"Will the emperor tell his concubine?"


Zhu Feng was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at her, his eyes flickering slightly, but he didn't resist discussing the topic.

However, it seems a little hard to tell.

After being silent for a while, he stretched out his hand to cover Nan Yan's slender waist. Nan Yan was hugged by him and sat in his arms. Fortunately, the chair was large enough, and it was not crowded for two people to lean on it like this. Yes, it gives a feeling of fulfillment.

Nan Yan felt that something seemed to have touched Zhu Feng's heart.

His old wounds--

She didn’t ask, she was held by him so quietly, as if a little girl holding her favorite doll could get a little support and comfort, Zhu Feng was holding her, half of her face buried in her shoulders. Inside, breathing the smell that belongs to her, finally relaxed a little.

He said: "That kind of poison, I know."


"If it's really what Wang Baizhi and Yan Wei conjectured, I know."

"What is it?"

"Originally there was no name, but the person who used it gave it a nice name for convenience, called Yan Guo Wuhen."

"Goose has no trace?"

"Yes," Zhu Feng said sullenly, "This medicine is used by Ouchi to dispose of people who cannot be kept and cannot be disposed of publicly."

Nan Yan could feel that he originally wanted to say "criminal", but the word "criminal" seemed to be really unspoken.

She frowned.

In fact, having been in the palace for so long, of course she also knew that there are too many shameful places, shameful people and things in the palace, even at this moment, the emperor who embraces her, his life experience, is also shameful. .

Some shameful things must be dealt with by shameful means.

Such poison...

Zhu Feng continued: "This kind of poison, after being used, will make people unable to detect that it has been poisoned. Often, it is used for death."

"Given death...?"

Hearing these two words, Nan Yan's breathing tightened.

You know, give death...No one else can give death to others.

In the whole world, only one person can give death to others.

It's the emperor!

However, Zhu Feng has been by his side almost all these years since he became the throne, and he has never seen him give anyone to death. He wants to kill, almost all of it is fair and honest, and even the city is full of storms.

Could it be--

Feeling Nan Yan's body twitching slightly, Zhu Feng's dull voice sounded behind him.

"High Emperor..."


"This kind of poison is what he uses."

Nan Yan wanted to look back, but somehow she couldn't bear to look back.

In particular, Zhu Feng's voice seemed to be completely hoarse like that Li Lai whose throat was soaked by smoke.

She whispered: "Emperor Gao, who has died with this poison?"

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "Xingwu five years, the general Lan Shiming."

"Blue Ten Life?!"

Hearing this name, Nan Yan was shocked.

As long as it is a member of the Great Yan Dynasty, no one does not know that this is a great hero who followed the Gao Emperor to fight the world. After the founding of the country, the Gao Emperor relied on him very much, and the high officials were generous.

However, everyone is also very sorry that he died young.

It is said that because of a serious illness, Emperor Gao even went to visit him personally and gave him a goose made in the imperial kitchen.

Such an honor is really rare.

However, he died of a serious illness and passed away not long after.

Nanyan Road: "He is not—"

Having said that, I stopped.

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