It was a severed hand that fell from Gu Yiyou's hand!

Nan Yan just looked at it and was shocked. She hurriedly reached out her hand to cover her mouth, but couldn't hide the exclamation at that moment and whispered: "Ah!"

Zhu Feng immediately reached out to protect her in his arms.

The severed hand fell down with blood, and immediately stained the ground a large area of ​​red. Seeing Nan Yan's expression on his face was so frightened, Zhu Feng hurriedly said, "Hurry up!"


Others immediately stepped forward and picked up the severed hand. Naturally, he didn't dare to throw it away. He hurriedly offered a silver plate to serve it. Then Wang Baizhi took Gu Yiyou's hand and it was too late to wipe the **** blood. , Check his pulse immediately.

Nan Yan's tears were about to flow out.

She asked Zhu Feng: "The emperor, what is going on?"

Zhu Feng frowned, before he had time to speak, he heard a low, vague murmur--


When they heard this sound, they hurriedly walked to the bed. It turned out that it was Gu Yiyou. His hand was forcibly pulled away. Although he did not wake up immediately, he still felt uneasy in the coma, frowned and looked sad. The dry and cracked lips trembled slightly, repeating the name.


Year in, Tong Si year?

At this time, Nan Yan suddenly recovered, and hurriedly looked around, but did not see Tong Sinian.

She hurriedly asked: "By the way, where is Tong Sinian?"

Zhu Feng shook his head at her.

Nan Yan looked at Yang Dai again, and saw that Yang Dai also showed a sad expression, and said softly: "Weichen, etc., didn't see Master Tong, I'm afraid--"


Nan Yan's heart almost sank.

Gu Yiyou suddenly appeared in Reyue Bend with shackles on his hands. I was afraid that they entered the Reyue Bend and were caught by the sand bandits there. He escaped out of nowhere and notified Yang Dai in time. They escaped.

But Tong Sinian...I'm afraid he didn't escape.

Just thinking about it, Nan Yan only felt like a thousand arrows pierced through her heart. The pain made her breath twitch. Zhu Feng stood by her side and kept paying attention to her situation.

Seeing her doing this, he hurriedly reached out to protect her: "Nan Yan!"

Nan Yan was trembling all over.

Even though she had been with Xue Ling for so long and had been blowing in the cold wind for so long, she had not felt so cold.

But at this moment, she was shivering with cold.

Feeling Zhu Feng's hands supporting her hard, she looked up at him, her voice choked: "The emperor... how could this be?"

Zhu Feng's brows were frowned, and his face showed regret and unwillingness for the first time.

Why is this happening?

This is what he asked himself countless times tonight.

Obviously, this is a good opportunity for me to show my talents and annihilate the Hot Moon Bend Sand Bandits in one fell swoop. Why did it become like this?

Just when he felt speechless, Wang Baizhi had already diagnosed Gu Yiyou's pulse.

He said softly: "I was frightened, coupled with the cold and blood loss, which led to a coma. Fortunately, the internal organs did not suffer much damage."

After speaking, he turned his head to Zhu Feng and Nan Yan and said, "Please don't worry too much about the emperor and the empress."

Zhu Feng said immediately: "When will he wake up?"

Wang Baizhi thought for a while and said, "Although Mr. Gu didn't have any fatal injuries, he lost too much blood. I am afraid it will be difficult to wake up tonight."


Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled.

He was anxious that Yiyou would wake up immediately, so that he could ask him clearly what happened, but now he is like this, and he can't just wake him up abruptly.

I can only say: "You figure it out, I want him intact."

"Weichen understands."

Having said this, Wang Baizhi hesitated again, and said: "Gu Gongzi still has some stab wounds on his back, and the minister has to deal with it. I'm afraid-the blood is too heavy and he will hit the empress.

When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately understood.

In fact, he originally didn't want Nan Yan to know, at least, he didn't want her to come over to see this scene, but after returning to the capitol, she came before she had time to speak.

Now, seeing her pale and desperate, it does worry her.

So he stretched out his hand to embrace her and whispered softly: "You go back with me first."

Nan Yan looked up at him, tears streaming out.

But didn't say anything.

Knowing that she had responded to her, Zhu Feng told them a few more times to take good care of Gu Yiyou. If anything happened, she would immediately inform herself, and then took Nan Yan out of her room.

You can't rest here, so naturally you have to go back to Nanyan's room.

Along the way, he held Nan Yan tightly.

And Nan Yan, leaning in his arms, felt her thin body trembling constantly, Zhu Feng could not wait to hug her whole, finally returned to her room, helped her sit back on the bed , I felt a sinking waist.

Looking down, it was Nan Yan who reached out and grabbed his belt.

Zhu Feng said: "Nanyan...?"

Nan Yan was still trembling, and she was trembling with her clothes. She said: "The emperor, how could this be? They are not, shouldn't they come back? No, didn't they let them in? Why are they? So? Why did Yiyou get hurt? Where did Sinian go?"

Zhu Feng's breath sank.

He slowly sat down next to Nan Yan, feeling her severely cold, and even embracing her whole in his arms.

Shen said: "I want to know too."


"I, I obviously asked Wei Liang to spread the letter, but now, there is no trace of Wei Liang at all, and he has disappeared."


"I have sent someone to find him, and I have to find him to know the truth."


"If you can't find—" At this point, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I can only wait for Gu Yiyou to wake up and ask what is going on."

Hearing this, Nan Yan felt even more uncomfortable.

She leaned her head in Zhu Feng's arms, tears streaming down silently, and soon soaked Zhu Feng's clothes, feeling a clammy in her chest.

A small hand climbed up and firmly grasped Zhu Feng's skirt.

Zhu Feng looked down at her.

I saw Nan Yan burst into tears, choked up and said, "Fortunately."


"Fortunately you are fine."

Having said this, she raised her head as if she was smiling, but the tears continued to fall like a broken string: "Just now, when I saw Yiyou's injury, although my concubine was heartbroken, she was still There is a hint of luck."


"Fortunately, you are fine."


"The concubine knows this is wrong, but—"

She was contradictory and painful, laughing more uncomfortably than crying: "Fortunately, you are fine."

The heart that had been hanging all night finally fell, but it fell into the abyss of thorns. At this time, Nan Yan didn't even know whether he was sad or lucky.

And Zhu Feng gritted his teeth too uncomfortably.

He firmly grasped the little hand on his chest and said, "Thanks to you."

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