Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1487: People in the desert, looking for water

Before the sun came out, only a few people in the palace were collecting night incense and cleaning the snow. Xiao Shunzi carried a lantern and led Ran Xiaoyu out in a hurry.

After a short while, I left the inner palace gate and saw a row of classrooms in front.

Xiao Shunzi said, "That's it."

Ran Xiaoyu craned her neck and looked at it, only to see that the doors and windows of those rooms were closed, but candlelight was on inside, and several figures were shaking on the windows.

Xiao Shunzi said, "Should Miss Jade go there in person, or should I help you call people out?"

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said, "Thank you, father-in-law Shun, come and call someone for me. I'm not going to get there."

"That's true."

Xiao Shunzi nodded, let her wait at the door, and walked over with the lantern.

Ran Xiaoyu watched him push the door in. After a while, the figure in the room shook again, and a thin and long figure followed him out.

But at this moment, Ran Xiaoyu saw that on the other side, there was also a dark figure walking towards the class room.

It seems that it is also from the harem.

Ran Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the figure with a slight frown: besides himself, is there anyone in the harem who also wants to find an adult in the classroom?

Who is it?

Just when she was wondering, Xiao Shunzi had already walked over with Heyi.

Following the light of the lantern, He Yi saw her at a glance, and walked over and said: "Little Yu, does the concubine have anything to explain?"

Ran Xiaoyu hesitated for a while and said softly, "Master Heyi, do you know what happened last night?"


He Yi hesitated too.

He glanced at Xiao Shunzi, then at Ran Xiaoyu, and then said: "When I first entered the palace, he had already heard the news. Concubine Ning was deposed, and she was put in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. The little princess... "

Ran Xiaoyu nodded.

He Yi sighed.

He was originally a monk. Although he has entered the world and has entered the officialdom, he still has a compassionate heart.

Just said: "Waiting for the dead rest in peace."

The other two nodded.

He Yi said again: "By the way, the concubine empress—"

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "The imperial concubine and the maidservant said that if you have something to do, please come to invite an adult."

"Something? What's the matter?"

"My lord, there may be something wrong with the emperor."


He Yi frowned, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Isn't it? What did the emperor think of again?"

"It's not clear yet, it's just the situation of the emperor-the servants are afraid that he will hurt others again, so they come to invite the adults. Your lord, let's talk while walking."

"Okay, go!"

He Yi nodded without talking nonsense.

Although he usually, as a foreign minister, could not enter the inner palace without the will of the emperor and empress, but now he can't take care of so much. At least the imperial concubine has the power to associate with the sixth house. She summoned herself and it was not considered presumptuous.

So followed them and walked in.

After walking a few steps, Ran Xiaoyu looked back hesitantly again. On the other side of the class room, it seemed that there was one less figure on the window, but when she turned a corner, she couldn't see anything.

The steps of several people hurried, and in a short while, they walked to Jianfu Palace.

He Yi was stunned for a moment: "Is this here?"

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "Yesterday, Concubine Ning came out, oh no, after Feng Qianyan’s matter, the emperor stayed here. The concubine empress was worried about what happened to the emperor, so she stayed in the side hall to rest. I can pay attention to anything at any time, but I didn’t expect—"

He Yi nodded.

Stepped into Jianfu Palace, and after a while, he arrived at the door of the Piandian.

Grandpa Yu and a few others were still here, but did not dare to approach the door, but stood in the courtyard.

Everyone stayed up almost all night and was very tired. The morning light was faint, and the eyes that shone on them were almost all bloodshot and red.

However, no one dared to doze off.

Grandpa Yu also whispered: "I'll cheer up our family one by one, listen to what the emperor and noble concubines are doing. If you want tea or water, don't be lazy!"

Everyone can only agree.

At this time, who would want tea or water?

I'm afraid it is going to be beaten to kill.

The Yugong bus was over, and he couldn't help but yawn. As soon as he raised his head, he saw Heyi and the others approaching, immediately as if he saw a savior, he hurried forward: "Master Heyi."

"Duke Yu."

He Yi stepped forward, looked at him, and then at the closed door behind him.

Then he said: "How about the emperor and the concubine?"

"It's just nothing."

As the father-in-law said, he reached out and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He Yi frowned, "Is the noble concubine and empress still quiet?"

Grandpa Yu still shook his head.

He Yi murmured: "Not so..."

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Too many things happened last night. The mother had been in a bad spirit recently. She slept very heavily last night and almost fainted."


So, I don’t know now, is she still asleep, or...

Ran Xiaoyu was already very worried at this time.

If you are here, you can still catch it, but what can Nanyan stand up to? What she fears most is that Zhu Feng really loses his mind and hurts Nan Yan.

So he gritted his teeth and whispered: "Let's go in and have a look."

"No, no!"

Father Yu was so frightened that he was sweating profusely: "You didn't see what the emperor looked like. If you really broke in and were hit by him, would you still be alive?"

"But the concubine—"

"Noble concubine, it should be fine."

He Yi was talking.

When everyone heard what he said, they immediately looked back at him.

He Yi stood there quietly, and said thoughtfully: "Just on the road, you also told the official that the emperor found here by himself. No one has lived here in the partial hall. The emperor came here. It should not be because of this place, but because of the people here."


"He found the concubine himself."

Although this has not been confirmed, it seems that these few times, if Zhu Feng has any accidents, he will look for Nanyan by himself.

Just like people in the desert, they will find water by themselves.

This analogy may not be appropriate, but Zhu Feng's behavior is like this.

For him, the imperial concubine seems to be more than just a beloved concubine, there is always some deeper connection, which they can't see, but only he can feel.

He Yi said: "Wait a little longer."


When everyone heard him say this, they could only temporarily settle down.


Time just passed bit by bit.

The sun came out, and the sun shone into this quiet side hall.

A ray of light fell on both hands.

And these hands are not a person's hands, but two hands clasped together, index fingers entangled.

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