Gu Yiyou said with no anger: "I mean, the two of us have worked so hard, can the emperor and the concubine understand it. Look at you, where did you think of it."


"What are you blushing?"


Tong Sinian could not speak, only the torch in Gu Yiyou's hand lit the flashing fire on his face.

It seems more red.

After a long while, he got up suddenly, ignored Yiyou, and walked directly towards their camp.

"Hey, wait for me."

Gu Yiyou stood up and hurriedly followed.

He ran to Tong Sinian and followed his footsteps while saying: "Hey, you mean the sand bandits in the hot moon bend, do they know we are here?"



"This is the back entrance of Reyue Bend. Although this Grand Canyon has a high drop and it is difficult for manpower to go down, they also have to beware that someone will actually enter Reyue Bend from here, and they will definitely send people to stare here regularly. "

"Then why didn't they do it to us?"

"I'm afraid that when the emperor has just arrived here, they already know the news. If we move us, it is equivalent to breaking ground on the emperor's head. They are afraid that this is still very clear."


"Even though they are the best here, they still don't dare to really annoy the emperor."



"Besides what?"

"Furthermore, the last time they were at a loss in Master Ye's hands, everyone in the Great Yan Dynasty knew that Master Ye was taught by the emperor. How could they dare to act rashly when the emperor came here?"


"Now both sides are in a stalemate stage."


"It depends on who does it first."

Gu Yiyou thought for a while, and said, "The emperor must have wanted to do it first. He can't wait for a mob to beat him."

"So in this case, we need to clarify the situation here and tell him earlier."


"Only in this way can we increase the odds of winning on this side."

"Well, that's true. That's why you came here in the middle of the night to listen to the wind. It's really hard."


Having said that, Tong Sinian ignored him again, speeding up his pace and walking forward.

But Gu Yiyou still followed him closely, and kept saying "You slow down, slow down", but instead of paying attention to his feet, he stepped on the corner of the fox fur cloak on his body.


With a scream, he fell straight down.

Tong Sinian had already walked a few steps. At this time, he looked back at him, sighed, walked back and grabbed his hand, and pulled Gu Yiyou directly from the human-shaped snow nest.

Gu Yiyou's face was covered with snow, just like an old man with a white beard.

"Si Nian, my eyes are cold!"

"I really lost to you."


He stretched out his hand and dusted the snow for Gu Yiyou, then helped the brother who was rolling like a snowman, and the two slowly walked towards the camp.

In the camp, there were two night watch soldiers chatting around the fire to relieve their boredom, a small soldier Zhao Daxi, and an older soldier. Seeing these two sons rolling back like snowballs, they hurriedly helped them sit on the fire. Bake it for a while.

The two gradually warmed up.

Zhao Daxi said, "Aren't the two princes going to sleep for a while?"

Gu Yiyou said: "I won't sleep anymore, it will be light in a while."

As he said, he raised his head and looked at the dark sky, if countless pearls sparkling stars.

He smiled and said, "It's better to have such a starry sky in the northwest."

Zhao Daxi laughed and said: "The son said and laughed, what good can there be in such a place where birds don't shit? Besides, this kind of starry sky can be seen from the capital."

"Not the same, not the same."

Gu Yiyou looked at it and said, "The mood is different."

As he said, he pulled Tong Sinian: "Sinian, right?"

Tong Sinian ignored him, and only put his two hands together by the fire, then Zhao Daxi smiled and said, "The son is really elegant."

He probably didn't know how to flatter the relatives of these two imperial concubines, so he could only be so blunt. Tong Sinian couldn't help but glance at him, with an awkward expression in his eyes.

Gu Yiyou smiled.

He went on to say: "Seeing such a starry sky, I just feel that my mood has improved. The weather will also be better."

At this time, another middle-aged soldier guarding the fire next to him said: "This is not necessarily."


Gu Yiyou turned to look at him: "You mean, the weather?"

The soldier nodded and said, "Yes. In the northwest, you can't see the weather by looking at the sky. There are often stars twinkling the day before, but the next day is a sandstorm that makes people unable to open their eyes."

Gu Yiyou hesitated: "Will there be sandstorms in winter?"


"I thought it snowed here and there would be no sandstorms."

"This one is not there, but if you go to the northwest, it is all desert. There is more sand than snow. When the wind blows, it will cover the sky like a monster that wants to swallow people. There are so many days every winter. ."


"I haven't met this year, I'm afraid it will be soon."

Gu Yiyou didn't speak, but only looked at each other with Tong Sinian, and the two were silent for a while.

At this time, Zhao Daxi asked: "Two princes, how many days are we going to survey here?"

Tong Sinian said in a deep voice: "I will go back in two days."



In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the past two days, although it was in the important town of the border city and surrounded by both inside and outside, it felt like it was crises, but Nan Yan had been very busy.

There is nothing for her to do, and nothing for her to do.

She just got up late every morning, had a meal that didn't know if it was breakfast or lunch, and then went to Ye Yi's room to have a look.

In the afternoon, I just sat in a daze by the window.

In the evening, Zhu Feng will come to accompany her to dinner, a little later...

Nothing to say.

This look is indeed horribly idle.

However, probably she was born with a busy life. The more leisurely she is, the more disturbed she is.


Several days have passed, the mysterious person mentioned before, there will be someone who will contact her, and he has never appeared.

Sometimes, I would wander around in the captain's mansion, trying to see if I would run into someone, but no matter where I went, the people around me bowed their heads in fear.

No special people appeared.

Nan Yan sat in front of the window, watching the sky glow slightly red.

She frowned slightly.

That person, why doesn't he show up now?

Did the mysterious man change his plan, or did they discover something and refused to appear in front of them?

What exactly is going on?

Nanyan was puzzled.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in my ear: "What is the mother thinking?"


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