So, everyone is waiting.

Together with Concubine Ning Feng Qianyan and Concubine Wu Wan, everyone looked at her quietly, as if waiting for her sentence.

I do not know how long it has been.

A faint smile floated on Nan Yan’s pale face. Although it was a smile, it felt cold in this warm Yanchun Pavilion, not even better than Zhu Feng’s before. How warm the cold eyes are.

Seeing this scene, both Feng Qianyan and Wu Wan felt that the blood throughout their bodies had stagnated.

Then, I heard her smiling and saying: "This, things are very clear."


"The evidence is conclusive that Concubine Ning harmed my palace."


"As for Concubine Hui..." Nan Yan looked up at her. Wu Wan wanted to look at her again, but he didn't dare to look at her. His eyes kept flickering in contradiction, as if someone had grasped something for fear of looking at her. When I looked up, I could see through my soul.

Although motionless, although nothing happened.

But at this moment, her embarrassment was written in her heart.

Nan Yan smiled faintly: "This incident has nothing to do with Concubine Hui. Concubine Ning, you are like a mad dog, biting people indiscriminately. It is clear that there will be retribution. Your fate now is your retribution for evil."


"Do you have anything to say?"

Hearing what she said, it was as if he had already been sentenced to death. Feng Qianyan was like a puppet with a broken line and collapsed to the ground.

Nan Yan looked at her coldly.

Although she might not be unaware of Concubine Hui's affairs, Wu Wan's family is so powerful that this matter can't bring her down. It is better to break her fingers than to break one.

Feng Qianyan, she can't stay!

Seeing this situation, Xu Miaoyin immediately said: "Feng Qianyan, you are so bold!"

After that, he turned his head to look at Zhu Feng: "The emperor!"

Zhu Feng's gaze was cold, staring at Feng Qianyan like a knife, and for a long while, he said: "From today onwards, the title of Concubine Feng Qianyan Ning will be deposed. Come, drag her down and send her to the Criminal Department for trial and conviction. "


Several guards outside immediately came in and dragged Feng Qianyan out.

At this time, she didn't even struggle or call for help. The whole person was like a piece of lifeless meat. When she was dragged out, a smelly wind blew up, causing Nan Yan to frown.

Zhu Feng looked up at her.

Nan Yan's gaze also met him.

At this moment, the cold wind was piercing, but something deeper pierced their hearts.

After a while, Zhu Feng slowly lowered his head, while Nan Yan stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and coughed slightly.

Then, Hanxiang and Xiaoduozi kneeling on the ground.

The two people are now like meat on a chopping board, and they look like they will be slaughtered, and they keep begging Zhu Feng and Nan Yan for mercy. The sound of bang bang shook the entire Yanchun Pavilion.

Concubine Hui and An Bi glanced at each other, and said one after another: "The emperor, although these two slaves have done something wrong, they didn't mean to be evil."

"Yes, it's all Ning Fei - oh no, it's all the sinner Feng Qianyan."

"Since Feng Qianyan has been punished heavily, it's better for them to—"

Zhu Feng gave them a cold look.

He didn't say a word, but the cold suffocation in his eyes made people afraid to speak.

The two immediately bowed their heads.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and said, "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng said: "Are you going to plead for him?"

Nan Yan said: "If it weren't for the two of them to expose the evil head, this matter might not be clear, and it would be considered meritorious. The emperor might as well just spare their lives."

Upon hearing this, the two of them were immediately ecstatic.

Everyone knows that the words of the imperial concubine at this time are more effective than the imperial edict, and they can live as soon as she speaks.

Repeatedly kowtow: "Thank you noble concubine!"


Zhu Feng kept his face calm, and after a long time, he said: "Capital sins are forgiven, but living sins are hard to forgive!"

As a result, they were directly sentenced to exile, and the two of them were both fortunate and grief. They kept crying and were dragged out.

At this moment, the Yanchun Pavilion became quiet.

So many things have been handled, but the biggest thing tonight seems to be not those.

It was the princess inside who had just been born and left.

With a sad expression on Xu Miaoyin's face, he whispered: "The emperor, since the little princess is already - let people prepare immediately."


Zhu Feng lowered his head, his face pale.

After a long while, he let out a muffled nasal "um".

So, the queen asked people to clean up immediately, and a few powerful mothers walked in and cleaned up the inside. One of the mothers wrapped the little princess with the original red and joyous swaddling and was ready to send it out.

She had just walked out and bowed to the emperor and queen. At this time, Zhu Feng lowered her head and suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The mother walked to the door and stopped immediately.

Zhu Feng did not speak.

Everyone was a little dazed, and they all looked at him. Naturally, the mother didn't dare to go and just stood there.

There was a long silence before hearing Zhu Feng's dumb voice: "Let me take another look at the little princess."


Hearing his words, the heavy suffocation immediately dissipated, and replaced by a kind of sadness that makes people feel extremely heavy even with breathing and heartbeat.

Nan Yan looked at his back.

Only at this moment, only this moment, she felt that Zhu Feng seemed to be much older.

No matter what kind of person Feng Qianyan is, and no matter what she did, the child is still his flesh and blood after all, and no one can do anything to be indifferent to the passing of his flesh and blood.

At his knees, he had a thin heir, even a princess was good.


Thinking of this, Nan Yan's heart sank, she sighed and took a step closer subconsciously.

I saw the mother holding the little princess and walking up cautiously.

The little princess's small body was wrapped in a big red swaddle. It was originally intended to warm the child and express joy, but now, her appearance and departure are just a great sorrow, more like a disappointment. Tears of jokes, she did not feel warm at all.

Only one small red and black hand appeared from the swaddle.

Looking at this little hand is even more sad.

Zhu Feng looked at it for a long time, but couldn't help but stretch out his hand, holding the soft, but already cold hand, and infinite grief came to his heart.

He said solemnly: "My daughter..."

The people around couldn't help but red their eyes and sobbed softly.

At this moment, Nan Yan suddenly felt Zhu Feng's body shake.

He suddenly let go of the little hand, as if touching the burning charcoal.

The mother didn’t know why, she just knelt on the ground, looked at him in a daze, and whispered: "The emperor...?"

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