The first thing that caught your eye was a piece of blood on the ground.

It was someone who was injured, and the blood dripped on the snow all the way back.

The snow-white snow and the bright red blood set off each other. It was originally the most beautiful pattern, but at this moment, in Nan Yan's eyes, it was like a burning needle point, which pierced her.

Her eyes flushed suddenly.

At this moment, the soldiers were waiting at the door for Ying Shao's arrangement. Nan Yan watched with wide eyes, those strange, as if some familiar faces.

Look at it one by one.

But none, it was the face she wanted to see.

She became more and more anxious, and the cold wind howled, blowing the smell of blood in the wind, got into her nose, irritating her to shiver.

She stepped forward uncontrollably.

At this moment, Ying Shao turned his head and saw her, his face immediately showed a panic, even a little frightened expression.

He whispered: "The imperial concubine!"

Nan Yan's heart is more like sinking into an ice cave.

Everyone who sees himself has such an expression. Why? Why do they look at themselves with such an expression?

She spoke with a hoarse voice, and only asked, "Where are the emperors?"

Ying Shao seemed to be afraid to look at himself, lowered his head, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was wrong. He could only raise his head again, pointing anxiously to the front: "Already, it's all, sent to the emperor's residence went."


Nan Yan's breathing was choking again.

what did he say? "give away"?

"Send" to the front?

Could it be that something really happened?

When I thought of this, Nan Yan's mind was blank, like this wasteland covered by heavy snow, the only thing left was a few blood on the snow, the smell of blood and the bright red color burned her.

She turned around and ran in desperately.


Ying Shao stretched out his hand behind him, trying to say something, but couldn't say it.

And Nan Yan's rush along this road has completely lost her mind. No matter how many people pass by, no matter how cautious they are, or even looking at her with a surprised and panic expression, she can't control it.

In the air, the **** smell became stronger and stronger.

She was trembling with the irritation, and she almost couldn't walk several times, but after gritting her teeth, she continued to run forward, and after a while, she arrived at Zhu Feng's room.

Here, the lights are already bright.

There were many people inside, and they seemed to be talking worriedly. Nan Yan could even see the painful expressions on their faces, but she couldn't hear them any more.

In my mind, only the name of that person was ringing--

Zhu Feng...

Zhu Feng...

How are you doing?

Are you really--

She ran to the door and watched the blood on the ground become more distinct, spreading drop by drop towards the front. Nan Yan was trembling and hurried forward, but she ran here from her home and had exhausted all her strength. , The footsteps are heavier as if they were filled with lead.

About to raise his foot to step over the high threshold, I stumbled on the threshold.


She whispered, and she fell forward.

At this moment, a hand was stretched out next to him, a thick and powerful hand, firmly supported her, and embraced her in his arms.


Nan Yan's breathing was suffocated.

She didn't look up, but at this moment, she felt the familiar body temperature, but it belonged to that person.

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