Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1731: It's me who underestimated the enemy

He firmly grasped the little hand on his chest and said, "Thanks to you."


When Nan Yan heard this, she raised her head in a panic and looked at him dimly with tears. Zhu Feng's complexion was gloomy, and the corners of his eyes were a little red. He said, "I planned to go that way tonight."


"But, fortunately the sachet you sent."


"Although there is nothing inside, I understand what you are thinking."

Having said that, Zhu Feng grabbed her hand and clasped her heart, feeling the heart under his chest beating vigorously. It was extremely vivid and a proof of life.

He said: "I know that when you let me open when the road is parting, there is nothing in it, just to make me think again about the problem of the parting."


"So in the end, I didn't choose any path."


"Instead, stay outside and wait for their news."

In fact, Zhu Feng, who made this choice, was extremely unwilling. Even during the waiting period, he wanted to rush in and join the battle countless times.

However, he ultimately did not do that.

But when I heard the sound of Mingjin's retreat from the night sky, I felt that my choice was correct.

If tonight, there is no Nanyan's sachet.

If tonight, there is no Gu Yiyou desperately reporting.

Either one is enough to make tonight the biggest regret in his life. He wants to win a battle in front of his unborn children, but he did not expect to lose his royal face and fatherhood. dignity.

More likely, the child will lose asylum before he is born.

More likely, let Nanyan lose its dependence.

Thinking of this, he also felt a chill in his heart.

Nan Yan sobbed and said softly: "I hope the emperor will not blame the concubine."

That was also her helpless act after Yang Dai came to her. After all, even she saw it. Since knowing that she was pregnant, Zhu Feng had some signs of being dazzled by this happy event, but he was in the captain. There is no problem with chaos in the Fuzhong, but on the battlefield, it is life and death.



Zhu Feng looked down at her: "How can I blame you?"


"It's my fault, which makes you worry."

At this moment, Nan Yan calmed down a bit, and suddenly remembered something, and asked: "The emperor, where is the road that Li Lai led the way?"


Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Then he said: "Ying Shao took someone over and said it was-feasible."


Nan Yan repeated these two words with a complicated expression.

This seems to be no surprise.

Since she knew that it was Xue Ling who had shot Ye Yu with a crossbow arrow, Li Lai's words were worthy of their recollection.

And the road he gave--

It's really feasible.

Nan Yan thought for a while, then asked, "Then, is there a startling snake?"

"not at all."

Zhu Feng hugged her and said softly: "Ying Shao entered with the elite of the imperial soldiers, and left marks along the way. He also made people secretly note down the road, and he was always on guard. There will be ambushes."


"But, until the boulder Li Lai said, there was none."


"Later, he entered the gap of the huge stone alone, and he entered the interior of Hot Moon Bend, and saw a few sand bandits guarding there."


"He originally wanted to take action, but at that moment, he heard Yang Dai's voice of Jinjin retreating soldiers along the way. He wanted to leave that road as a way to attack Hot Moon Bend in the future, so there was no Raise the grass and startle the snake."

Nan Yan breathed a sigh of relief and whispered softly, "Master Ying is really witty."

Zhu Feng sighed.

Said: "They all performed very well this time. Those in distress can quickly evacuate; those who are not in distress can leave a way, and even... even your brother can appear in time and save so much."


"On the contrary, it is me."

As he said, a cold light flashed in his eyes again.

"It's me, underestimating the enemy!"

I thought that a small hot moon bend, even if he had some skills, dealt with Ye Yu, as long as he found the terrain clearly, he could march in and wipe them out at one stroke.

It seems that this hot moon bend cannot be underestimated.

The water inside was frozen, and it was impossible to see through.

The ice has melted and the water is still deep.

He held Nan Yan in his arms and gently soothed, the expression in his eyes was a bit less enthusiastic than before, but a little more calm and deep.


The next day, it was almost dawn.

All night, Wang Baizhi stayed by Gu Yiyou's bedside, and in the wee hours of the morning, she couldn't stand it up, and she barely closed her eyes for a while.

The head shook and hit the bedpost.

He immediately woke up, rubbed his eyes, and then looked down at Gu Yiyou's face. The paleness faded, but there was a slight redness on his cheeks.

It is sickly bright red.

Reaching out, it was really hot.

With so many injuries on the body, and blowing in the cold wind for so long, and losing too much blood, it really is typhoid.

He hurriedly got up, picked up the tea cup placed on the small table, and drank it all night. The already cold tea, the temperature made him wake up all at once.

And Fang Ping, the little **** who followed him, was curled up at the foot of the bed and fell asleep.

Wang Baizhi kicked him: "Get up!"

Fang Ping woke up immediately, raised his head to see him, and hurriedly got up: "My lord."

Wang Baizhi said, "Hurry up and get paper and pen."


Fang Ping yawned and hurriedly took a pen and paper. Wang Baizhi gave a prescription several times and said, "I will send someone to grab the medicine immediately and bring it to Young Master Gu. This will help him get rid of the wind and cold."


Fang Ping was busy immediately, and after a while, the medicine was cooked and delivered.

After feeding Gu Yiyou down, after a while, his heat subsided a little.

But still did not wake up.

Fang Ping stood aside holding an empty bowl, and said softly, "My lord, when will Master Gu wake up? He, can he wake up?"

Wang Baizhi's complexion was condensed, and he said nothing.

At this time, there was another chaotic sound of footsteps outside, as if someone hurriedly passed by, rummaging for something.

Wang Baizhi glanced out, of course, the door was closed tightly, and he couldn't see anything.

Listening to the noisy voice, I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong outside?"

Fang Ping said, "I'm looking for Wei Liang."

"Wei Liang?"

"Well," Fang Ping whispered, "I heard that Wei Liang went to send a letter to the two princes and let them come back. But now, the two princes have returned one by one, and there is no news about the other. It is even possible—"


"So, Mr. Yang sent people outside to look for him."


"However, there is no news at all."

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