At this moment, the hot moon bend base camp.

After staying up all night, Wu Taisui and Kun Sha had long been unable to hold on. They went back to the house and went to sleep. Only Ulun and Hussehei were still sitting in the lobby. In front of them, a white figure stood in front of the map and pointed and pointed. , It is the military master Long Tingyun.

The sun slowly rises.

However, the people who stopped the imperial concubine and his party have not returned yet, and everyone is covered with a thick haze.

They...I'm afraid that things won't happen.

Houthi Hei finally couldn't help it, and turned to look at Ulun: "Boss, we--"

Before he finished speaking, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

I saw a sand bandit hurried in and said out of breath: "The master, the second master, the sergeant, he is back."

he? !

Hearing this word, Wulun's brows suddenly wrinkled.

If you send a group of people out, no matter if it fails, at least a group of people should come back. How can it be one person?

He said in a deep voice, "Who?"

Before the sand bandit had time to speak, he saw a familiar figure stumbled in from outside, his confidant Ji Tong.

As soon as he saw Ji Tong, Wulun's face changed drastically, and he got up and walked over.

"Ji Tong, what's wrong with you?"

"The master."

Ji Tong's face was pale, with several wounds all over his body, and the blood flowing out of his clothes stained his clothes. At this moment, they all turned into dark brown, unkempt, and scary lips.

He gasped and said, "Master, we are in the middle."

"In the calculation?"

Upon hearing this, Ulun's face sank and he hurriedly reached out and grabbed him.

"what happened?"

Ji Tong said: "Last night we wanted to block the imperial concubine's men and horses according to our plan. It was already done quickly, but unexpectedly, the emperor brought a group of men and horses to kill."

"What? The emperor?"


Ji Tong said: "The emperor is really extraordinary. When he appeared, the wolves that forced Alan back all the time, even ours—"

Speaking of this, he seemed to see the figure like a soldier descending from the sky last night.

There was some fear in his eyes.

Muttered: "He, he doesn't seem to be a human being, he seems to be a god..."


Ulun's brows wrinkled.

The Houthihei who followed closely couldn't help being furious when he heard this.

"Ji Tong, how do you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige? What kind of gods are not gods? Isn't it a **** emperor, can you stand a knife?"

Ji Tong said: "You don't know."


"Our entire army was annihilated. A Jackal was beheaded by him. He didn't even scream. Even the wild wolves, the wild wolves who are not afraid of anyone in the ordinary day, didn't even dare to snort when he saw him. Ran away."

"Huh! I think you were so scared."

Just as they were arguing, a figure in white clothes stepped forward.

Sergeant Long Tingyun.

When he saw him coming, Ulun immediately said: "Military teacher, look at this—"

Long Tingyun said with a solemn expression, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter if the emperor's divine soldiers descend from the sky, or if they are frightened, what we really want to ask is why the emperor can appear in that place at that time and let Our plan fell short."


Everyone suddenly realized.

That's right, why did the emperor appear at that time? This seems to be the most important thing.

When Ji Tong heard this, he seemed to think of something, and said hurriedly: "The military division is right. Our actions have indeed been detected by the emperor, so he came to save the concubine."


When Long Tingyun heard this, he turned his head and looked at him: "How do you know?"

Ji Tong said: "Last night I was captured by officers and soldiers with them. I overheard the emperor and the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine also asked him why he suddenly appeared."

"What did the emperor say?"

"The emperor said that someone secretly told him the news, and he came to save the concubine."


When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

Could it be that there are traitors among them?

Ulun immediately looked at the people around him, his eyes became vicious and cruel.

If they have traitors here and report their every move to the emperor, where can they live? Sooner or later, the court will be wiped out by the court, and the five horses will be divided, and even no ash will be left.

He gritted his teeth and said grimly: "Who is it? Who is this traitor?"


Long Tingyun was silent for a while, then turned to look at Ji Tong, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me the emperor's original words."

Ji Tong recalled it again, and then said: "Last night the imperial concubine was chatting with the emperor and said that the emperor originally disagreed with her going to White Dragon City to raise a baby. The emperor said that he was considering that it was not safe on this road. Encountered us sneak attack."


"And he finally said, if it weren't for him to tell me secretly--"


Upon hearing this word, both Long Tingyun and Wulun seemed to be stabbed by a needle, and immediately asked, "Who is this ‘him’ he is talking about?"

Ji Tong shook his head.

"The emperor seems to be very careful, and has always refused to mention this person's name."


"It's just that I find it strange."

"Why is it strange?"

"He said that the person told him the news used the word'again.'"


Wulun murmured and repeated the word, and he looked at Long Tingyun: "Military strategist, you are a learned person. What do you mean by the emperor's words."

Long Tingyun thought for a while and said: "The word'you' just means that the person told other people before telling him."

He said and looked at Ulun.

"Isn't that us?"

Ulun's eyes turned red all of a sudden: "You mean Jiang Qu, he--"

Before he finished speaking, the Hussein on the side immediately said: "Impossible, Jiang Qu can't betray us!"

Everyone looked at him: "Why is it impossible?"

"Don't forget, he wants something from us, if he betrays us, then his purpose will be vanished."

Long Tingyun shook the white feather fan in his hand: "The second master means - Xue Ling?"

Hu Saihei immediately said: "I think this is this stinky lady."


"Don't forget, she and that person are going to leave us, and he still has friendship with them. I am afraid that we are all killed by the court and there is no place to bury them. Then they are happy!"

Long Tingyun said: "Can you hear what Ji Tong just said? He has heard the emperor say that the imperial concubine went to White Dragon City to raise a baby, not what you had previously guessed. They have to go and find the antidote."


Houtéhei suddenly had nothing to say.

Long Tingyun said again: "You have always distrusted Xue Ling before, but now the facts are in front of you. She has not revealed the antidote to the imperial concubine, and the imperial concubine did not go to the White Dragon City because of the antidote."

"But at least, Jiang Qu sent back news that we are going to stop the imperial concubine, do you still doubt him?"

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