The night is getting deeper.

Wan Lai was all silent, and Shazhouwei was so big, and there was only the sound of the violent wind blowing snow and yellow sand, whining like a low roar of a wild beast.

Nan Yan sat in the room alone.

Xue Ling has left, and the door has been closed.

But the residual chill in the room still attacked her body, even though there was a heater beside her, her fingers were still cold, and her palms were still full of cold sweat.

She said that she believed in Zhu Feng, in his ability, and even more in him.

But there are no absolutes in the world. No one dares to claim that he is undefeated for a long time. Even Zhu Feng himself understands that the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If the other party is prepared, and oneself rashly enters, it is a tactical taboo.

What will happen?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but raise her hand and touched her chest.

The sharp pain just now seems to have left a little bit of pain, and I can't feel it at other times, but when I calm down, every breath seems to affect my heart.

Just then, some other sounds came from the wind.

Nan Yan suddenly stood up from the couch.

However, because of sitting for a long time, and hearing those news before, my whole body was a little weak. At this time, he shook twice and almost fell back.

She hurriedly stretched out her hand to support the little couple on the side to stabilize her figure.

He took a deep breath, then raised his head and walked out.

Pushing the door out, the lantern under the eaves was swaying in the wind, as if it would be extinguished at any time. In the swaying light, Nan Yan hurriedly walked out. Just after walking not far, he saw a little **** rushing over. , When she saw her walking on the road, she was also surprised.

"The imperial concubine?"

After screaming, he immediately regained his senses, and hurriedly knelt down: "The slave and the maidservant pay respect to the concubine."

As soon as Nan Yan saw him walking this way, he immediately understood that he was looking for himself.

He asked, "What's the matter?"

Then in the dim light from far away, she saw the little eunuch's face pale, her eyes full of panic, and she lowered her head at this moment, panting and saying: "If you go back to the empress, the emperor, the emperor, you are back!"


Nan Yan's breathing was choked.

Zhu Feng, he is back!

Hearing this news, Nan Yan subconsciously put a smile on his face, and hurriedly walked forward, but just after a step, he stopped again, looked at the panicked little eunuch, and said, "The emperor he ,how is it?"

The little **** hesitated.

When he saw him hesitate, Nan Yan's heart immediately picked up.

As if worried about the ominous speculation all night, it was about to become reality at this moment, which made her heart seem to be crushed by the big stone, and hurriedly asked: "How on earth? Say!"

The little **** stammered: "The emperor, he, he—in short, I'll know when the empress goes over and sees it."

Nan Yan gritted his teeth, wishing to kick over this useless servant.

But at this time, where does she have extra energy to look after him?

When she heard these words, she turned around and walked forward without looking back, panting sharply as she walked, listening to the sound of her heavy breathing in the wind, tense as if pulling in. Bowstring.

How is Zhu Feng?

What is going on tonight?

Her feet kept running, and after a while, she reached the gate of the captain's mansion.

The first thing that caught your eye was a piece of blood on the ground.

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