Nan Yan knelt down, confronted the embarrassed face and frantic eyes, and said with difficulty: "How did you become like this?"


"Feng Shu?"

The seemingly mad woman in front of him is no one else. It is Feng Shu, the Lie who dominated the sixth house and made Zhu Feng almost fascinated.

But now, she was kneeling in the snow, covered in mud and embarrassed.

Her long dark golden hair used to be a symbol of beauty and wildness in the past, but at this moment, it was messy, with no luster scattered on her face. Even just now, Nan Yan did not find this "lunatic" the first time. There is blonde hair.

But even if she saw it, she still couldn't believe it.

So I called her again--

"Feng Shu?"

The man suddenly laughed again when he heard these two words.

But her mouth was filled with snow and mud, and the snow melted on her face, mixed with mud flowing down, and black lines were drawn on that face, which made her look embarrassed.

The more she laughed, the harder she smiled, and she kept smiling, "Feng Shu? Who is Feng Shu? Feng Shu? Hahahaha."

This time, Nan Yan heard her voice more clearly.

It's really Feng Shu.

It's just that this woman who once made her hate itchy teeth and has caused countless waves in the harem, at this moment, she is already crazy.

But in Nan Yan's heart, another strange feeling emerged.

She looked at the grandmothers on both sides. They were afraid that the crazy Feng Shu would bump into the noble concubine, so they all knelt on the ground cautiously and pressed Feng Shu hard.

Nan Yan said: "This, what's the matter with her?"

One of them hurriedly said: "Mother, this **** was sent in after being mad. She was kept there for fear of disturbing others. It was only today-she didn't know what was going crazy again, so she took advantage of the slaves to give her The opportunity to deliver food unexpectedly ran out."

The other said: "I ran into the mother, please forgive me."

Nan Yan was silent for a moment and said, "Send her back first."


Everyone hurriedly got up, dragged Feng Shu from the ground, and walked to the hut in front.

Nan Yan followed them and saw that the hut was dilapidated, the door was broken, even the windows were ventilated, and there were almost no furnishings in the room. There was only a bed with tattered curtains, and the corners of the room were full. Dead leaves and dust, and even some snowflakes floating in.

When Nan Yan saw it, she frowned, "What's wrong here, like this?"

The mothers gave her a look.

Someone laughed and said, "This is the place where criminal women live, so it's naturally different from where the empress lives."


Nan Yan was speechless.

She was not beaten into the cold palace once or twice, but every time, the place where she lived was not bad, and there were special people taking care of her diet and daily life. Even Zhu Feng, in order to reconcile with her, lived with her. Come to Cold Palace.

She had no idea that the real cold palace was like this.

It turned out that I was too well protected.

She hesitated, her throat was also a little stubborn, and she was silent for a while, and then said to the mothers: "You, go down first, my palace wants to talk to her."

One of the mothers hurriedly said: "Manny, she is crazy and will hurt her."

"It doesn't matter, you just stay outside."


"Get out!"

Nan Yan's face sank, and of course they were also afraid, so they could only retreat out of the box.

Nan Yan looked out again, and those people were also aware of their interest. They did not stand at the door, but stood some distance away from the hut. As long as something went wrong, they could immediately run up.

She was relieved and turned around.

In this dilapidated little room, there are only two of them.

At this time, Feng Shu returned to this room. I don’t know what caused her anxiety. She ran to the corner and sat in the corner by herself, holding her knees with her hands, as if she wanted to curl up so that everyone else could see. Not.

Looking at her appearance, Nan Yan's heart was full of flavours.

Speaking of which, it was almost a year away.

Since King Ning made trouble and she was taken care of as an accomplice, she has never been seen in the palace again.

Nan Yan even suspected that she had been secretly executed.

People die like a lamp, although she knows that there are still many unsolved mysteries in her body, and she still remembers the words she once said to herself, but once a person dies, there is really nothing left, plus Nan Yan. I also encountered a lot of troubles, so I almost forgot about her.

Unexpectedly, she was still alive.

It’s just crazy.

Nan Yan walked over and slowly squatted down, watching her shivering look under the tousled blond hair, and the fearful eyes that didn't dare to look directly at her, judging how much sanity she had left.

Nan Yan whispered: "Feng Shu."


"do you still remember me?"


"I'm Sinanyan, the concubine Sinanyan."


"You, do you remember me?"

Feng Shu still had no response when she heard "Noble Concubine Sinan Yan", but she sat quietly for a while, and suddenly trembled, muttering: "Noble concubine?"

Nan Yan was happy in his heart——

Is she conscious?

Just about to say something, I heard Feng Shu murmur again: "Noble concubine...emperor...emperor..."

Nan Yan frowned slightly, and heard that she began to mutter "the emperor" constantly. In the crazy and muddy eyes, a little light began to light up: "The emperor, is the emperor coming?"


Nan Yan's throat suddenly stalked.

She didn't expect that at this point, Feng Shu was already crazy, and she still thought of Zhu Feng.

It seems that although it was sent by King Ning and others to Zhu Feng's side, although she used her body fragrance to seduce Zhu Feng with a purpose, in those days, she was not all fake.

However, her sincerity-in this case, it is worthless.

Nan Yan sighed, but he didn't sympathize with her.

After all, she was fake from the beginning, so how can she hope for real feedback?

Seeing her looking at herself with wide eyes, because she mentioned "the emperor", there was a little sober light in her eyes. Nan Yan was silent for a while and said in a gentle voice: "The emperor has not come, the emperor asked me to ask you One sentence."


"If you answer well, he, maybe, will come."

Hearing "Maybe back", Feng Shu's eyes brightened.

She raised her head to look at Nan Yan, her eyes full of eagerness and a bit of frenzy. Fortunately, she did not intend to hurt others, but breathed quickly, and said, "What? What are you asking?"

Nan Yan stared at her and slowly said: "At the beginning, you saw the painting in my collection in Yikun Palace. You said, you have seen the person on the painting."


"Is this sentence true or false?"

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