow with their hands clasped behind their backs. She was looking up at herself, laughing.

The face that was originally charming and touching is now muddy and snow foam again.

And those eyes.

Nan Yan still remembered that when she saw those eyes for the first time, she once sighed that the deep eyebrows were full of exotic style, but at the moment, she just looked crazy and frantic. She looked at herself for a while and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Noble concubine! Noble concubine! Hahahaha!"

For fear of what she would say, several mothers hurriedly stepped forward and covered her mouth. Some even grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into her mouth. The person kept struggling and roared like a beast.


Nan Yan finally couldn't help it, and opened his mouth.

The mothers suddenly didn't dare to move.

Nan Yan knelt down, confronted the embarrassed face and frantic eyes, and said with difficulty: "How did you become like this?"


"Feng Shu?"

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