Xue Ling said: "Disaster? What disaster is the mother talking about?"

Nan Yan looked behind her.

Xue Ling frowned slightly and looked back.

But behind her, there was nothing but the empty door.

She was puzzled about what she was about to say, her gaze fell on the door frame, and the crossbow bolt nailed on it was so familiar to her.

Nanyan Road: "My Palace has already told you that the crossbow machine was copied. Do you think you can hide it again?"


Xue Ling's brows wrinkled.

She said, "Didn't the empress have withdrawn the serving person?"

Nan Yan laughed, shook his head and said: "It seems that you are still too young. As a noble concubine in this palace, are there only those people you can see with your eyes?"


Xue Ling was taken aback.

Indeed, she is not a member of the royal family, and she doesn't know how noble these royal family members are. The imperial concubine has removed the few people who serve by her side, so she can come here boldly, is it in the dark? can not be seen?

Thinking of this, her expression became solemn, and she looked at Nan Yan: "What's the plan for that empress?"

Nan Yan looked at her with a smile and said, "My palace, of course, it can protect you."


This answer...

Although it was what I expected, it was also unexpected.

After all, from the very beginning, Nan Yan didn't mean to cooperate. On the contrary, her attitude of detachment, like an enemy and not a friend, is even more unpredictable.

But now, she suddenly said clearly that she would protect herself...

This is even more disturbing.

In Xue Ling's bright and bright eyes, there were real doubts and unbelief.

Nanyan Road: "My palace knows you don't believe it."


"However, if you listen to the terms of this palace, you will believe it."

"Is there any conditions for the empress?"

"Of course, don't you think that just a word from you is enough for this palace to act?"

Xue Ling said: "What conditions do you want?"

Nan Yan looked at her with a smile on her face, as if a cold wind suddenly came in, swept away the little warmth of Xue Ling's body, and she couldn't help but shudder.

I heard Nan Yan say: "My palace wants an antidote."


"My palace wants Ye Yu to wake up."

Xue Ling's eyes flickered.

As if she still couldn't believe it, she whispered softly, "Even the concubine is bothering so much for Master Ye?"

Nan Yan smiled faintly, glanced at her, and said, "Do you remember what you just said?"

Xue Ling was taken aback: "What?"

What she just said has gone too much, what did Nan Yan mean?

Nan Yan couldn't remember when she saw her, but she sneered and said, "You said that Ye Xun's position in the heart of the emperor is no less than that of the maidens in the harem. This palace doesn't know who told you this, but obviously The person who said this knows the emperor very well and also understands the friendship between the emperor and Ye Wei over the past decades."


"However, the person who said this didn't tell you that Ran Xiaoyu is also very important to this palace?"


"Even more important than the brothers and sisters who share the same genealogy with the palace."

Xue Ling murmured: "Girl Xiaoyu..."

South Yandao: "Xiaoyu is unwilling to eat for the sake of Ye Yu. You should see clearly these days."

As long as it is a person with eyes, it is natural to see Ran Xiaoyu's feelings for Ye Wei.

She couldn't tell, so she could only do it with her hands.

For her these days, every moment is suffering. Nan Yan just looks at her and feels that she can't go on any longer.

Xue Ling said with a complicated expression: "The empress is really affectionate and righteous to Miss Xiaoyu."

Nan Yan sneered: "It's also for your good."


"If Ye Yu's illness drags on, it will run out of Ran Xiaoyu's patience. If you let her know, you shot Ye Yu with the crossbow machine, and it made him unconscious these days, you guessed it. , Ran Xiaoyu will remove your arm and leg?"

Xue Ling trembled all over when she said.

She indeed took a great risk to enter the captain's mansion, walking on thin ice every day, especially after the emperor and concubine came to Shazhouwei, she was like a rat sleeping by the cat's nest, and even every night Nightmare, dreaming that what I did was discovered by them.

I will even dream of being tortured.

When Nan Yan said that, a layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

After a long silence, she said, "Never mind."


"Actually, originally tonight, the girl came to seek cooperation."


This sentence was a bit unexpected by Nan Yan. She looked at Xue Ling and asked: "You mean, you originally wanted to come to this palace tonight and give this palace an antidote?"


"then you--"

Before Nan Yan finished the question, Xue Ling continued: "Of course, it is also conditional."

Nan Yan squinted her eyes and looked at her: "Conditions? You also have conditions."

"Not bad."

"What conditions?"

"This antidote needs to be found by the empress herself."


When Nan Yan heard it, he was suddenly puzzled. After watching Xue Ling for a while, he asked, "Isn't the antidote on your body?"

Xue Ling shook his head: "The girl has only poison, no antidote."

"Where is the antidote?"


Xue Ling was silent, stretched out his hand and took out a small piece of paper from his sleeve, and put both hands in front of Nan Yan. Seeing this, she really didn't lie. Tonight, she originally intended to come over Tell me about the antidote.

Perhaps she was also on guard, what she did would be discovered sooner or later.

Therefore, this antidote is her amulet.

Nan Yan immediately took it, and his eyes flickered after only a glance.

She looked up at Xue Ling again: "You--"

Xue Ling took a deep breath and said, "This place has a very toxic antidote that Master Ye has put in. The girls dare not lie. If you want to save Master Ye, please go there in person."


Nan Yan was silent for a while, and put the note away and put it in his sleeve.

Said: "My palace knows."

She did not say to go, nor did she say not to go. If she was normal, a concubine lady would definitely not take risks for an ordinary official, but seeing her firm expression and calm gaze, Xue Ling felt that, This time, it may be an exception.

She took a step back, looked at Nan Yan, smiled and said, "Minnv, this is considered as negotiated with the empress."

South flue: "Yeah."

Xue Ling smiled and said: "We have negotiated, but everything has a prerequisite."

Nan Yan looked at her silently.

Xue Ling smiled faintly: "It depends on whether His Majesty the Emperor can really come back safe and sound as the mother said tonight."

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