"After all, there are too many cats and dogs in this world, how much can he remember."


Xue Ling is a girl after all. Hearing such a ridicule, he could still hold back there, his face flushed flushed, and tears flashed in his eyes with anger and anxiety. He gritted his teeth and said, "You--"

Even Xiao Shunzi on the side showed a shocked expression.

Although, he didn't know what was going on inside, but in the palace, he and Ran Xiaoyu were familiar.

Ran Xiaoyu, the girl, has never been able to do things and never yell at others.

He never thought that Ran Xiaoyu's mouth was so neat that he could make people speechless without his fists.

Really, disrespectful...

At this time, Zhu Feng's voice came from the room.

"It's noisy outside, what's the matter?"

Ran Xiaoyu immediately said: "The emperor, people who don't want to do it want to come in."

"Unrelated person?"

"That's it-Xue Ling."

There was silence inside, and then I heard Zhu Feng say: "It seems that she also cares about Ye Yu, so let her come in and have a look."

Ran Xiaoyu glared at Xue Ling again, turned around and walked in, ignoring her.

And Xue Ling wiped the corners of his eyes quickly, almost crying. At this time, he could only hold back and walk in and saw the emperor sitting by the bed, the imperial concubine standing beside him, and the person lying on the bed with a few sticks on his body. Silver Needle, and the imperial doctor waited on her side.

Xue Ling's heart sank.

She glanced at Nan Yan subconsciously, but saw Nan Yan walked to the side chair and sat down quietly. Xue Ling was worried, but had already entered. Even if it was dangerous at this time, he had to bite the bullet.

So he stepped forward and bowed down to them: "The people's daughter pays homage to the emperor, and the concubine and empress."

Zhu Feng glanced at her: "What are you doing here?"

"Minnu, Minnu cares about Master Ye."


"Just now, Minnv seemed to hear Lord Ye's voice, so I want to come and have a look."

"You are—you have the heart."

Zhu Feng only glanced at her, then turned to look at Ye Yu, who was blue and gray on the bed, and said, "The imperial doctor diagnosed that he is poisoned."


Xue Ling's breathing was choked.

She knelt on the ground, not daring to raise her head, and looked at Nan Yan secretly from the corner of her eyes, only to see Nan Yan sitting there calmly, the expression on her face was faint, as if with a little bit of pain. With that look, she couldn't tell what she said or didn't say anything.

Zhu Feng said: "Do you know this matter?"


Xue Ling swallowed vigorously, and then said: "Mennv...I don't know."

"really do not know?"

"Minnu... is just an ordinary citizen, who was rescued by Master Ye and returned to the captain's mansion. She only wanted to repay him for his life-saving grace. Others, Minnu really didn't know."

After saying this, Xue Ling's breath was held.

It's not just because of fear.

I also want to listen to the breath of the people around me and see how they react.

However, it seems that neither Ran Xiaoyu nor Zhu Feng had any reaction. Only Nan Yan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and the ridicule in it made Xue Ling's heart tremble.

She immediately lowered her head.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "Never mind."


"Since you don't know, then I won't ask too much. You shouldn't come here either. Go down."

"The emperor, Lord Ye, he—"

"He will get better soon."


Xue Ling stood up hesitantly, still a little uneasy.

Subconsciously looked at Ran Xiaoyu again, but saw that the latter had been looking at him, and seeing that he was looking at her, he gave him a fierce look.

Xue Ling breathed a sigh of relief with the eyes of a purely petty woman.

At this time, Nan Yan supported the armrest of the chair and stood up and said, "The emperor, my concubine is also a little tired, so I will go back first."

"Alright, the imperial concubine hasn't taken a good rest for half a day, so let's go back and rest for a while."

"Xie Emperor."

After speaking, Nan Yan bowed to Zhu Feng, then turned and walked out.

When passing by Xue Ling, his eyes seemed to flicker.

Xue Ling also kowtowed at the emperor and exited the room.

When they were all gone, Zhu Feng heard Ran Xiaoyu's long sigh of relief. Turning around, her eyes were a little red, staring at the empty door.

At that moment, I was afraid that she was desperately suppressing the monstrous anger in her heart.

Zhu Feng said lightly: "You are doing a good job."

When Ran Xiaoyu heard this, the corners of his eyes were a little red, but it was not anger, but a bit of indescribable sorrow.

She whispered: "The servant girl only hopes that he will be fine."

Zhu Feng also turned his head to look at Ye Yu on the bed, watching his face turn blue and gray, and his complexion almost the same as that of the dead, and said Shen Shen, "Of course he will be fine."


"I, I won't let him do anything!"

On the other side, Xue Ling walked out of Ye Yu's room, and as soon as he closed the door, she turned around and saw Nan Yan walking slowly in front. She immediately followed forward, walked behind Nan Yan, and said softly: "The imperial concubine... …"

Nan Yan did not stop, nor looked back.

Just walk forward slowly: "Why, worry?"


"Worry that this palace will tell others?"


Xue Ling lowered his head, followed her for a few steps, and then recalled Ran Xiaoyu's attitude towards him just now, and whispered: "It's a girl... I'm worrying too much."


"If Empress said, Miss Xiaoyu would never have that attitude."


Nan Yan sneered, "It's hard to raise women and villains. This woman, I'm afraid it's a woman like you."


"Belly sinister heart of a gentleman."

"Please forgive the imperial concubine and empress, the maiden is just-just worried, after all, the maiden is alone in this captain's mansion. If anything goes wrong, the maiden will not be buried."

Hearing this, Nan Yan turned his head and glanced at her.

His eyes were cold and sarcasm, and he smiled: "Speaking of this, it's really not like a person who entered Shazhouwei alone, shot the governor, and was still playing tricks under the eyelids of the emperor and the palace."

Xue Ling lowered his head and said: "The imperial concubine... is so absurd."

As a result, the two stopped talking.

We walked forward quietly for a while, and when she was about to part ways, Nan Yan turned her head and looked at her again, saying: "Xue Ling, that day, you said that you didn’t need any plans at all. That night, it was you. plan of."

"Not bad."

"But that night, your plan failed."


"Could it be that this is the end?"

Xue Ling smiled and said, "Then, what do the imperial concubines think?"

Nan Yan looked into her eyes and said, "My palace believes that according to that person's disposition, he is afraid that he will not give up so easily. He should have at least one back hand.

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