Although everyone had guessed it in their hearts, they didn't dare to say that everyone had a smile on their faces. They looked carefully at the concubine Hui's face, and looked at the concubine carefully, for fear that the latter would be angry.

However, unexpectedly, the imperial concubine was not angry at all.

She only calmly held the chopsticks, fed a small piece of meat into Princess Xinping's mouth, and asked her what she wanted to eat, and then she gave it to her.

A look of kindness.

Could it be that she hadn't noticed that Concubine Hui was mocking her?

And Zhu Feng, who was sitting directly above, couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene.

Although after the amnesia, the queen and He Yi told themselves many things about the past, although they were reluctant to elaborate on that period of the past, they could not fail to elaborate on the rebellion of King Ning.

It's just that, no matter how much you talk about it, you can't say a song and dance.

However, when Zhu Feng saw the song and dance, some vague shadows appeared in his mind, and he also had a familiar feeling in his heart.

He doesn't know why, but he still has a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of the people in the lobby.

Looked at Nan Yan.

Nan Yan remained motionless.

At this time, after a dance, a group of dancers walked to the warm pavilion and bowed down to the people inside, saying: "The slaves and maids are the emperors, and the empresses are congratulations."

Xu Miaoyin waved his hand: "Reward."

Immediately a few little palace ladies stepped forward and rewarded them with money, and a group of dancers withdrew.

At this time, Fei Ning Feng Qianyan smiled and said, "I have never seen such dance music when I enter the palace late. What I see on weekdays is very different."

Concubine Hui on the other side laughed: "Yes, because this kind of breaking formation music is the dance music of Sui Guo."


Feng Qianyan raised her eyebrows slightly: "It turned out to be the dance music of Lao Guo. Sister Hui Fei really has a vision."

"Where, this palace is just because I have seen it in the past and saw that the emperor liked it, so I specially arranged it again."

As she said, she looked at Nan Yan again: "I don't know the imperial concubine, but I am still satisfied."

Nan Yan looked at her and smiled calmly: "Satisfied."

"That's good. The concubine arranged this dance, for fear that it would cause the noble concubine to be unhappy."


Nan Yan did not answer this.

Feng Qianyan smiled and said, "Why is the imperial concubine upset?"

Concubine Hui said: "Because I heard that the imperial concubines don't like the things of Lai country, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, the imperial concubines don't like it.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Sinan Yan's body.

Although this was just a preference, when everyone heard it, they thought of the past-the imperial concubine once admitted in public that she had an affair with the royal family of Lai.

Even the daughter in her arms may be of royal blood!

Everyone feels that even though Concubine Hui has done a courteous and cautious manner tonight, every word and everything is stabbing the concubine.

I just don't know what the concubine will do.

At this time, Nan Yan smiled and looked at Huifei Wu Wan, and said, "I don't understand what Huifei said."


"Since you let people perform the dance of Lao Guo tonight, you also mentioned the people and things of Lao Guo, but you also said that this palace doesn't like the things of Lao Guo, so you made up your mind early in the morning to make this palace difficult. ?"


Wu Yu's words were originally intended to stab her, but she did not expect to be ridiculed by her and slapped her back.

Suddenly stunned.

She stammered suddenly: "Dang, of course not."

"If it's not, then shut up!"

This time, it was not the imperial concubine who spoke, but the emperor who was sitting directly above, his complexion gradually darkening.

When he heard him say this, Wu Wan stood up immediately in fright.

Zhu Feng said coldly: "Tonight I just want everyone to get together. If you want to get together and quarrel, then give me back!"

"The concubine dare not."

"Don't dare to sit down and eat your food quietly!"


Wu Wan sat down cautiously, a cold sweat on his forehead.

She just wanted to make the imperial concubine lose face tonight. By the way, because of the Fengshu incident a few days ago, it was an opportunity to remind Zhu Feng of the imperial concubine’s fornication with the royal family, the emperor, and even the entire royal family. Both bring humiliating past events.

Unexpectedly, the emperor would protect her like this.

Wu Wan's face turned red and white, and after sitting down for a while, he couldn't recover. Gao Yurong comforted her in a low voice, and she was pushed away severely.

The queen sat next to her, looking at the different expressions of these people around her.

At this time, he smiled and said: "Today is the New Year's Eve. It should have been lively and friendly. Some things have already passed and should not be mentioned."

Debi and they nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"The past is the past."

"Now it's great."

Xu Miaoyin smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand, and said to Zhu Feng: "The concubine congratulates the emperor with this cup."

Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at her, and the cold eyes slowly softened again.

Nodded, raised his glass, and said to everyone:

"Come on, all toast."

Hearing what he said, everyone hurriedly raised their wine glasses and respected everyone around them, so everyone toasted and drank together.

At this time, the atmosphere is slightly better.

Xu Miaoyin turned his head and whispered to Chun'er: "Let the people behind pick up some cheerful tunes and play them gently."


Chun'er went down immediately.

After a while, music rang out again behind the screen, which was relaxed and cheerful, making everyone's faces smile.

Especially Xin Ping, she rarely encountered such a lively scene. Listening to the music, she couldn't help but jump up in Nan Yan's arms.

Seeing her, Zhu Feng's smile deepened.

Beckoned to her: "Come here."

Nan Yan glanced at him, then laid his heart flat on the ground: "Go."

As soon as Xinping landed, he immediately ran to Zhu Feng's side, hugged his knees, and smiled with his face upright: "Father!"

Zhu Feng held her in his arms and said: "Tell my father what you like to eat, and he will feed it to you."

Xinping immediately pointed to a bowl on his table.

"I want to eat this!"

Everyone was toasting each other happily. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help quieting down.

The people next to Zhu Feng were not too unfamiliar with this scene, but everyone in the harem had never seen it. The emperor had such a gentle side, and they couldn't believe his eyes.

Especially Feng Qianyan watched this scene.

Her hands on her knees clenched secretly.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, thinking: just a little princess, what is it? If you wait for me to give birth to a prince, all these pets belong to me!

At this time, Zhu Feng had asked someone to take a small bowl to fill a bowl and was about to bring it to Xin Ping's mouth. At this moment, Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan, who was sitting behind, suddenly got up and said, "Father, wait a minute."

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