Like a tiger, slowly approaching its prey.

Keen Ru Ran Xiaoyu opened his eyes suddenly, straightened up suddenly, and said solemnly to the dark hall: "Who?!"

The next moment, her breathing was choked.

Because she saw a tall figure, a faint light from outside the window penetrated into the room, shone on the person in front of her, and outlined the familiar outline.

In the darkness, his eyes were as bright as a pair of animal eyes.

Ran Xiaoyu was so shocked that his whole body trembled, and said dumbly: "The emperor... the emperor...?"

At this moment, her mind turned very fast, and she suddenly thought of the words Nan Yan said before going to bed, and suddenly discovered her own life experience. Is it possible for the emperor to fall into a state of madness like he was at the altar at the beginning? ?

At that time, he almost killed the noble concubine!

Thinking of this, a cold sweat came out, and Ran Xiaoyu clenched his fists subconsciously.

"The emperor--"

As soon as she was about to say something, she heard Zhu Feng's low voice in the dark night.

"Get out."


Ran Xiaoyu's heart jumped again.

She hesitated.

The voice was low and the gasp was heavy, but it was not like what a person on the brink of mental breakdown could say. In fact, Zhu Feng would not speak to people at all when he fell into a demon.

Ran Xiaoyu hesitated, then subconsciously glanced back.

Although she couldn't see anything, she clearly heard Nan Yan's breathing while still sleeping in the bed.

Zhu Feng...will not hurt her?

She was hesitating, and Zhu Feng said again in a low voice that seemed to be coming from deep underground--

"Get out!"

In this sentence, there was even a bit of sorrow.

No one needs to doubt, he won't say it a third time.

And when Ran Xiaoyu was at a loss, when she looked up, she saw a few figures shaking at the door of the room. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was Duke Yu and Xiao Shunzi. The light was faint, but it illuminated Duke Yu’s appearance. , He was beckoning to himself, and whispered: "Girl Xiaoyu, come out!"


Although there was some hesitation in his heart, at this time, Zhu Feng had slowly walked towards him.

His tall figure is as high as a mountain.

Ran Xiaoyu subconsciously took a step there, letting him go, then hesitated, and walked slowly to the door.

When she looked back, she had already seen his tall figure walking to the bed.

"Girl Xiaoyu, come out soon..."

Grandpa Yu was still talking in a low voice, Ran Xiaoyu hesitated and gritted his teeth and retreated.

As soon as she retreated to the door, Grandpa Yu pulled her out.

Then he reached out and closed the door.

Ran Xiaoyu turned around in a panic. In the darkness, she could only see Zhu Feng's tall figure standing by the bed, but the next moment, the door closed tightly.

Everything is isolated.

Ran Xiaoyu looked back at Grandpa Yu and them.

"Duke Yu..."

"it's okay no problem."

Thinking she was frightened, Grandpa Yu hurriedly reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Don't be afraid, Miss Xiaoyu, it's okay."

"I, I'm not afraid, I'm just--" Ran Xiaoyu frowned and said, "The emperor, what happened to him?"

Xiao Shunzi shivered, as if frightened.

"The appearance of the emperor just now is so scary."

Ran Xiaoyu's heart suddenly sank: "What's the matter?"

"Go, don't say anything, be careful to scare Miss Xiaoyu."

Grandpa Yu stretched out his hand and waved, and then said, "Don't be afraid, girl Xiaoyu, it's nothing."

Ran Xiaoyu didn't dare to believe it all. She became vigilant and said, "Duke Yu, if there is something wrong with the emperor, you can't hide it from me. Who doesn't know the last time - our mother almost died!"

"You can rest assured."

Grandpa Yu said: "The emperor is not like last time. He just explained to us and arranged everything behind the princess."

"Is it?"

Hearing this, Ran Xiaoyu was slightly relieved.

Being able to arrange matters behind the princess proves that Zhu Feng has not lost his reason.

But she just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Xiao Shunzi whisper again: "It's just that when the emperor walked over, she seemed to be a little bit of denial."


"Yeah, he walked all the way, the servants want to serve, and he ignored us at all."


"It seems, even our voices cannot be heard."


"And he just walked in the garden for a long time, as if he didn't know where he should go. In the end, he found this place again."

Speaking of this, Xiao Shunzi looked at Grandpa Yu with a worried look: "Father, the emperor-knows that this is the imperial concubine?"

Yugong cursed: "Little bastard, why didn't your tongue rot?"

After speaking, he looked at the frowned and worried Ran Xiaoyu again, and said, "Girl Xiaoyu can rest assured that this time the emperor is different from the last time."


Ran Xiaoyu didn't say a word, but she somewhat understood what Jade Father meant.

What he said was different, that is, Zhu Feng was walking on the road by himself, and no one was killed.

But, who knows how he would treat Nan Yan in the room?

Ran Xiaoyu became more afraid as she thought about it, but she really didn't dare to go in again.

Not to mention that there hasn't been any movement in it for the time being, even if there is any movement - by myself, I'm afraid I won't be able to endure Zhu Feng if I go in. When the time comes, the imperial concubine will still die.

Have to find another way!

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that Nan Yan had told her before that if there was any problem, she would go to Master Heyi.

So he immediately said, "Father-in-law, is there an early morning today?"

Duke Yu said immediately: "Yes, the emperor has arranged today's court meeting."

"Where is Master Heyi at this hour?"


Hearing what she said, Grandpa Yu hesitated for a while and immediately understood that Ran Xiaoyu was worried about another accident, so he called Master He Yi into the palace.

He immediately said: "The officials are waiting outside the palace gate, but Mr. Heyi is the chief assistant of the cabinet. He and the several adults in the cabinet should be there in the classroom."

The class room was specially set up by the emperor for several cabinet ministers, so that they could discuss the government affairs first and deal with matters conveniently before going to the early court.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly said, "Can you lead me over?"

"Okay, Xiao Shunzi, quickly lead Miss Yu over."


Xiao Shunzi immediately stepped forward and led Ran Xiaoyu out in a hurry. After a while, the two figures disappeared into the faint morning light.

And Grandpa Yu was still standing at the door of the side hall.

Inside, there was still no sound at all.

Grandpa Yu frowned and reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

He didn't quite understand why the situation of the emperor was wrong today. What was it that caused the devil in his heart again?

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