With an order, the surrounding sand bandits didn't have time to think about it, so they waved their swords and rushed down wildly.

And Wu Ding’s men and horses were in a mess below, and they were constantly waving their swords against the arrows and falling rocks from the front and back. At this moment, another group of men and women killed themselves. come out.

At this moment, they are like a group of trapped beasts, already irresistible.

The soldiers simply clenched the swords in their hands.

"Fight with them!"


When people reach the most desperate times, they have a stubborn desire to survive. Moreover, these people are soldiers who have experienced many battles. Even if Guo Gong Wu Yingqi is old, the people who followed him in the battle are not soft.

Besides, they are soldiers of the court after all.

Even if it is a dead end, they still have a fight against the sand bandits.

So, the people on both sides roared and rushed together.

In an instant, the entire valley seemed to vibrate, countless shouts and killings resounded across the sky, and the men and horses on both sides met hand-to-hand, and they were stabbed with swords and swords. The cold light flashed, and icy lights were drawn in the night sky. Aroused a piece of flesh and blood flying across.

But in the chaos, there was only a torch held by the soldiers next to Wu Ding. At this time, it fell to the ground and was slammed out by someone in the mud.

In the valley, it was pitch black.

Everyone, you can't see me, I can't see you, only relying on the instinct to survive and the barbaric will to live are fighting, no matter who it is, as long as you get close to your side, you will immediately cut it down.

And then, another sword stabbed behind him.

The blood and screams made this place a terrible purgatory.

Looking at this situation, Ji Santing's eyes flushed slightly.

Although he had joined the sand bandits and became the third master here, he wanted to abandon his conscience, and he had already put his life and death out; but when he met Xue Ling again and found the courage to live soberly, he again Changed back to the former rational and kind person.

Seeing this scene, for him, is no less than a tragic excitement.

He gritted his teeth and clenched the sword in his hand.

Behind him, there are a group of people who were pressed by him and stayed temporarily. Seeing the following situation, they asked anxiously: "San Ye, are we still still?"

Ji Santing said calmly: "No hurry."

On the other side, the great master Wulun, standing on the top of the mountain, saw this scene, but only a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


What he wants is such a result.

Originally worried that Ji Sanstop gave birth to two hearts and would betray them during the battle tonight, but he didn't want to take it. He still led his troops to kill the enemy.


The following battle situation was not as he had hoped.

The sand bandits are sand bandits after all, but they are just a group of mobs, and the troops led by Wu Ding are soldiers who have fought with Guo Gong, and they are also strictly trained on weekdays. Although they fell into the trap of the sand bandits at first, they fought back and forth. They suffered a lot, but when they really started fighting hand-to-hand, the combat effectiveness of the regular army showed an advantage.

After a while, they had the upper hand.

The people of Ji Santin retreated steadily, and soon retreated behind the huge boulder that had been blown to pieces before, and they knew very well that if they stepped back, they would enter the camp in Hot Moon Bend.

Ulun frowned.

Immediately waved his hand, facing his men, the people who had been ambushing in the valleys on both sides shouted: "Give me all!"


He gave an order, and the sand bandits on both sides immediately emerged from the valley. A group of people waved torches in their hands, lighting up the whole valley, and rushing down with their swords.

The soldiers who had been fighting in blood, looked up at this moment and saw another group of people killed in the valleys on both sides. At this time, they couldn't support it.

I originally thought that they were only dealing with a group of sand bandits in Hot Moon Bend. For them, they should be caught by hand. However, they did not expect that these sand bandits were so cunning. The losses were heavy, and now, their stamina was consumed even more by wheel warfare.

If this continues, I am afraid that their people will be burned out in this valley, and they will not be able to enter the hot moon bend!

At this time, Wu Ding was in the crowd, already flustered.

He was not on the battlefield for the first time, but he did not expect that he would be beaten so embarrassed by a group of sand bandits and a group of mobs.

He was holding the arrow in his chest with one hand, and the shoulder on the other side was slumped weakly. He didn't even have the strength to lift the sword. Seeing the sand bandits over there charge down, his eyes widened in horror. Backward.

How to do how to do?


The sand bandits were like a new force, and when they rushed down, they immediately chopped down to the ground a group of soldiers facing the front.

The screams, together with the splashing blood, were clearly illuminated by the torches in the valley.

Just now, if it was a fight in the dark, now, it is innocent, and you can see it clearly in front of you.

Those sand bandits are the strongest men under Ulun.

They are not only vigorous, but also cruel. After killing someone, they stepped on the corpse under their feet and hacked them all the way. The cruel scene stunned the people around them.

The purpose of Wulun and Long Tingyun's arrangement of ambushes here is to weaken the court's soldiers and horses to the greatest extent, so that they know that Reyue Wan is a hard bone, and they can't chew it down. Only in this way will the emperor retreat. .

They can continue to be entrenched in Hot Moon Bend.

At this time, Wulun let the cronies around him blow the horn in his hand.

With the sound of the horn, another group of people shot out from inside Hot Moon Bend and rushed directly toward this canyon.

The people under Wu Ding were almost desperate at the moment.

At this time, they were completely artificially using the knife to make me a fish, and it was impossible to kill the birth again.

More and more sand bandits rushed down from both sides of the valley.

In terms of momentum, the sand bandits had completely overwhelmed the court's soldiers and horses, and even the guards guarding Wu Ding's side were shivering at this moment. As soon as he shook his mind, a sand bandit rushed behind him and cut it off with a single knife.


The screaming scream was accompanied by Wu Ding's exclamation.

Standing on the valley, Ulun looked at the tragic scene below, but he was mad and shouted, "Kill me! Kill me!"

To kill all those who are delusional to enter the hot moon bend!

He yelled and laughed wildly: "No one can enter Hot Moon Bend. All those who want to enter have a dead end. Today, none of you want to go back alive!"

Just as he was laughing wildly, suddenly there was a white thing dangling in front of him.

It's... snow.

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