In a blink of an eye, it was the day of Xiaonian.

Knowing that the emperor was going to have a banquet, everyone in the palace was beaming. It was only early in the morning when the cleaners arrived at the Nuan Pavilion, sprinkling water while cleaning the ground.

After a while, the windows were clean.

Then, it is layout.

There were red lanterns hanging at the door, plum blossoms that had just been folded down in the pavilion, and daffodils on the windowsill, but because the colors were too pure and clean, the maids were specially asked to cut flowers out of red paper and decorate them.

The entire Nuan Pavilion is beamingly decorated.

In the evening, the sky was already dark, and early, Huifei Wu Wan asked all the lanterns under the corridor to light up, and the large areas around the Nuan Pavilion were illuminated into an orange-red, warm mood.

The first to arrive, of course, were the concubines of lower rank.

They followed the German concubine and arrived at the Nuan Pavilion early and saw that the interior was spacious and comfortable, with the emperor and empress seated directly above them. Then, the other concubines arranged their seats on both sides of the lobby according to their ranks.

Because the emperor and queen hadn't come yet, everyone didn't dare to sit down immediately. They all stood by the bed and looked at the snow scene outside, chatting with a smile.

After a while, the emperor arrived.

Everyone immediately stepped forward to greet the driver. Between Zhu Feng and Xu Miaoyin, dressed in gorgeous clothes, they walked towards the Nuan Pavilion, and Father Yu and the others waited in two rows behind them until they reached the door. Zhu Feng looked up and laughed. Said: "It's really lively here today."

Xu Miaoyin said, "Sister Huifei arranged it."


Zhu Feng listened and glanced back.

I saw Hui Concubine Wu Wan following behind her with a pleasing eyebrow, Zhu Feng nodded and said, "You have worked hard."

A smile appeared on Wu Wan's face, and he hurriedly said, "The concubine dare not say anything.

Seeing everyone kneeling to the ground, Zhu Feng also smiled and raised his hand and said, "Well, you don't have to be too restrained tonight, just have a good time."


Everyone just got up.

Looking up, he found that not only Concubine Hui and An Bin were following the empress, but also Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan, who also came in with Princess Xinping.

Both of them wore new clothes, made of the same materials, and looked neat and beautiful.

However, Xinping was not as cheerful and lively as usual, staying in Zhu Chengxuan's arms obediently, and she obediently listened to what Zhu Chengxuan said to her.

At this time, there was another burst of light outside.

Everyone turned to look.

"Who is here again?"

I saw the bright lights outside. It was the imperial concubine and the concubine Ning who walked over from the two small roads on both sides with their own people respectively. They both carried a few lanterns in their hands, illuminating the gloomy sky outside.

The two ran into each other at the door of Nuan Pavilion.

Nan Yan stopped.

From a distance, she saw Feng Qianyan pooping on her belly, and did not compete with her. However, when Fei Ning saw her, her eyes suddenly burst into joy.

He walked directly towards her, and made a bow gesture as he walked: "My concubine pays homage to the concubine!"

She walked fast and in a hurry, and with her big belly, her whole person was a circle bigger than usual. When she saw it by mistake, she looked like a behemoth hitting herself, and Nan Yan subconsciously took a step back.

And Ran Xiaoyu, behind her, rushed forward and stopped in front of Nan Yan.

"Lady Ning, what are you going to do?!"

Feng Qianyan's face sank slightly, her face was displeased, the court lady behind her Hanxiang immediately said: "Our empress is naturally here to greet the imperial concubine."

"Please, don't have to go in such a hurry."


Seeing the two of them arguing, Nan Yan stepped forward and said, "Okay."

Everyone immediately looked up at her.

Feng Qianyan couldn't take a step forward at this time either. After all, Ran Xiaoyu was already standing there, and could only bow to Nan Yan: "Concubine, meet the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan looked down at her and said with a faint smile, "Concubine Ning is also affectionate with my palace, but since you are pregnant, my palace is afraid that you can't stand your kneeling, so get up quickly, Xuetian Road. Slipping, watching it fall."

After speaking, he turned and entered the Nuan Pavilion.

Feng Qianyan lowered her head and looked at her back, with a sullen expression in her eyes.

Hanxiang hurriedly helped her to rise and said, "Niang?"

"It's okay, let's go in first."


As a result, the two followed Nan Yan and walked into the Nuan Pavilion. Zhu Feng was standing in front, watching Nan Yan walk in, and then immediately turned around.

Nanyan Road: "The concubine pays homage to the emperor."

Zhu Feng looked at her with gentle eyes.

Probably because I told her in advance that although Nan Yan always dresses simply, but tonight, she specially prepared exquisite clothes. Although she only applied a thin powder on her forehead and brows, she was more than several times more exquisite than usual. .

Looking at Zhu Feng, he couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

He subconsciously reached out and caught her arm, and said softly, "Don't be polite."


As soon as he smiled, he heard Feng Qianyan's voice and turned his head to see that she was also dressed gorgeously, looking at him with a smile.

Zhu Feng coughed lightly: "Well, you are here too."


"It's been more than seven months, how are you doing recently?"

Feng Qianyan was probably because it was rare to see the emperor these days. When he saw him greet him, his voice was a little trembling, and he said: "These days, the fetus is moving so badly.

"Yes, you have to be careful."


After speaking, Zhu Feng glanced at Nan Yan again. She stood beside her, her face pale, as if she didn't feel much about everything around her, Zhu Feng said, "Sit down."

Everyone thanked them immediately and took their seats.

The seats of the concubines are arranged on the two sides according to their grades. The concubines are naturally seated on the left.

The seat on the right opposite her was Concubine Hui's seat.

As soon as Nan Yan sat down, he smelled the strong smell of rouge powder beside him, and when he turned his head, it was Feng Qianyan who was sitting beside him.

According to her grade, Concubine Ning happened to be next to the concubine.

Nan Yan frowned subconsciously.

But when she saw Feng Qianyan smile at her, she seemed to have something in her smile, and said: "It just so happens that the concubine is sitting next to the imperial concubine, so you can get closer to the imperial concubine."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Okay."

As he was talking, after Wang Wei took Princess Xinping to greet the father and the queen, he walked back, just walking past her, and Xinping hugged his own mother.

"Mother concubine!"

"Heart Ping..."

Nan Yan narrowed her eyes with a smile, and hugged her up.

Touching her round face affectionately: "You didn't act coquettishly with your brother, right?"


Nan Yan smiled, reached out and touched her face, and suddenly touched the back of her ears and on her neck. It was a little red. Upon closer inspection, it was a small red rash.

"what is this?"

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