Suddenly thinking of something, he turned his head and stared at Wu Wan, with red eyes and said: "Hui Consort, you are so righteous when you accuse me, but how did you murder the concubine in the first place?"


Wu Wan frowned: "What?"

Hearing these words, Zhu Feng's originally frozen heart suddenly moved.

He lowered his head and looked at Feng Qianyan.

Feng Qianyan also broke the jar at this time, pointing at Huifei Wu Wan and said: "The emperor, the concubine's miscarriage was not an accident, but she murdered it. She knew that the concubine would not let Jian Ruocheng be killed, so she deliberately released it. Let the concubine know the news."


"Later, she took advantage of the chaos to get people to overthrow the noble concubine."


"The miscarriage of the imperial concubine was caused by her at all!"

Hearing this, Zhu Feng's whole person was shocked. He looked down at Feng Qianyan and said in a deep voice, "What did you say?!"

But Wu Wan sneered at this moment.

She said: "The emperor, because she knows that her crime has been exposed, she has become a mad dog and bites people. The emperor must not believe her."

At this time, Zhu Feng slowly walked back to the chair and sat down.

Xu Miaoyin beside him was also shocked by the sudden change. He looked at them in amazement and then at Nan Yan.

However, Nan Yan's face was pale and motionless, but her fingers trembled slightly.

Fortunately, Ran Xiaoyu has been protecting her.

Xu Miaoyin immediately said, "Feng Qianyan, do you have evidence for this?"


Feng Qianyan was about to speak, but suddenly, her mouth became dumb.

She suddenly discovered that she had no evidence at all.

But seeing her like this, Wu Wan and Gao Yurong seemed to have been prepared. They looked at each other and sneered: "The emperor, the empress, the concubine has no knowledge of this matter. It was entirely made up by Feng Qianyan himself. Since she said that someone deliberately spread news to the imperial concubine and the empress, and took advantage of the chaos to overthrow the imperial concubine, why not use these two clues to check?"


Upon hearing this, Feng Qianyan's body trembled violently.

Xu Miaoyin immediately turned his head and looked at Nan Yan.

"Noble concubine."

Nan Yan seemed to be awakened suddenly, suddenly raised his head, looked at her, and saw Zhu Feng sitting there, looking at herself with complex expressions.

She bowed her head, avoided his gaze, and only responded softly: "The Queen Empress..."

"You heard what they said just now?"


"In the beginning, who passed the news about Jian Ruocheng to you?"


Nan Yan did not speak, but turned to look at Ran Xiaoyu, and Ran Xiaoyu frowned, and immediately stepped forward and said: "Return to the queen empress, at that time, the slave servant and the imperial concubine were locked in the cold palace, and the news came from Ye Yu. Yes, but—"

"But what?"

"However, after Ye Qi, the slave and maid met two people, and they talked about it on the road, as if they were specifically meant to be told to the slave."

"Who is it?"

Ran Xiaoyu pointed to the shivering court lady Hanxiang, who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "It's her, and the little sons in Jianfu Palace."

Zhu Feng immediately looked at Hanxiang.

At this time, Hanxiang knew that he couldn't keep things secret, so he squatted on the ground and knocked his forehead in a short while, and blood flowed out. He kept saying: "The emperor is forgiving, the emperor is forgiving!"

Grandpa Yu also immediately let people grab Xiao Duozi from the corner.

His face was as pale as paper, he knelt on the ground and shivered, Xu Miaoyin angrily said: "Damn servant, don't you tell me? Did you deliberately pass the news to the imperial concubine at the beginning, and let the concubine overthrow the imperial concubine by the chaos, and hurt her? abortion?"

When Xiao Duozi heard this, he was so frightened that he was so frightened that he repeatedly kowtowed and said, "The emperor is forgiving, and the empress is forgiving!"

"Say it!"

"Yes Yes!"

These people were originally greedy for life and fear of death, where they would speak of the loyalty of masters and servants. When Feng Qianyan gave birth to a princess, and she was already unable to survive, she concluded that she would definitely lose power, and immediately poured out all the things before.

"Back to the emperor, back to the empress, the matter of the imperial concubine was indeed designed by Concubine Ning. She was jealous that the imperial concubine was favored and resented that the imperial concubine had deducted her monthly salary, so she kept her grudge in her heart and secretly looked for opportunities to retaliate."

"After knowing about Jian Ruocheng, she designed it to let the servants wait to go to the cold palace to pass the news to the concubine."

"It's just that Master Ye Xu has already told Ran Xiaoyu about the matter, but later, when he sent additional manpower to the prison, it was indeed Concubine Ning who overthrew the imperial concubine in the chaos."

"Even the tokens, slaves and maidservants who communicate with each other!"

Hearing what they said, Feng Qianyan suddenly became cold.

She did not expect that her servant would betray her like this at this time. At the beginning, she took refuge in Concubine Hui and they harmed the concubine together, but in order to vent her anger, she did all these things by herself, but she did not realize it, Concubine Hui They simply keep themselves out of the picture.

I want to check it now, but I can't find it at all.

Regardless of whether it was Xiao Duo Zi or Han Xiang, Hui Fei and An Bi were avoided between the words.

They have been in the palace for so many years, and of course they also understand the advantages and disadvantages-

Now, Feng Qianyan has lost power, but there is still a country lord behind Hui Fei. Even if she is really guilty, it is impossible to kill her. Maybe there will be a comeback in the future, and they will be the one who will be unlucky. Putting all the charges on Feng Qianyan, they are only accomplices, and they can also sell their personal affections, and let Hui Fei and the others help intercede.

Sure enough, upon hearing the "accusations" of these two men, Hui Fei Wu Wan immediately said: "These two slaves have already made it clear, and I also ask the emperor, the empress empress to give a lesson."


Zhu Feng frowned and looked at them coldly.

His eyes were as cold as ice, and he only looked at someone, like a cold wind, blowing to the bones. Whether it was Concubine Hui or Concubine Ning, they shrank and bowed their heads.

Xu Miaoyin turned his head and looked at the concubine: "Nanyan."


Nan Yan's face was a little pale. Listening to these words, she knew that the matter had passed, but she seemed to experience it again.

The pain and pain at the beginning.

She said blankly: "What is the order of the empress?"

Xu Miaoyin sighed and said, "How do you think about this matter?"


Immediately, everyone looked at her again.

Everyone knew that whether it was Concubine Ning condemning Concubine Hui, or Concubine Hui condemning Concubine Ning, in the end, only the concubine was the one who decided.

Only her words are the rules of this harem!

So, everyone is waiting.

Together with Concubine Ning Feng Qianyan and Concubine Wu Wan, everyone looked at her quietly, as if waiting for her sentence.

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