"It's just that sister Tuo Xiaoxiao will help Erchen do something."

"Do one thing? What is it?"


Zhu Chengxuan hesitated, stammering not to say, and Chun'er, who was standing beside him, was also smart, and immediately smiled and said: "Queen, Madam, what can you do at a young age like King Wei and Miss Xiaoxiao?"


"Don't ask so much about children's matters."

Hearing what she said, and seeing Zhu Chengxuan stuttering, his ears were a little red, Xu Miaoyin seemed to understand something.

You can't ask too much about children's matters.

So he was relieved.

He smiled and said: "Well, I won't ask. I only ask you, what do you think of your Xiaoxiao sister?"

Hearing her question, Zhu Chengxuan's scalp numb again.

I thought that when I was talking to Xu Xiaoxiao in Yuhuayuan, the other party's big eyes were turning straight, like a sly fox. Although I entrusted her, it always made people worried.

Could not help being a little lost.

And seeing him look lost, Xu Miaoyin's originally low mood improved at this time, and smiled: "What do you think, so lost? Miss you Xiaoxiao sister?"


Zhu Chengxuan only smiled and said, "Sister Xiaoxiao, she is very clever, and very, very--interesting."


Xu Miaoyin couldn't help but smiled: "This palace is the first time I heard a boy use "fun" to describe a girl."


"Okay, it's interesting."

Zhu Chengxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The mother and son wentssiping for a few more words, and Zhu Chengxuan said goodbye and left.

Looking at his back, Xu Miaoyin turned her head and asked Bihe, "What did these two children do in the Royal Garden? Look at them, do they seem to be destined?"

Bi He hurriedly smiled and said, "The slave servant looked at him. His Royal Highness and Miss Xiaoxiao were talking and laughing."


"How can the servant girl dare to deceive the lady? The servant girl also saw that Wang Wei approached Miss Xiaoxiao's ear and whispered to her."


"The empress doesn't need to worry, boys and girls are beginning to love each other. Your Royal Highness is so handsome, and Miss Xiaoxiao is lively and cute, and she will surely be in love over time."

Chun'er also said: "Yes, the servant girl looked at him, the two of them are really a pair."

Hearing this, Xu Miaoyin was relieved.

However, it didn't take long for me to feel comfortable, and he became heavy again. After all, there is still a big mountain in front of me, as if there is still a big rock in my heart.

She sighed and leaned on the couch.

Chun'er stepped forward and whispered, "Why do you sigh?"

Xu Miaoyin did not speak.

Chun'er was married from the Xu family to the Yanwang Mansion, and then went to the palace to follow the Queen. She has served for many years and is considered a confidant. She has a clear mind and is not used to instigating her master, and Xu Miaoyin also doesn't like to chew her tongue, so even though she sees that this time the imperial concubine's pregnancy is a threat to the empress, she can't say anything.

I can only comfort him: "Manny, Your Royal Highness Wei is so old... Moreover, the emperor's attitude towards His Royal Highness has also eased a lot in the past few years, and the Empress can rest assured."


Xu Miaoyin was silent for a while.

Only faintly waved his hand, and said, "Don't say it, my palace is a bit tired."


So Chun'er and Bihe came forward to help her lie down and rest. Xu Miaoyin said, "Bihe will go down and make arrangements. The imperial concubine is pregnant. Although the emperor hasn’t heard from the emperor, they have to prepare to show her Concern."


Although Xu Miaoyin lay down, she still had a lot of clues in her heart, which made her unable to fall asleep at all. She felt her body sink slightly. It was Chun'er who was worried that she would catch a cold and took a thin blanket to cover her.

She asked, "Chun'er, did you hear what Wei Wang and Xiaoxiao said? What did he ask Xiaoxiao to go out of the palace to help him?"

"This, the slave servant didn't hear."


"The slave maid just looked at it from a distance. Besides, whispering is something that people don't want to hear.

Xu Miaoyin smiled faintly: "I really don't know the child's mind."


"Just hope, it's not a bad thing."

"The Niang Niang is right. Your Royal Highness and Miss Xiaoxiao are both children. What can be wrong."


She sighed, half relieved, half deliberately closing her eyes.

But the worries between the eyebrows remained unabated.


When the queen was extremely worried, the Gu family members were extremely happy.

"What you said is true?"

Almost the same question as the queen came from Gu Tingqiu's mouth.

Si Muyun, who was standing next to him, also had an expression of surprise and joy. He looked at Liu Yueze in front of him, and said in disbelief: "Is the imperial concubine really--?"


Liu Yueze smiled and said: "The imperial concubine is happy, it is the news from the harem."

"How did you know?"

"The student went to the cabinet today to pick up the paperwork, and heard a few little eunuchs in the harem come over and said while walking."

"Who heard the news? The emperor?"

"No, it's Concubine Hui."

"Concubine Hui?!"

Gu Tingqiu and Si Muyun were greatly puzzled as to how the news of the imperial concubine's pregnancy would come from Concubine Hui.

Liu Yueze said: "I heard that the Lord of the Country wrote back to Concubine Hui and mentioned it in the letter. But there was no news from the emperor. The empress empress took this into consideration, so she has not officially notified the news, nor Celebrate in the harem."

Gu Tingqiu flushed with joy.

Said: "This is good, this is good!"


"The concubine is happy, this, this is great!"

Si Muyun also smiled, and said to Gu Tingqiu: "My uncle kept talking about heartache two days ago, worrying that the imperial concubine and the ladies are in danger in Shazhouwei, saying it is an ominous omen, how is it now? Not only is it not an ominous omen, but on the contrary. It's a big auspiciousness."

Hearing him say this, Gu Tingqiu himself laughed.

Touching the beard beside his mouth, he said, "It seems that it is, the old man is worrying too much."

Liu Yueze smiled and said, "Teacher, congratulations to the teacher."

Gu Tingqiu smiled, but after thinking about it, he exhorted: "This matter, if the emperor does not officially send the news back, you should not spread it out; so are you, you will also have to distinguish things from the harem in the future. Spread gossip like this."

"Students know."

He also cared about his celebrity demeanor, and more concerned about the rules of being a cabinet minister.

So he ordered to go down: "Spread the word down, family and family, don't spread the news."


Everyone was going to work on their own. Suddenly, the butler walked in from outside with a slightly strange expression: "Master."

Gu Tingqiu said: "What's the matter?"

"Outside, someone is asking for a meeting outside."


"It's a little girl, calling herself Xu, who is the queen's nephew."

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