Late at night, everything was quiet.

Only the sound of the wind rang out from time to time on this vast wasteland, and there were waves of snow and mist, making this originally inaccessible wasteland even more mysterious and unpredictable.

There is a little spark on the wasteland.

It can only illuminate a square inch of the ground, but it keeps burning, adding a bit of warmth to this quiet and cold night.

In this warmth, Gu Yiyou opened his eyes.

Running for a whole day during the day, the physical exertion was relatively high. He and Tong Sinian spent a long time surveying here, but they couldn’t run as soon as the sun set. Although there was snow on the wasteland, the temperature would suddenly rise when the sun set. decline.

At this time, the best choice is to guard a bonfire.

A group of them did lit a bonfire. They should sleep and rest, and the vigil should be vigil. When he opened his eyes, he saw that on the other side of the fire, the two soldiers were still sitting for two days.

But beside him, it was empty.

Where is Tong Sinian?

Gu Yiyou was agitated, and hurriedly got up from the wool felt spread on the ground, and the two soldiers immediately said, "Master Gu."

Gu Yiyou said: "Where is Tong Sinian?"

"Master Tong? He got up just now and went over there."

With that, the two people pointed in one direction.

I saw it during the day, the direction of the canyon.

However, in such a dark night, the bonfire in front of you can only illuminate a little place around it, and if it is farther away, you can't see anything.

But Gu Yiyou still got up, put on the black fox fur cloak during the day, and walked in the direction pointed by the two soldiers.

Holding a torch in his hand.

Fortunately, there was no snow at night, and the flames flickered, illuminating the footprints in front of him, and he walked carefully along the footprints.

This walk, I walked nearly one mile.

Looking back, they can no longer see where they camped.

He hesitated for a moment, whether he wanted to continue walking forward, looking for Tong Sinian, worried that he would go out and walk around in the middle of the night, and lost his way, but if he goes on like this, he won’t be able to go back. Way off.

Besides, it's midnight now.

Wolves like to come out for food at this time.

The most important thing is that a strange sound faintly came from the sound of the wind, like a beast howling.

Moreover, it is still one after another, with different distances.

But what kind of beast can scream so loudly in such a wasteland?

Thinking of this, he had to stop and walk back, silently saying: Sinian, if you are buried in a wolf's belly, you will definitely find the best temple, find a few best monks, and recite the sutras for you. .

Having said that, he had to turn around and go back.

But he only thought about it in his heart, but he didn't see the foot, it was already a slope, slipped under his foot, and suddenly fell over.


He let out a scream and fell into a snow nest.

I thought I was going to fall badly this time, but when I fell in, I found that my body was not only soft, but also a little warm. I just heard a muffled sound from the snow nest: "Hmm!"


Gu Yiyou opened his eyes wide and looked down at him, revealing a face from the snow nest.


Tong Sinian, who he had never been able to find, was lying on the snow. Because he was wearing a white fox fur cloak, he was fused with the snow, so he couldn't tell.

Gu Yiyou was stupid: "You, what are you doing here?"


Tong Sinian looked at him expressionlessly: "Should you get up first before talking?"

"Huh? Ah!"

Only then did Gu Yiyou realize that he was pressing on him.

He hurriedly got up from Tong Sinian, and Tong Sinian also stood up, only to see that he had sunk deep into a snow pit. He didn't know how long he had been crawling here.

Gu Yiyou patted the snow foam on his body.

Asked: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

Seeing his frantic state, Gu Yiyou also stretched out his hand, patted the snow foam on his hair, and said, "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"I won't see you in the middle of the night, come out to find you."


Tong Sinian frowned and said, "Why, you can't even sleep when I'm not here."


Gu Yiyou rolled his eyes with anger at what he said, and waved the torch in his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, tell you serious, what are you doing here? I'm still feeding the wolf."

Tong Sinian smiled.

He also stretched out his hand to pat the snow foam on his body, but he was wearing a white fox fur cloak. It was not obvious if the snow foam was on it, but Gu Yiyou held a torch and shone on him, helping him to dust off a lot.

Tong Sinian said: "I'll come over and listen to the'wolf call'."

"Howling wolf?"


"Where did the wolf bark?"

"Come here and listen carefully."

As he said, Tong Sinian pulled him down on the snow, both of them held their breath and looked at the dark patches in front of him.

Only the wind whizzed past.

Gu Yiyou frowned: "Where did the wolf call?"

"You listen attentively."


It was quiet for a while.

Still nothing.

Gu Yiyou became a little impatient, and said, "Where is the wolf barking, are you just coaxing me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, in the dark night sky in the distance, there was a real "Woo" sound.

Gu Yiyou's eyes widened suddenly.

This is indeed somewhat like howling a wolf, but the sound comes from a long distance, and the sound of howling a wolf is simply impossible to spread that far.

So this is--

A smile appeared on Gu Yiyou's face and murmured: "Interesting."

After saying this, he held his breath again and continued to listen carefully to the sound coming from the dark night ahead. Although they all sounded the same, after careful identification, he could still hear the different sound levels.

He smiled and patted Tong Sinian's shoulder vigorously: "You really are there!"

Tong Sinian snorted when he was photographed.

Although the two people didn't say anything, they have been tacitly aware of many things in their friendship over the years.

The two were lying on the snow. Although the sky was freezing and their hands and feet were almost stiff, at this time, they seemed to be particularly comfortable.

Gu Yiyou said: "Si Nian."


"You said we are like this now, the emperor and the imperial concubine--"

"shut up!"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Tong Sinian. In the dark, he could see his dark face as if a little red, and said, "Don’t say anything wrong, you don’t know. doing what!"

Gu Yiyou said with no anger: "I mean, the two of us have worked so hard, can the emperor and the concubine understand it. Look at you, where did you think of it."


"What are you blushing?"

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