Li Lai said, "This is it!"

"is it."

Ying Shao and the others immediately increased their vigilance when they heard this sentence, but instead of facing the gap under the boulder, they immediately gathered together and looked around.

Those towering mountain walls, as well as winding mountain roads.

In the dark night, there are so many shadows, I don't know how many hidden soldiers will hide.

Everyone put their hands on the swords on their waists, ready to fight at any time.

However, after saying this, the surroundings became quiet, and as everyone held their breath, it was so quiet that there was no sound of wind, and even the heartbeat of each other could be heard.

There was no movement.

Ying Shao frowned slightly.

Li Lai looked back at them. Although it was pitch black in front of him, he couldn't see anything at all. He could only faintly see the figures of Ying Shao and several other lieutenants shaking in front of him, and he said carefully: "Yes. right here."

His voice was very low, as if he was afraid to startle the sand bandits in Hot Moon Bend.

He whispered: "Before, Zai Xia wanted to escape Hot Moon Bend, so he fled to the other side of the boulder. Later, the sand bandits took me back."


"That's right in this place."


"When I was caught back, I accidentally found a gap under the boulder. Although I can't see it from above, the gap is actually quite large."


"Someone can pass."


"If you don't believe me, I can—"


Just as he was going to lead the way and lead the way, Ying Shao stepped forward and reached out to stop him.

At such a close distance, I can't see the expressions on each other's faces.

However, he can see the light in each other's eyes.

Li Lai's eyes were sincere and fearful. Obviously, walking to this place was like awakening a certain memory of his past and making him a little nervous.

Ying Shao's brows frowned slightly.

According to the military strategist, this place is already the best place to set up ambushes. If you don’t count the fact that they have left soldiers and horses behind to prepare for it, it’s just that people like them walked to this place. If the people of Reyue Bend really Of setting ambush here...

They are almost dead in a lifetime.

But now, there is no movement.

Could it be that they guessed wrong?

Or is the ambush on the other side of the boulder?

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked at the huge shadow in front of him, as if a giant was standing in front of him. If there is only a gap through which a person can pass, then this place is indeed "a man who can pass through."

Ambushing on the opposite side is indeed more likely than this place.

He thought for a while and said, "Let me go first."

When everyone heard this, they were anxious.

However, everyone did not dare to make a loud noise, only Qiu Jiang, who had been following Ying Shao, stepped forward and eagerly lowered his voice: "My lord, no!"

Ying Shao turned to look at him: "Huh?"

"The adults cannot take risks easily."

"It's okay."

Ying Shao knew very well that although the situation was a little different from what had been predicted before, they couldn't stop there.

"Let me go over and take a look, you are here, pay attention to—"

When he said "watch out", his eyes flickered slightly in the dark light. Of course Qiu Jiang understood that he was talking about not only paying attention to everything around him, but also paying attention to the person in front of him.

So he said: "Understand."

When Ying Shao finished speaking, he turned around and leaned down.

The gap, from above, seemed to be just a small gap left by the boulder pressed on the mountain road, but only after going down did I realize that the ground was still dented, and a huge gap was formed in the middle.

Just enough to pass by one person.

If it is not an emergency, but a surprise attack, this place is enough.

But if there is an ambush--

Thinking of this, Ying Shao became even more nervous. He got into the crevice of the stone, thought for a moment, raised his left leg, reached out and took out a boot knife hidden in his boot, and bit it in his mouth.

If it is said that it is completely dark outside after the flame is turned off, then here is the real hand out of sight.

Even if he stretched out his hand in front, he couldn't see the shadow.

Ying Shao followed Zhu Feng's side, and it was considered to have experienced many battles, but it was the first time he encountered this situation, especially what was happening on the opposite side of the boulder, he had not yet figured out.

But the purpose of this trip is to find out the situation.

No matter how difficult it is, he, as the leader of the imperial army, should be overcome by him.

Thinking of this, he took another deep breath, then stretched out his hand to touch the boulder on his head, moving forward step by step.

At this moment, his finger suddenly felt something.


Ying Shao's brow furrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to support the boulder above his head, and walked forward, faintly, there was a faint, almost invisible light in front of him. It was the other end of the boulder, a leaked part in the gap. Little light.

Going out!

Thinking of this, Yingshao's heartbeat increased a little. He bit the knife in his mouth, touched the stone on top of his head, and walked forward little by little along the bumpy road under his feet, slowly drilling out. To the hole.


It turned out to be a normal mountain road!

Ying Shao was taken aback, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

However, he didn't get out immediately, he cautiously hid under the boulder, looked around cautiously, and immediately heard the sound of footsteps in front of him.

Because he was sticking to the ground and could hear clearly, he immediately leaned down again and heard the footsteps a little messy, and there was more than one person.

In front, a faint flame lit up.

Ying Shao held his breath and hid under the big rock, he heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, and on the other side of the big rock, the people he brought with him naturally did not dare to make any noise.

Throughout the valley, I could only hear my tight breathing.

As the footsteps got closer, Ying Shao reached out and pinched the handle of the boot knife in his mouth.

Is it an ambush, or...?

Several tall figures turned a corner and walked over.

Before the figure arrives, the voice arrives first——

"It's so late, it's **** bad for us to come here on patrol."

"Yes, what's so nice here?"

"I will leave all the important points to Hu Lao Er. Let us look at these places. There is a bird!"

"Forget it, don't say it, just stay here, after this night, I will go back tomorrow morning."

With that, a few people walked to the side of the big stone and were about to sit down.

In Ying Shao's eyes, a cold light flashed.

He took off the boot knife from his mouth and was about to rush out——

Suddenly, there was a shrill sound in the silent night sky!

Upon hearing this sound, Ying Shao was shocked.

Is this, Zheng Sheng? !

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