Zhu Feng's eyes were deep and gloomy, and even with a bloodthirsty breath that had been missing for a long time, he slowly said: "If you want to say anything, there are no outsiders here."


Wang Baizhi responded, thought for a while, and then said, "This poison is not recorded elsewhere, but there have been, uh, a little, a little recorded in some... in the pamphlet of the palace. "


Nan Yan's eyes widened suddenly.

In the palace... is there a record?

what happened?

She subconsciously turned her head to look at Zhu Feng, but saw that his face did not show any astonishment, but rather calm.

His eyes flickered slightly.

It seemed that there was something that came to mind when he heard this poisonous characteristic, just waiting for Wang Baizhi to say it.

After saying this, Wang Baizhi did not dare to speak anymore.

It seems that the poison also involves some taboos.

He didn't even dare to touch it.

For a while, Nan Yan didn't dare to talk nonsense, and just stayed quietly.

I don't know how long it took, she heard Zhu Feng let out a deep breath and said, "Is this?"

Wang Baizhi raised his hand and wiped off the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, but as soon as it was wiped off, the sweat beads in his hair condensed and rolled down drop by drop. He said carefully: "This poison is just A means of concealing the real poison. After the poison is detoxified, the real poison can be decomposed."


Nan Yan listened to Zhu Feng and gritted his teeth hard.

In fact, she herself frowned.

Unexpectedly, this matter is so complicated.

I originally thought that it was just the sand bandit's retaliation against the imperial court and shot Ye Yu, but if it was really just for the demonstration to retaliate, such complicated methods would not be needed at all, or even the poison of seeing the blood in the throat. Ye Yao now has returned to Jiuquan.

Why use two poisons?

In particular, one of them also hides the truth of his poisoning.

Moreover, this poison seems to have some deeper taboos.

Zhu Feng remained silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Who else knows about this?"

Wang Baizhi hurriedly said: "Weichen didn't tell anyone, even Miss Xiaoyu didn't know about this. Weichen knew that this matter was of great importance, and after discovering it, he directly reported to the emperor and empress."

Zhu Feng nodded: "You did it right."


"Don't let anyone know."


"You also continue to research. No matter what the poison is, I must save Ye Wei's life first, and I want to see him wake up safe and sound."


Wang Baizhi responded and packed the medicine box and picked up the rag.

Then he exited the Yushufang.

When he left and the door closed, Nan Yan immediately turned his head and looked at Zhu Feng: "The emperor."

She originally wanted to tell Zhu Feng immediately that she had a detoxification pill given by Heyi in her hand, maybe she could try it. But when he didn't say anything, he saw Zhu Feng stretch out his hands to prop his head. It seemed that the temples on both sides were swollen and painful, and the outline of his teeth appeared on his face.

Nan Yan hurriedly walked over, gently covering the back of his hand: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng took a deep breath and raised his head.

Looking at the deep hanging needle patterns on his eyebrows, Nan Yan seemed to feel that this matter was unusual, and asked softly, "Is there anything wrong with that poison?"


"Will the emperor tell his concubine?"

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