When Zhu Feng came to Nanyan, he originally planned to come to rest, but this time, he could not rest.

He took Nan Yan back to the couch and pressed her shoulders to let her sit down.

Then said: "You obediently rest, eat regularly, and drink medicine regularly."

Nan Yan looked at him with wide eyes: "What is the emperor going to do?"

Seeing her asking such a question, Zhu Feng was a little curious and funny. He couldn't help but squeezed her face with a hand and said, "Is it really silly when I become pregnant? What else can I do?"


At this point, his eyes suddenly sank.

A bloodthirsty aura that had been hidden for a long time, bursting from the depths of his body, or in other words, from the depths of his blood, filled the room.

He said: "I, I'm going to expedition."


Nan Yan's breath became tight all at once.

No matter how you hear people say in normal times, or how you know that Zhu Feng is always on the battlefield, as long as he is there, no matter how great the difficulty is, you can get through it, but when you really hear that he will be on the battlefield again, that worry His emotions were still overwhelming.

Engulfed her instantly.

Nan Yan held his breath and said in a heavy voice, "I'm leaving now?"

"of course,"

As Zhu Feng spoke, he stood up and said, "Since we have found that way, naturally we must send troops immediately."


"Should we be discovered by the sand bandits in Hot Moon Bend, our plan would fail."


"Furthermore, you also saw the letter from Gu Yiyou and the others. They must hurry up before the ice melts so that the surprise attackers can enter the valley smoothly, otherwise, it will fall short."


"I want to call Yang Dai and the others right now to rectify the soldiers and horses. And—"

"What else?"

"Also, that Li Lai."

Having said that, Zhu Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

Nan Yan's eyebrows were also frowned, and her breath that had been choked back resumed, but this time, a lot of cold air was sucked into her body, making her instantly calm down from the worry and panic she had just received.

That's right.

And the road given by Li Lai.

On that road, I’m afraid--

After Zhu Feng's gaze flickered, he lowered his head to look at Nan Yan, the cold and murderous air disappeared without a trace for an instant, leaving only the warmth of the pulse, a big hand gently stroked her hair, and said: "No matter what's going on outside, in short, you can stay in the captain's mansion with peace of mind and take care of your baby."


"Don't be frightened."


What he said--even though Nan Yan was worried and worrisome in his heart, he couldn't help but smile.

How can it be ordered like this.

Will you be frightened, how can you decide on your own?

Of course, he can also follow before and tell the people around him to turn himself into a paradise in an iron barrel. No matter the wind, rain, snow, or any uneasy news, he is not allowed to come in.

However, as soon as he left, he became the boss of the captain's mansion, and he didn't have to listen to himself.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan was not in a hurry.

Just said: "Then, the emperor is not allowed to scare the concubine."

Hearing what she said, Zhu Feng also smiled, rubbing her hair a little harder: "I know."

After speaking, he got up to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard Nan Yan ask: "The emperor, which way are you going?"

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