"Master Yingshao, are we just such a few people?"

In the deep and winding mountain road, a somewhat hesitant voice sounded, and it flickered like a candlelight that was going to be extinguished in the wind at any time, and it seemed so volatile.

It's Li Lai.

He is leading Ying Shao, and a team of people behind Ying Shao, walking on the winding mountain road.

Although his leg injury has healed a lot, but after all this long horse riding and walking in such a steep and uneven valley, he also has some difficulties.

Ying Shao held the torch high in one hand, and supported him with the other.

The fire light shines and can only illuminate the distance in front of an inch. Originally, the people behind can all hold torches to light up the road here, but in order not to be spotted by the sand bandits in the hot moon bend, they can only light this torch, the fire light Shine, projecting their shadows on the towering stone walls around them.

Shadow and shadow, like a behemoth that can eat people.

People walking inside are like walking in **** where ghosts are shaking.

The more so, the more uneasy in my heart.

Li Lai looked back again. Although Yingshao had many subordinates, for a team that was going to surprise Hot Moon Bend, there were not many people here, and it was not even as good as the one led by Ye Xun. The first troops stationed at Yuewan, who rescued them.

He said, "I'm afraid it won't work."

"Why not?"

"There are a large number of sand bandits in Hot Moon Bend. Even if you are planning a surprise attack, this is definitely not enough."


"Previously, when Master Ye Yu entered Hot Moon Bend, he led at least four to five hundred people."


"But then, they failed to take advantage."

"Then you know, he didn't succeed later."

"Zei Xia is definitely not doubting Master Yingshao's ability, just for your safety. Besides—"

When he said this, he glanced back.

Then he said, "Your Majesty, is it true that he won't come?"

Ying Shao gave him a cold look.

At this glance, Li Lai couldn't help but feel a little nervous. As soon as he looked back, he tripped under a stone.


He whispered, but fortunately, Ying Shao's eyesight was quick, and he supported him.

When Li Lai stood firm, Ying Shao said coldly: "Where and when the emperor is going, let alone you should not be concerned."

Li Lai's back was covered with cold sweat, and he said softly: "Yes..."

"We know how many people are needed. Just lead the way."


Li Lai didn't dare to say anything, but Ying Shao turned around, summoned his lieutenant, asked him to follow Li Lai, and handed the torch to him. He stepped back and walked behind.

The group of people still walked forward slowly.

Qiu Jiang, a lieutenant behind him, immediately stepped forward and whispered, "My lord."

Ying Shao suppressed the low tone and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "How, can you write down the path when you came?"

Qiu Jiang said, "My lord, don't worry, the subordinates have made people mark them along the way, and others have been drawing road views based on the route he led the way."

"Be careful not to let him find out."

"of course."

As Qiu Jiang said, he whispered softly: "But...sir, the subordinates have some doubts."

"What are you wondering?"

"Since the emperor doesn't trust him at all, the purpose of this trip is to—" Having said that, he still looked forward cautiously. Li Lai was still walking forward slowly until he reached an intersection, as if hesitated. Choose to go to the left.

So the group walked to the left again.

He whispered: "Why mark along the way and draw a road view?"

"What do you know?"

Ying Shao said: "Although the emperor doesn't believe him, the terrain in the hot moon bend is indeed very complicated. Until now, no one can lead us in."


"Now, taking this trip is also adding content to the map."


"Even if there is no work tonight, the value this section of the road will bring to us in the future is still unknown."


Qiu Jiang suddenly realized.

Can't help sighing: "The emperor still has a vision."

Ying Shao glanced at him coldly and looked forward again. Li Lai carefully memorialized his memorials. The more he walked in, the more complicated the road here. According to the words of the caring son and Tong son, this terrain was the flood impact of the early years. What came out, it was really supernatural, a natural maze.

Although Ying Shao's memory is extraordinary, if he goes on, it will be difficult for him to find a way back.

Fortunately, someone was arranged to mark and draw a road view map.

He whispered: "Let everyone be more careful. I've been walking for so long, I'm afraid it is about to—"

Qiu Jiang said immediately: "Subordinates understand."

So, he stepped back carefully and notified all the soldiers who followed to be vigilant.

Everyone became nervous at this moment. While walking in the gloomy valley, they placed their hands on the hilt of the sword at their waist.

Ready to fight at any time.

Gradually, as they walked in, they felt that the ground became wetter, and some places were even muddy. Although the light was dim and invisible, the feeling of stepping into the mud was still very clear.

At this moment, Li Lai suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

The crowd stopped immediately.

In the narrow valley, everyone’s breathing can be heard, and even the heartbeat of everyone can be heard. Although his voice is very low, it reaches everyone’s ears clearly.

Ying Shao said: "What's the matter?"

Li Lai said, "My lord, we have to put out the fire."


"The front-the place where the villain had walked before, the place where the road was blocked by a huge stone, there should be sand bandits guarding the other side."


"The road, under the boulder, if we light a torch, the fire will expose us."


Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, without talking.

Originally there was only this torch, and the flame was already very weak.

If it goes out this time, I'm afraid--

However, Ying Shao said, "Good."

After speaking, he nodded to the lieutenant. Without saying anything, the lieutenant threw the torch in his hand to the ground. When he stepped on it, he heard the sound of sizzling, and the fire went out immediately.

Suddenly, the entire valley was plunged into an invisible darkness.

Li Lai's voice seemed to be a little nervous and a little excited.

Slightly trembling said: "Okay, then we can move on."

"it is good."

Ying Shao's voice was cold and steady.

Just said: "You lead the way."

As he said, one hand grabbed the sword on his waist and pressed it firmly against the mouth of the scabbard.

Always be ready to pull the sword out of the sheath.

They continued to walk forward, turning a curve ahead, and suddenly, although it was already pitch black, everyone felt a huge shadow in front of them, as if a monster had enveloped them.

It is a boulder stuck in a narrow valley.

And under the boulder, there is a faint gap.

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