Nan Yan almost thought that he was going to argue with himself again, even cold war.

But I heard Zhu Feng say: "How, now, do you still feel the same with that original intention?"

Nan Yan was stunned.

After a long while, she recovered.

Zhu Feng was angry with her last night because she said that her former husband Jiang Qu not only failed to protect his wife, but also used vicious methods to hurt the person next to her pillow. She felt the same feeling for the pain.

And now, Zhu Feng said so, it is clearly--

Want to get yourself back?

She somehow felt so angry and funny.

Even if you really want to find a place for yourself, you just need to send more people, not to mention sending more, just the elite of these imperial soldiers that he and he sent to his side are enough.

He also needs to bring the troops over by himself.

At this time, she remembered again that when leaving the captain's mansion, Ying Shao said to herself "more than this" in a very meaningful tone.

and so--

Nan Yan was so angry and funny, but looking at him like this, she couldn't, she could only say with a smile, "Of course not."


"Isn't my concubine right now, hasn't someone touched a vellus hair."


Zhu Feng snorted softly, seeming to say: You just know.

However, he had found his place, but after he came back to his senses, he still looked at her worriedly and said softly, "Really there was no injury?"

Nan Yan shook his head: "No."

"Not surprised?"


"Then, is there any discomfort in the stomach?"


"You, just like that, are you really not afraid at all?"

Ran Xiaoyu, who heard this, turned his head and glanced at them.

Just now, just before Zhu Feng appeared, she also asked Nan Yan such words, and Nan Yan's answer was—

"Do not."



Nan Yan looked at him in silence for a while, and then smiled faintly. It turned out to be really no surprise, as if he had a nap for a while and then opened the window to see the scenery.

Calmly said: "Because, the concubine knows that the emperor will protect the concubine."

Zhu Feng was slightly startled: "You know, I will come?"

Nan Yan shook his head: "How can the concubine predict the emperor's mind."

"then you--"

"do not know."

As she said, she gently leaned her head in his arms, listening to his powerful and firm heartbeat, and whispered, "But, just rest assured."


Somehow, she did not say that she believed in herself, and she did not say that she was looking forward to appearing.

However, the phrase "rest assured" seems to have ironed my heart.

Zhu Feng only felt comfortable all over.

There was a soft "hum".

After humming this sound, she still stretched out her hand to stroke her back. Although Nan Yan's body was better than before, she was still thin, and the bones in her back were a bit stubborn.

Moreover, I could feel that she was sweating a lot.

Wearing such thick clothes, the sweat was soaked, and when the palm touched it, it even felt a little cold.

He held her tighter.

Said: "You said you were not scared, so much sweat on your body."

As he said, she reached out and touched Nan Yan's face again. Her forehead and nose were covered with fine and dense sweat, even her temples were moistened.

Said: "Do you still lie to me?"


Nan Yan looked up at him for a while, and then said: "The emperor, my concubine tells you something, will the emperor trust my concubine?"


Nan Yan leaned in his ear and said softly: "Actually, I was really not afraid just now, but it was a bit strange in my stomach."

"How strange? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not uncomfortable."

Nan Yan said, as if he felt a little strange, stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, rubbed it for a while, and said softly: "I seem to have a strange and excited feeling."


Zhu Feng looked at her in a little astonishment: "You mean—you looked at those just now, so excited?"


Nan Yan said: "The concubine saw those fighting, heard the sounds of killing, and smelled the smell of blood. Not only was it not uncomfortable, but she felt very excited, so she sweated so much."


This time, even Zhu Feng was stunned.

He stared at Nan Yan's almost inconspicuous belly, and stretched out his hand to wipe it. Naturally, he couldn't feel the fetal movement at this time, but his palm was full of sweat, and Nan Yan's breathing was short of breath. , It seems that she can feel the throbbing she experienced at that moment.

After a while, he said, "Yes, is it because of this child?"


Nan Yan has nothing to say.

No matter how many times she has been on the battlefield with Zhu Feng, how many **** fights she has seen, as a woman, she can't like this kind of scene, nor can she get used to the smell of blood.

If you say such a change, it is impossible for yourself.

It can only be brought to myself by something else.

Is it really the kid in the stomach?

She herself felt strange, but Zhu Feng's eyes had already flashed a hint of joy, and a smile appeared on her face, and said: "Okay, good job!"

Nan Yan looked up at him: "Huh?"

Zhu Feng said: "Deserving to be my son, he is not afraid of danger and hardship. The more he gets to this situation, the more excited he is, because he knows that the more dangerous, the more victory is near."


"He knows that victory is in danger!"


"Really my good son!"

Hearing these words, Nan Yan was still a little confused, but seeing Zhu Feng happily stretched out his hand to touch his belly, as if there really was a child there, the prince he was looking forward to, who was still listening to him. Dun Dun teaches it.

Nan Yan couldn't help laughing, and said, "The emperor is confused again."


"Even if he is really a prince, how old he is."


"Where is this kind of mind."

Zhu Feng glanced at her, but said seriously: "I know that this is the temperament that my son can have. When I first went to the battlefield and saw the scenes of flying flesh and blood, I would be frightened. fear."


"But he doesn't. Such a character is the most rare!"


"This is a born general!"

He was extremely happy, and only hoped that this child could be born well, inherit his dream and his career.

Nan Yan was also a little overwhelmed by Zhu Feng's words.

is that true?

She lowered her head subconsciously, reached out and touched her belly, feeling complicated.

If this child is really a born general as Zhu Feng had hoped, then what will happen in the future...?

Just when the two of them were immersed in their joyful emotions, a hole was opened in the yellow cloth wall, and a few elite soldiers from the imperial battalion walked in from the outside, escorting a few small leaders of the sand bandits.

Those people were covered with blood and wounds.

Said carefully: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng turned his head: "Huh?"

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