"But the situation ahead is different from what we thought."

"Oh?" Nan Yan asked hurriedly: "What's the matter?"

Zhu Feng glanced down at the letter in his hand again, and then said solemnly: "They said they found the way, but it's difficult to walk, and it's difficult for the army to pass."

"Difficult to go?"

"It's a very narrow valley, the narrowest place, and only three or four people can run in parallel at a time."

"So narrow?"


Zhu Feng nodded and said: "It is very difficult for the army to pass through this place. Of course, if you want to surprise Hot Moon Bend, you don't need an army to march, as long as a part of the elite enters."

"Then what else are they worried about and want to make their own way?"

"Because that road is almost gone."

"It's almost gone? What do you mean?"

Nan Yan heard it inexplicably, and Zhu Feng said: "Do you remember the lake I took you to see that day?"

Nan Yan nodded immediately: "Remember. The emperor said that there is usually no water in that lake, but sometimes water will come out of the ground to form a lake."


"Then what does this have to do with the hot moon bend road? Could it be—"

Nan Yan's thoughts turned and his eyes widened. Zhu Feng nodded when seeing her understand, and said, "That's right, that's the same in that road."

"have water?"

"Yes, so the narrow valley formed a narrow river."


"Because the weather is cold now, the water in that river is frozen, so I can barely walk on the ice."


"However, in the past two days, the weather seems to be gradually warming up. Although it is still snowing, it is already sporadic light snow, and the ice seems to be melting."


Nan Yan hurriedly said, "If it melts, wouldn't it—you have to swim over?"

Zhu Feng smiled and said: "Even if it is not for the army to enter, it is just some elite surprise attacks on Hot Moon Bend, but the soldiers still have to carry bows, crossbows and swords on their bodies. It is impossible to completely wear lightly. This way, swimming in the water is dangerous, almost impossible ."


"That's why they said that this road is about to'disappear', and they want to enter that road first."

"so what should I do now?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and then said: "No matter what, you can't let children take risks."

After speaking, he took the letter paper and walked directly to the desk on the other side. Nan Yan hurried over, knowing that he was definitely going to write a letter, so he immediately laid out letter paper for him and studied ink for him.

Nan Yan watched Zhu Feng pick up the pen, thought for a moment, and wrote a paragraph on the paper——

You wait for this trip to discover the lair of the sand bandits, and you cannot enter without purpose.

This is a great achievement, and I will return to Beijing in the future to reward the merits.

Nan Yan immediately said, "The emperor still doesn't let them in?"

"Of course not."

After Zhu Feng finished writing, he picked up the paper and blew a few breaths on it to dry the ink stains, and said: "Two little children, with only a few people, how can they take this risk? In case something happens to them, How can I explain to you?"

Nan Yan smiled.

However, the mood is not easy.

I didn't know the situation on this road before, so when she heard that Gu Yiyou and the others were going to make their own way, she was furious, but now that she knew the reason, she was a little worried.

"But, if that's the case, can you still enter the hot moon bend?"


Having said that, Zhu Feng's actions were slightly stagnant.

He immediately said again: "Of course it can."


Zhu Feng looked up at her and said, "I am the emperor, and I am the master."

Nan Yan was originally worried, but when he heard him say this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

How can there be such a thing.

Even if all the people in the world listen to him, but the weather is God's decision, how can God let him be the master?

However, seeing him full of confidence, Nan Yan was not so worried anymore.

After all, he is in charge on the battlefield.

After Zhu Feng dried the ink, asked her to take a small envelope and put it on the seal, and then went out: "Xiao Shunzi."

Xiao Shunzi immediately ran from a distance.

Zhu Feng said: "Where is that person just now?"

Xiao Shunzi said: "Return to the emperor, the slave and maid had been asked to take him down. He suffered a leg injury on the way back and was letting the medical officer in the camp watch."


Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng's brows frowned slightly.

His letter was originally intended to be sent back by the guard. This time, I'm afraid it won't work.

Seeing that he was holding the letter in his hand, Xiao Shunzi immediately understood, and said hurriedly: "The emperor, I'm afraid he can't walk anymore. The slave and maid will find someone to deliver the letter."

Zhu Feng said: "Find a reliable one."

"The servant understands."

After speaking, he ran down in a hurry, and after a while, came in with a tall eunuch.

Zhu Feng looked up and laughed: "It's you."

Standing in front of him was Wei Liang, who had followed him on the battlefield in the past.

Wei Liang hurriedly bowed down to Zhu Feng: "Farewell to the emperor."

Zhu Feng got up and walked over, helped him up and said, "I heard that you followed this time, why did you follow here?"

Wei Liang smiled and said: "I heard that there are sand bandits here, and the young ones also want to come and have a look. If they are useful, the small fists have not been abandoned.

Zhu Feng laughed.

Although Wei Liang has become an eunuch, his temperament has not changed much since he was in the army. When he was a guard next to Zhu Feng, he was used to beating and scolding, but he was closer than others.

Zhu Feng said: "Just right, I also need you."

"What does the emperor have to order?"

"You take this letter."

Zhu Feng handed him the letter he had written, and Xiao Shunzi took the road view map drawn from the guard just now, and handed it to Wei Liang, and then said: "You follow this road view map, hurry up. Hurry over, find Master Gu and Master Tong, and give this letter to them."

Wei Liang took it with both hands.

He didn't ask what it was, he took the letter into his arms, pressed his chest carefully, and said, "According to the order!"

After speaking, he got up to leave.

At this time, Zhu Feng stopped him again: "Wei Liang."

Wei Liang stopped and hurriedly turned around again: "What is the emperor's order?"

Zhu Feng thought for a while, and said: "Be careful on the road. This letter must be rushed and delivered to them as soon as possible. Anxious, important."

Hearing him say this, Wei Liang's expression became more solemn.

Said: "Please rest assured, the emperor!"

After speaking, he walked out quickly.

A horse had already been prepared for him outside the side door of the Captain's Mansion, and Wei Liang took the dry food and water handed to him by the person next to him, turned on the horse neatly, and galloped away.

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