But in Nan Yan's eyes, there was a figure.

The only figure, clear and bright.

Like the only salvation in this panicked world, when he appeared, the whole world seemed to light up.

When the rider leaped over and rushed directly into the yellow cloth wall and rushed in front of them, Ran Xiaoyu was so frightened that he hurriedly protected Nan Yan behind him, and the man stood up, abruptly. Stopped in front of them.

The snow foam was agitated and floated on their faces, bringing a burst of chill, making the two of them more sober.

Ran Xiaoyu widened her eyes in astonishment and looked at the man on horseback.

"The emperor--"

Her tongue was a little hard and she couldn't speak.

The person who came in high above the horse leaping forward is not someone else, but Zhu Feng!

Zhu Feng!

It is Zhu Feng! ?

She saw the cold face clearly, but she couldn't believe her eyes, and even reached out her hand and rubbed her eyes, confirming again and again that it was a real person, not the hallucinations they had at the same time, Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly again Turned his head to look at Nan Yan who was behind him.

She was surprised to see her calm face.

Not only just now, when she was besieged by those wolves and sand bandits, she did not see a trace of panic, even at this moment, when she saw Zhu Feng, she did not have a slight accident.

It seems, it seems that I know I will not be in danger.

Even, it seems to know that this person will appear.

It seemed that she was just waiting for him.

Waiting for his own figure to appear in his own eyes.

Ran Xiaoyu was a little confused, and seemed to understand something. At this moment, no matter how panicked outside, and no matter how loud the killing sounded, she didn't seem to be panicked anymore. She only stepped back silently and stepped aside.

At this time, there was still killing around, but it was already an overwhelming killing.

The soldiers and horses following him are like tigers coming out of the gate and whizzing. The heavy murderous aura belonging to the king has already frightened the wild wolves and shivered, bowed their heads to their ears, and the rest were devastated by the soldiers. Under the attack, he uttered a tragic whine, and all was cleared.

Then, there are the sand bandits.

They were not able to gain the advantage with the wild wolf attack before, but at this moment, the new force that appeared suddenly has not really attacked yet, just watching the horseman riding a horse and a jackal chopping off the wild wolf. Shattered their confidence.

When the people behind them rushed up again, these people completely lost their combat power.

All of them lost their swords and fell to their knees.

"Don't kill us, don't kill us!"

"We surrender and spare our lives!"

"Please, please spare us our lives."

This kind of begging for mercy is endless, even if there are still some who want to resist, the little splash will not be able to make much waves.

At this time, Zhu Feng turned over and got off his horse.

Nan Yan also stood up from the fire and turned to him.

His body still carries the chill of ice and snow.

But when he walked up, his body temperature and his taste immediately surrounded Nan Yan.

He said, "It's okay."


Originally, when they left the captain's mansion, the two talents had just been in a cold war, and even he didn't even go out to see him off. Nan Yan knew that he was angry with himself because of the words the previous night.

Thunder, rain and dew are all graces.

If the emperor is angry, everyone has to bear it.

She wasn't used to his problems, but she couldn't argue with him. Indeed, as Ran Xiaoyu said, two people each played a 50-point fight on this matter, and she had no stand to argue.

Therefore, the only way to leave is to calm down and relax both of them.

However, in her heart, it seemed that she was always holding a thread.

The other end of the line is in his hand.

In other words, his heart.

Therefore, she did not panic when faced with danger, and she was not surprised when she saw him.

She even felt that he seemed to appear here, and he would definitely appear when he was most dangerous. Only such a person was her Zhu Feng.

She looked at him and opened her mouth at this moment, trying to say something, but could not speak.

Just look at him with wide eyes.

The two were silent for a while, and Zhu Feng said again: "Nanyan."

His face is also a little complicated.

It's not like the sullenness of arguing with her last night during the Cold War, and I don't want to be the anger calculated by the sand bandits. It's just on his face and in his eyes, three words are clearly written- —

I am here.

It's just that simple.


Nan Yan looked at him and closed his lips several times before saying in an incredibly calm voice, "The emperor, here comes."

Zhu Feng said: "I am here."


Nan Yan raised her hand, as if she wanted to grab his arm, and also as if she wanted to find a place to support herself, but as soon as her hand got close to Zhu Feng, he was stretched out by him. Grabbed.

Then, pulled into his arms.

The smell and breath that belonged to him surrounded her in an instant.

It is tighter and more solid than the yellow cloth wall.

It seems that even the wind cannot blow through.

Zhu Feng’s two hands were like iron tongs, firmly shackling her waist, and pressing her whole body to her own body, and Nan Yan, like a flow of kindness, leaned softly in his arms. .

Two slender hands slowly closed behind his back.

Buckle firmly.

Seeing this scene, Ran Xiaoyu's ears on the side became hot and he hurriedly turned his face away.


Time passed bit by bit.

Although at this time, the sky was already pitch black, and where there was no fire, it was already completely black as thick as ink, and you couldn't see your fingers, but in fact, it was just a quarter past five.

The yellow cloth wall stained with red blood still stands all around.

Through the yellow cloth, you can see the figure cleaning the battlefield outside, many soldiers dragging **** wolf corpses, and the casualties of sand bandits, walking slowly around.

Some of the prisoners’ live mouths were taken away by those who were taken away, and dragged down by those who were dragged down.

Nan Yan just watched all this quietly.

Even if the night was deeper and the wind was harsher, she didn't feel cold at all.

Not only because they were sitting by the campfire, but more importantly, Zhu Feng kept holding her in his arms, and the two were close to each other. There was no gap between the two bodies.

The warmth melted and softened her whole body.

At this time, Nan Yan finally came over a bit more alive, and raised his head to look at Zhu Feng: "The emperor, why did you come?"

The two people hadn't spoken all the time, and the atmosphere was quiet, but it was a little sweeter.

But when I asked this, Zhu Feng's face was cold again.

Nan Yan almost thought that he was going to argue with himself again, even cold war.

But I heard Zhu Feng say: "How, now, do you still feel the same with that original intention?"

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