Nan Yan looked into her eyes and said, "My palace believes that according to that person's disposition, he is afraid it won't be so easy to give up. He should have at least one back hand.


Xue Ling's eyelashes trembled slightly when she heard this.

Then smiled: "Maybe it is."


Nan Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "What you said seems to have nothing to do with you."

"This is nothing to do with Minnu."


At Shang Nanyan's sharp and inquiring gaze, Xue Ling just smiled faintly, and said, "Mindaughter, there is nothing to do."


"Also, what should be given to the empress, the civic girl has also been given to the empress, what else is there to worry about?"

With that, she bowed to Nan Yan, turned and left.

Nan Yan looked at her back, frowning slightly.

"There is nothing to do..."

Mumbling and repeating what Xue Ling had just said, the gloomy color between Nan Yan's eyebrows became deeper.


When the dark tide was raging in Shazhouwei's captain's mansion, the tide here also hit the capital thousands of miles away.

The seven guards of Kansai are still covered in snow.

In the capital city, the spring has already begun, and the spring breeze blows through the treetops, blowing open clusters of tender leaves, like bright green plum blossoms, amidst the precipitous spring cold, revealing a touch of life.

The empress empress who lives deep in the palace also received an important news.

"what did you say?"

She frowned, looked at the person in front of her in disbelief, her breathing was a little disturbed: "You, what you said is true?"

"of course it's true."

Concubine Hui Wu Wan smiled. Although there was a hint of coldness in her smile, the queen was upset at this moment and didn't notice it. She said: "The letter from my father clearly stated that the concubine is already happy. "

"Oh? A letter from the country's father?"


"Then why, the emperor didn't send a message back?"

"This, I'm afraid that the emperor is busy with business, and he didn't care to send the news back. Or--"

"Or what?"

Concubine Hui glanced at her lightly from the corner of her eye, smiled, with a secretive look. Seeing her expression like this, Xu Miaoyin was a little displeased: "If you have anything to say."

At this time, An Bi Gao Yurong smiled and said, "I am afraid that the empress Huifei means that the imperial concubine does not want to be known, or she does not want to let people share the good news, it is not known."

Xu Miaoyin's face sank slightly.

Hui Concubine Wu Wan smiled and said, "This letter was sent from Shazhouwei earlier. It has been many days on the road."


"I'm afraid the noble concubine's belly is getting bigger now."

As she said, she looked up at the queen, and said with a smile but a smile: "The queen, this is really a happy event."


Xu Miaoyin's mind was in confusion, listening to the sound in her ear, she watched Hui Fei's lips open and closed, but she seemed to not know what she was talking about.

After a while, I reluctantly recovered: "You, you are right."

With that, he took a deep breath.

The pale face regained her majesty as a queen. Although her eyes were still a little loose, she immediately said, "This is indeed a happy event."

Concubine Hui smiled and said: "The palace has been quiet these days. It is rare to have such good news. It is worth taking a good time."

Gao Yurong also agreed: "Yes, maybe the imperial concubine can win a man in one fell swoop this time."

"If this is the case, the emperor might be happy and bad."

"Yeah yeah."

As soon as the two people sang and got together, Xu Miaoyin still had a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Only the hand holding the veil was in a cold sweat.

She took a deep breath and said: "Since the emperor has not personally sent the news back, don't act rashly for the time being. Even if you want to celebrate, you have to wait for someone to return."

Concubine Hui and An Bin looked at her carefully.

Seeing her like this, Concubine Hui curled her lips coldly.

Then said: "Yes."

At this time, Xu Miaoyin's aura was also a little heavy, and then said: "Well, you guys have come to please Ann, please go back, my palace is also a little tired."

The two looked at each other and both got up to leave.

After leaving Yonghe Palace, An Bi walked behind Concubine Hui and whispered: "Manny, what do you think will happen to Empress Empress?"

"how is it?"

Hui Fei sneered: "It depends on what she wants."


"Her son, but has never been seen by the emperor, and finally sealed the king of Wei. It is still three disasters and nine disasters. If the imperial concubine was born as a son, then--"

Having said that, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Immediately sneered: "It's okay."

Anbi glanced at her. Although she still didn't quite understand what she meant by "it's okay", she didn't dare to ask more, and only followed her.

In the Yonghe Palace, Xu Miaoyin's face became paler, and Chuner hurriedly brought her hot tea.

"Manny, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay."

Xu Miaoyin couldn't help raising her hand and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead.

As the Queen of the Palace, she is very dignified and elegant in her daily work, but when she raises her hand, she obviously has a veil in her hand, but she wipes it with the back of her hand, and it looks extremely clumsy and heavy.

Chun'er and Bihe fell silent when they saw this scene.

They have been with the Queen for all these years, and they are naturally very clear about the personnel in the palace.

The emperor's doting on the noble concubine surpassed the ordinary concubine, and even surpassed the favor of the queen. If the noble concubine can really give birth to a prince, I am afraid that the status of the king of Wei is hard to say.

The two looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Can only be quiet.

After a while, Xu Miaoyin spoke again, and there was a bit of softness in his voice, saying: "Although the emperor has not officially sent the news back, you should know some preparations and do it."


"Where is Xiaoxiao? My palace let her come into the palace early in the morning to visit the Royal Garden with King Wei, they two—"

"If you return to Niang Niang, Miss Xiao Xiao has already gone back."


Upon hearing this news, Xu Miaoyin's brows wrinkled: "She has only been in for a while? Why did she go back?"

While talking, Zhu Chengxuan walked in from outside.

Kneeling down to her: "The child minister pays homage to his mother."

Xu Miaoyin's tone was quite peaceful, but there was already a little anger on his face, and said: "Xuan'er, my palace asked you to accompany Sister Xiaoxiao, why did you let her out of the palace so early?"

Zhu Chengxuan was also taken aback when he heard the queen's questioning.

Hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Don't be angry, the queen."


"Son, son is just, just—"

"Just what?"

"It's just that sister Tuo Xiaoxiao will help Erchen do something."

"Do one thing? What is it?"

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