Early the next morning, Hui Concubine Wu Wan and An Bi Gao Yurong began to prepare a list, preparing for the New Year’s Eve banquet, and they became busy.

This side is in full swing, on the other side, it is cautious.

Han Guangqi followed Xiao Duozi along the path to Jianfu Palace. Before entering the door, he looked around to make sure that no one was following him, and then he stepped in.

Entering the Yanchun Pavilion, I saw Feng Qianyan leaning on the soft couch tilted.

In the past few days, her body is getting lazier every day, too lazy to move, and too lazy to eat. Although she knows that pregnant women are like this, the people around her are still a little worried.

When the doctor arrives, it depends on how he explains.

Han Guangqi walked in front of Feng Qianyan and respectfully said: "Weichen pays homage to Concubine Ning."

"Get up."

Feng Qianyan raised his hand to him, and then said: "Emperor Han told a few of them yesterday that I have to tell my palace about birth in my palace. What is it?"

"Here, let the Weichen ask your pulse for the empress first."

"it is good."

Therefore, Hanxiang and the others carried a small table to the couch, Feng Qianyan put her delicate jade hands on the soft cushion, let Han Guangqi buckle her veins, and carefully diagnose her pulse.

Feng Qianyan winked at everyone again and made them all back down.

So everyone retreated to the door.

Only two of them remained in Yanchun Pavilion.

Han Guangqi muttered something while examining Feng Qianyan's pulse. Feng Qianyan asked, "Doctor, how about it?"

At this time, Han Guangqi raised his head to look at her, and whispered: "The birth of Concubine Ning is now seven months old. In addition, the previous masters and the weirs used the method of burning moxa for the mother to induce childbirth. Now, it’s time for the melons to ripen."


Feng Qianyan opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then reached out to touch his high-protruding belly.

Han Guangqi said: "How dare the Weichen deceive the mother."

"Then, when can it be produced?"

Han Guangqi shook his head.

Feng Qianyan frowned and immediately said, "What's the matter?"

Han Guangqi said, "Niang, the birth of this baby is a problem. It can't be like an ordinary pregnant woman."

Feng Qianyan heard this and asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Niangniang, you think, if there are no accidents, ordinary pregnant women will be born at full term; and the mother-in-law's birth can only be delivered prematurely through the method of burning moxa by the minister and the master. Two or three months, life will inevitably lead to doubts."


Upon hearing what he said, Feng Qianyan immediately understood.

Can not help but get a cold sweat.


Premature birth for no reason, not to mention what the queen would say, people like imperial concubines would make three-foot waves without wind. If you know this, you must make a big fuss.

If something is found out, it will be in trouble.

She didn't even think of this. Fortunately, Han Guangqi thought it out for herself. She hurriedly lowered her voice and asked, "Then, what the doctor Han meant is—"

"Weichen means that the empress needs to take an opportunity to cause her'premature birth'."

"What caused the'premature birth'?"

Feng Qianyan said: "This, how should I do it?"

Han Guangqi lowered his head, a little smile line appeared in the corner of his eyes, and said calmly, "Isn't it simple?"


"In this month, any accident is an opportunity for premature birth."


"Weichen heard that more than once, someone in the palace wanted to murder the empress, then..."

"what do you mean--"

"Weichen has heard that the emperor will have a banquet in the warm pavilion for a few days, so that all the ladies in the palace will go to the banquet. At that time, there will be many people and hands. Are you afraid that there will be no chance?


"It's just that you have to choose the right person."

When he said this, he deliberately lengthened his tone, Feng Qianyan suddenly understood something, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Han Guangqi got up again, took out a small box from his medicine chest, and put it in Feng Qianyan's hands.

"what is this?"

"This is the last step required for the mother's'premature birth'."


Feng Qianyan hurriedly opened the lid of the box, only to see that there was a dark pill in it, the size of a longan, and it exuded a very bitter taste, just smelling it was disgusting, she immediately closed the lid.

Han Guangqi said: "As long as the time is right, the empress will give birth immediately after taking this pill."

"it is good……"

Although it was just a pill, it weighed more than a thousand catties in his hand. Feng Qianyan knew that this was very dangerous, but it was also his own opportunity.

Han Guangqi respectfully said: "Niangniang's pulse is not abnormal, Weichen retires."

After packing the medicine box, he turned and left.

After a while, Hanxiang and the others hurried in and asked how Feng Qianyan was, and Feng Qianyan told her what Han Guangqi had said.

Hanxiang said in a pleasant surprise: "This is a good way. The dinner party on the New Year's Eve must be crowded. No matter who the mother is hit by someone, she is an excuse for'premature birth'.


"It's just, who do you want to choose?"

Mentioning this, Feng Qianyan's face also showed a sneer.

Who do you choose?

Now, it seems that it is no longer a question of who to choose, but whoever she chooses, whoever goes to hell.

After all, if you are pregnant with Liujia, whoever provokes you is a crime of murdering the emperor's heir.

So, who to choose?

Han Xiang first said: "Qin Ruolan, that woman, always fights against the empress, but now she has been beaten into the cold palace, and she will definitely not be there this time.


"Concubine Hui, they are pretending, but they haven't turned their faces with the empress yet."


"If you go against them, it won't be of great benefit to the empress. After all, there is a father of a country guru behind her."

Feng Qianyan sneered and said, "So, there seem to be not many choices in this palace."

Of course Hanxiang understood what she meant.

She sneered and said: "It's just right. The imperial concubine has always been jealous of the empress. Moreover, this woman is cruel and has offended her. She will not let it go even if she is crazy. In the future, I am afraid that she will definitely harm her.


"The slave and maid had also inquired about it. She did more than just this one."


"The slave-maid heard that she had a good sister in the past who was also favored by the emperor and was canonized earlier than her. However, when she was promoted to a noble concubine, she immediately drove that person crazy and put her into the cold palace. Now-I'm afraid it's already dead."


"I heard that she also killed a Jie Yu, with a vicious method!"


"This tactic of two birds with one stone is just right, it can create the illusion of "premature birth" for the empress, and it can also deal with the imperial concubine."


Feng Qianyan remained silent, with a cold smile on his face, a cold light in his eyes.

"It seems that there is nothing to choose from in this palace."

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