Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1471: Openly and secretly, satirize the concubine

Nan Yan smiled, reached out and touched her face, and suddenly touched the back of her ears and on her neck. It was a little red. Upon closer inspection, it was a small red rash.

"what is this?"

Zhu Chengxuan stood by, looked at this, and immediately said, "The imperial concubine, this is not long after the last time my sister hugged the cat, she had a small rash on her body."


Nan Yan frowned upon hearing this.

I took a closer look. Although it was not much, it was still a little scary when she was born on Xinping's fair and tender skin. She stretched out her hand and touched it lightly. Xinping immediately shrank her neck. Nanyan asked, "Does it hurt?"

Xinping said obediently: "It doesn't hurt, but it's a little itchy."

As he said, he had to stretch his hand to scratch.

On the other hand, Zhu Chengxuan's eyesight was quick, and he grabbed her hand and said, "My sister is obedient, and promised that my brother will not tickle. You be good, my brother will let them go out of the palace to buy you candied haws later, okay?"

When Xin Ping heard the candied haws, his eyes lit up.

Nodding obediently: "Okay!"

He has a good deal of peace.

Nan Yan smiled again and felt distressed, and said, "Why do you get a red rash? Xinping used to fight with a cat in the palace, and she didn't have a red rash. She just—just smelled lilacs. Rashes will develop when you’re in."

This season, there are no lilacs.

Zhu Chengxuan said: "The son is also puzzled, I'm afraid she encountered lilacs in that place. I don't know. However, I have seen the imperial doctor from the hospital and gave her some medicine. Now she is much better. Said it will disappear in two days."

"That's it."

Zhu Chengxuan said: "I should have told the imperial concubine, but I heard that these days, the imperial concubine is struggling with some things, and the child minister thought about it and the child minister took care of it."

Nan Yan looked at him with a smile, and said softly: "Wang Wei really made this palace look at him with admiration, and he acted more calmly."

Zhu Chengxuan smiled embarrassedly.

Indeed, compared with the first time he met in King Yan's Mansion, he was still childish, and he was not only interested in medical skills, but ignorant of everything. Zhu Chengxuan now looks a bit reborn.

However, I don't know if they got it wrong.

Feng Qianyan next to him seemed to let out a low snort of disdain.

At this time, seeing everyone seated and ready to start, Zhu Chengxuan wanted to take Xinping back, but Xinping rarely saw his mother and refused to let go.

"I want mother concubine!"


Zhu Chengxuan hesitated, then looked up at Nan Yan.

It just so happened that Nan Yan couldn't bear to heart peace, so he said, "Well, let her sit here in the palace tonight, and then go back with my brother later."

Xinping nodded vigorously.

Zhu Chengxuan said, "Yes."

After speaking, he turned and walked back to his seat.

Nan Yan watched him walk to his seat and sit down. As soon as he took his gaze back, he saw Feng Qianyan sitting next to him, her gaze gleaming a little cold, staring at them.

Nan Yan glanced at her coldly, without speaking.

And Feng Qianyan, with a cold expression on his face, sneered in his heart: "This way pleases Wang Wei, but I just think that if Wei Wang inherits the general rule in the future, you can have a support. Concubine does not say that people's hearts are changeable, just look at Wei Wang. He looks soft and weak, and doesn't like the emperor at all. Can he inherit the rule?"

Thinking of this, he reached out and touched his stomach.

My own hope is not the flesh and blood of others, but the flesh and blood of my own.

As long as today is successful!

Thinking of this, Feng Qianyan took a deep breath again proudly.

When everyone was seated, the banquet officially began.

Seeing someone about to get up to make a toast, Zhu Feng raised his hand and said, "Today is just a family banquet. These days, I am busy with government affairs, and I haven't gotten together with you, so I don’t have to be formal tonight, everyone just have fun. ."

Everyone smiled and said: "Yes."

As a result, everyone relaxed a little.

After hearing the words, Concubine Hui immediately ordered the people behind her. After a while, she walked into a group of people from the side door of the Nuan Pavilion, divided into two shifts, and went to sit behind the two screens.

There was a melodious sound of music.

Xu Miaoyin laughed and said: "This is just right. Watching Luoxue and listening to the music, it is beautiful and pleasant. This banquet is not only lively, but also elegant and tight."

Zhu Feng raised his head and glanced: "Is it snowing outside?"


"Let them warm up the wine."


In a short while, a group of palace ladies held the golden plate and put the dishes on everyone's table. These dishes were also arranged by the concubine Hui himself. They are all delicacies of the mountains and seas, all in color, fragrance and taste. It tempts people to move their index fingers.

The heart is calm and happy: "I want to eat!"

Nan Yan couldn't help but looked down at her: "Slutty cat, why don't you eat enough?"

I was about to feed her with chopsticks and vegetables. Suddenly, I heard the music on both sides change. There was a rush of drums. The melodious music suddenly changed its rhythm and became tense and powerful.

This is, breaking array music.

Hearing the music turn, there was a rush of footsteps outside the Nuan Pavilion, everyone raised their heads, and saw a group of people running out from both sides, but it was a group of dancers wearing corsets and shoulders. Soft armor, short boots, step by step with the rhythm of the drum.

It turned out that Concubine Hui and the others also arranged a dancer to help the fun.

Everyone smiled one after another, watching those dancers' vigorous and feminine postures. This piece of breaking music is a show of fighting on the battlefield and the soldiers celebrating their achievements.

The scene is grand and magnificent.

Everyone was fascinated by it.

However, with the progress of drum music and dance, gradually everyone felt that this scene seemed a bit familiar, especially the dancing posture of the dancer among the dancers.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, there is a complex emotion in your eyes.

Someone looked at the concubine quietly.

At this time, Nan Yan also noticed it—this dance was exactly what Feng Shu was dancing when he first appeared in front of them when he was in Jinlou Bieyuan.

If it is normal, it is quite common for someone to perform such a dance.

Because Zhu Feng was born in the army, he hardly likes those soft dances, on the contrary, he has a soft spot for this sonorous and powerful breaking music, so many banquets will arrange such singing and dancing.

But tonight, it's different.

Because a few days ago, it was just reported that Libi Fengshu was found hanging herself in the cold palace, and died the day after the imperial concubine accidentally found her. Needless to say, everyone also died. Understand, everyone also secretly talked about her cruelty.

Concubine Hui Wu Wan unexpectedly arranged such a dance tonight.

This is clear, it is expressing and secretly, satirizing the imperial concubine.

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