In the middle of nowhere, a long river flows from a remote gorge, sometimes exposed on the ground, sometimes running underground, sometimes scattered into countless trickles, and sometimes converging into a river.

In the end, a rushing river above the ground formed on this flat land.

The river bank is full of vitality because of the moisture of the water.

Even in such a winter with snow and ice, some green plants grow wantonly, and the killers on the shore have left many footprints of animals coming to drink water.

The river flows further forward, and the river course has gradually changed from rugged, flat and spacious. From such an artificial river course, the river flows into the high wall.

The city wall was rammed with earth and stone, soaring into the clouds, it looked extraordinarily tall and towering in the sun, with an impenetrable momentum.

This is a soil city, from a distance, it looks more like a lying lion prostrate on the wasteland.

On the tower, a huge plaque was engraved with three characters.

White Dragon City.

White Dragon City, a paradise in the Northwest Wasteland, is also an important hub for businessmen from the Western Regions.

In his childhood, Nan Yan followed his grandmother Tong Yuhua's side, and heard the name of Bailongcheng more than once, and even, just a few days ago, when he went to the market in Jinling to buy benzoin, he also heard those vendors. White Dragon City was mentioned in the mouth.

However, this was the first time she really saw the appearance of this city.

Lifting the curtains, looking at the tall towers and towering walls in the sun, it was hard to imagine that such a city could be built on such a wasteland.

I couldn't help but praised: "Really rare."

Zhu Feng sat behind her, looking at the tall city.

There was also a hint of admiration in his eyes, but there was no extra expression on his face, and he only said calmly: "What is rare?"

South Yandao: "Isn't it rare to gather such a city in such a place?"


Zhu Feng only snorted lightly.

Nan Yan looked back at him again, and said with a smile: "Of course, when the emperor opens and closes the West Gate and allows merchants from the Western Regions to enter and exit freely, this place will become more prosperous."

Zhu Feng said: "My purpose is not to make this place prosperous, but to let the prosperity go to the inland, and to make our Great Yan Dynasty prosperous."


"As for this place—"

He said, taking another deep look.

Nan Yan couldn't understand the look in his eyes at the moment, but felt that the entire White Dragon City was reflected in his dark eyes, as if it had been engraved in it and could no longer come out.

In a short while, they were closer to the White Dragon City.

Zhu Feng said: "Stop."

Fang Buyuan, who was riding a horse and following the carriage, hurriedly raised his hand, and all the team behind stopped. Zhu Feng waved to him again. Fang Buyuan immediately rode his horse over and said carefully: "What is the emperor's order?"

Zhu Feng said: "It's about to enter the city. According to the previous arrangement, all of your people stopped outside the city. You and Xiao Shunzi, bring a few with me and your concubine into the city."

Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him.

Fang Buyuan said: "Yes."

He turned around and gave the order. Soon, he saw the team following the carriage split out and headed to the other side.

Nanyan said: "The emperor, don't our people go in together?"

Zhu Feng said: "Since it is looking for an antidote, naturally the smaller the movement, the better."

This is true.

However, it was probably because of such a dangerous situation last night. Although she was not afraid, she still stuck her head out to look at the team that was ordered to follow the carriage, but there were more than twenty people, all of them tall and handsome. , Is the elite of Jin Yiwei and Yuying soldiers.

Such a number and a team are indeed what a caravan should have.

It seems that Zhu Feng has also considered.

Their team continued to move forward, and soon they arrived under the White Dragon City.

If it were in the city of the Great Yan Dynasty, Nan Yan would retract his head into the carriage when he arrived at such a place, and waited for the place where he settled, and then looked at it. However, this time, they were out in a micro service, and again It is to a place that has been admired for a long time, but has never been.

Curiosity drove her to hold the curtains and look straight ahead.

Looking down at the tall city building, the tall city gate.

It was almost the same as the gate of the imperial city, enough to allow at least four or five carriages like them to enter and exit in parallel.

This shows the prosperity of this place on weekdays.

But now, the door was closed tightly, and it didn't look like there was a flourishing businessmen. Recalling what Yang Dai said before, something seemed to have happened to them here, and it was probably affected.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the city.

A guard dressed as a caravan's guard stepped forward and called the door. After a while, the door opened with a creak.

A team of warriors ran out from inside.

These people are tall, almost the same burly figure as the elite guards brought by Zhu Feng. They have solid muscles and wear armor, but the armor is a little different from the armor of the soldiers of the Great Yan Dynasty. There are only a few protector heads. Department, shoulders, waist, arms and thighs.

Although such armor can't completely protect the body, it can give people the most freedom of movement.

In close combat, it is very dangerous, but also very mobile.

Nan Yan immediately felt that Zhu Feng's breath sank.

The nature of being a warrior made him interested in these people, or in other words, a feeling of confrontation.

The samurai stood at the door and said, "Who?"

The guard said: "My master's caravan is going to stay in White Dragon City for a few days."

"Who is your master? Where did it come from?"

"My owner's name is Huang, from Peking."

"What kind of business?"

"Timber business."

"Any documents?"

"The essay is here."

The guard handed the document up, the other party took it, took a look, then looked at the carriage here, and said, "Wait a minute."

After speaking, one of the samurai turned and returned to the city, with a rush of footsteps, it seemed that he ran up to the tower.

It's just that it's gone.

Nan Yan was a little familiar with the words just now, and then he remembered.

This seems to be the identity Zhu Feng used to use when they went north to Peiping and met the gang of gangue gangsters.

South flue: "The emperor, you again—"

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows.

Nan Yan couldn't help laughing.

He used the identity of other people's Huang family, but he used it smoothly, opening his mouth.

I don't know if I greeted anyone.

At this moment, there was a heavy and long mute noise in front of him, and Nan Yan hurriedly raised his head, only to see the city gate slowly open.

Nan Yan was overjoyed: It's done!

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