"Now, with a mob of sand bandits, do you want to take his life in vain?"

Having said that, she sneered again: "It's too big, too big."


"Along the way, this palace originally thought that one could be regarded as an exhaustive plan, but he did not expect that he made such a big mistake. It seems that no matter what he wants to plot or what revenge he wants, this time, only I'm afraid that the long-cherished wish is hard to fulfill."

Xue Ling did not speak, but frowned, with complicated eyes.

Obviously, he was also thinking about these words of Nanyan.

After a while, she said, "Is the empress really so confident in the emperor?"

Nan Yan glanced at her, her eyes calm, but there seemed to be a little light, like a cluster of flames in the wind, swaying non-stop, but never extinguished.

She said: "At this point, this palace has confidence in him."


"No matter what danger or difficulty he faces, he—he will definitely get over it."

Speaking of this, Nan Yan's breath is getting deeper and deeper.

Even, this sentence seemed to come from the depths of her lungs, making her own eardrums hum.

She murmured: "I believe him."


"I believe him..."

Xue Ling looked at her quietly, his eyes seemed to appreciate something, and he said with a smile but a smile: "Niangniang's words really make the people's girls a little scared. I don't know whether the Niangniang believes in his strength or believes in him. this person."


Nan Yan frowned slightly: "Is there a difference?"

Xue Ling said, "No?"

The two looked at each other in silence for a long time. After all, it was Xue Ling's young age, facing the imperial concubine empress, even if she had a plan in her heart, under her gaze, she lowered her head.

Nan Yan sneered: "You don't have to use my palace's words here."


"If things don't happen tonight, no matter what kind of words come out, it will be no good to you or to you."


"And this is also the result of your own affairs without telling this palace."

Xue Ling was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said, "Niang Niang's words are indeed good, but if it is true that Niang Niang said, we can't make a plan tonight, then Niang Niang shouldn't be so relaxed at this moment."


Xue Lingping said: "After all, it is the two brothers of the empress who are exploring the terrain."


"I lied about the military situation and led to a defeat in the war. Doesn't the empress worry about them?"

Nan Yan's face sank.

This is of course something to worry about.

However, it is not the most worrying thing at the moment.

She said: "It's also because they didn't do everything well. They followed the emperor, so sloppy. If they really want to punish, the palace will naturally not say much."

Xue Ling said: "The empress is all devoted to the public."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "This palace is dedicated to the public, but at this moment, I can't help but consider it for you."

"For me, what are you thinking about?"

"Don't you think about it yourself? You appeared in front of this palace tonight, and all your previous disguise was in vain?"

Xue Ling smiled and said, "Could it be that the mother will sue me for failure?"

Her eyes flickered: "Aren't we in a boat?"

Nan Yan also glanced at her, his eyes flickering slightly, and said: "It is true, we are indeed in a boat."

Xue Ling smiled, just about to say something, but Nan Yan went on to say: "However, we only have the same interests. If there is a disaster, this palace will not sink with your ship."

Xue Ling said: "Disaster? What disaster is the mother talking about?"

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