Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1784: What happened this time is no coincidence!

"At least Jiang Qu sent back news that we are going to stop the imperial concubine, do you still doubt him?"

Long Tingyun sneered.

"He sent back news, but what was the result? Look at Ji Tong."

Upon hearing this, Ji Tong immediately said: "If it weren’t for the emperor, they would have been prepared and set up this round to let us jump in. Our men and horses would not be wiped out by them. If I didn’t try my best to escape, now I can only I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago."


"Boss, what happened this time is definitely not a coincidence!"

Hussein was speechless by these words.

He gritted his teeth, and turned his head to look at Ulun a little unwillingly: "Boss, we--"

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore."

Wu Lun waved his hand, cut off his words, then looked at Long Tingyun for a moment, and then said: "The military division's words are reasonable. Ji Tong, you go down to heal your wounds, come here!"

The two sand bandits outside immediately came up.

"What's the command of the master?"

"Go, go to the dungeon and release that person for me."


The two sand bandits were stunned when they heard this order, but did not dare to delay, and hurriedly turned around and ran off.

And Hussein stomped fiercely.

Angrily left.

Wu Lun looked back at Long Tingyun again and said, "Military teacher, if Jiang Qu really betrayed us, what should we do next?"

Long Tingyun shook the white feather fan in his hand, and said, "Whether he has betrayed or not, we are still not sure."


"But," before Ulun could speak, he went on to say, "We must be prepared and cannot sit still."

"Then what should we do?"

Long Tingyun was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "We can't fully believe what he sends back."

"The emperor, the one named Ji Tong fled back, and will surely pass the news from us to Reyuewan."

Hearing Xiao Shunzi's words, Zhu Feng stopped.

Xiao Shunzi looked at him cautiously.

Originally, it was not his turn for a servant to talk about this kind of thing, but after having been with Zhu Feng for so long, even if he didn't understand the art of war, he could still see the importance of the matter.

It was a serious matter for this sand bandit to escape back.

But His Majesty, it seemed that he hadn't reacted to this incident, and he didn't even see him furious.

Xiao Shunzi was really worried again, so she could only say something more.

After speaking, he seemed to hear a voice saying in a low voice: "I'm afraid he won't pass it back."


Xiao Shunzi looked at the imperial concubine in amazement, with a look of puzzlement.

She said that just now?

What do you mean?

As if she felt her puzzled gaze, the noble concubine glanced at him, Xiao Shunzi hurriedly lowered her head, and saw noble concubine reach out and wipe the corners of her lips, as if she wanted to wipe off the arc.

She looked serious, as if no one had said that.

He whispered to the emperor: "The emperor, since the matter has already happened, the emperor should still deal with it."

Xiao Shunzi raised his head carefully again.

I saw Zhu Feng carrying his hands on his back and looking back, Fang Buyuan hurried forward, bowed his head and obeyed, Zhu Feng said indifferently: "The person who patrolled last night, go and receive the punishment."


Xiao Shunzi was taken aback.

The emperor had already left with the concubine.

Fang Buyuan immediately took the order, and then turned to the person behind him and said: "The emperor has ordered, the two teams who changed shifts last night, go down and receive the penalty."

The person behind responded: "Yes!"

After speaking, these people went to the other side.

Xiao Shunzi was even more puzzled. Although the sand bandits escaped last night, it was indeed the negligence of these people. According to military law, it should be dealt with, but it doesn't seem to be the most important thing, right?

He looked back at Fang Buyuan: "Commander Fang, this—"

Fang Buyuan only waved his hand at him: "The emperor has his own arrangements."

After speaking, he also left.

Xiao Shunzi stood in place, and some of the two monks were already confused. A little **** on the other side ran over and said softly: "Father Shun, hurry up and serve. The emperor and the empress are going to wash, and set off right away."

Xiao Shunzi could only hurriedly followed.

Although this place was in the wilderness, they immediately got hot water, and Ran Xiaoyu helped Nan Yan to wash on the other side.

She was also a little worried: "Manny, are you really all right?"

This sentence, I don’t know how many times I heard Zhu Feng’s question last night.

Nan Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Does it take me to jump a few times to prove to you that I am intact now?"


Ran Xiaoyu's brows frowned.

It’s not for her to worry, but something incredible: "The thrilling situation last night, and there is so much blood... How come you are not afraid at all, mother?"

Nan Yandao: "My palace has followed the emperor on the battlefield so many times, so I am not afraid of it. Besides -"

Having said that, she couldn't help but reached out and touched her belly.

I remembered the words Zhu Feng said last night.

The child in her belly affects her mood.

This child is not afraid of danger, and even the more dangerous and difficult the situation, he will feel more excited.

Such a person is a natural general.

Nan Yan murmured: "Really? Are you really a born general?"

Ran Xiaoyu listened to her whispering voice, and asked: "Manny, what are you talking about?"

Nan Yan glanced at her, only smiled, shook his head and said: "It's okay, help me comb my hair. I'm about to leave soon."


In a short while, everything for her was taken care of, and it was naturally more convenient for Zhu Feng to wash her face with warm water.

The other guards were all ready to go, and a group of people waited to set off.

At this time, Fang Buyuan dealt with something on the other side, then walked up to Zhu Feng, and said to him, "The emperor, how do you deal with these prisoners?"

Zhu Feng looked up.

I saw a few soldiers walking over with hemp rope. In order to prevent another sand bandit from escaping, they not only **** every sand bandit backhand, but also used a long rope to hold dozens of people. If an individual wants to escape, everyone around can see it.

These people are like cows and sheep being led, bowed their heads and dare not make a sound.

Zhu Feng looked at them and said, "Send some people to bring them back to Shazhouwei and give them to Yang Dai."


Fang Buyuan immediately issued the order, and a group of people was separated from the team, and walked along the way the prisoners came and went.

Have been watching their backs disappear on the snowy wasteland.

At this time, the sun slowly rose from the horizon.

The entire wasteland became vibrant, as if they ushered in a new day, and ushered in a new beginning.

Zhu Feng turned his head and said to their way forward: "Leaving, go to White Dragon City!"

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