


Ran Xiaoyu's voice rang again, but Nan Yan still did not open his eyes.

Dressed in a thick wind cloak, she knelt on the soft cushion. Even if the cold wind blew around him from time to time, it would not invade him at all. However, Ran Xiaoyu kept urging her to return to the house to rest. Can be regarded as a deaf ear.

Therefore, when Ran Xiaoyu spoke again, she still put her hands together, bowing down and praying sincerely.


This time, Ran Xiaoyu's voice was a little different from before, trembling slightly, as if very excited, Nan Yan felt her hand stretch out to grab her arm and shook it vigorously.

"Manny, it's snowing!"


Upon hearing her surprise voice, Nan Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

The heavy snow fell all over the sky.

The pure white snowflakes were only one piece or two at the beginning, and soon they grew more and more, as if someone was dumping in the sky, falling down one after another, and in a while, they accumulated on her head and shoulders.

Nan Yan opened her eyes wide, looking at everything around her, but she couldn't believe it.

"This, this is—"

"It's snowing! Niang, it's snowing!"

Ran Xiaoyu was also in ecstasy. She stretched out her hand to pick up a snowflake, and immediately felt a little coolness in her palm, and the snowflake melted in her palm and turned into a little drop of water. She was so happy that she reached out to pick it up again. He caught more snowflakes, even if his fingers were red because of the cold.

Seeing her cheering in the heavy snow like a child, Nan Yan's heart beat violently.

She was about to get up, but her knees softened and she knelt back on the mat.

Fortunately, the cushion is soft and has no knocks.

Ran Xiaoyu looked back at her and hurried over to help her, and said distressedly: "I must have been kneeling for so long today, right? Niang Niang hurried back to the house."

Although the knee is numb and painful, it is not worth mentioning at this time.

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Let me see it again."

She reached out and caught a large piece of falling snowflakes. Her hands were not as warm as those of Ran Xiaoyu, and the snowflakes did not melt immediately. She was held in her palm, crystal clear, just leaning in front of her to take a closer look. I didn't pay attention in a breath, it was blown away, and fell slowly.

Nan Yan smiled happily.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Manny, you are, benevolence and benevolence, God will help you!"

Nan Yan raised her head and looked at the heavy snow around the goose feathers. It got bigger and bigger, and her smile became deeper and deeper, but the worry in her eyes rose involuntarily.

Ask for a gust of wind and a snow.

This gust of wind, a snow, all came.

But, where is Zhu Feng?

The victory of a war is indispensable for the right time and place, but even if everything is ready, no one can guarantee the absolute victory of a battle on the battlefield.

Any accident can happen.

Can he really win Hot Moon Bend as they planned?

Can he come back safely?

Looking up at the dark sky, the white snow fell one after another, and Nan Yan's heart also became ups and downs amidst such disturbances.


The same ups and downs were Ulun after seeing the snowflake.

His eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Because all the people are fighting, and because of the stimulation of the blood, all the people's blood boils. Everyone didn't notice that when they were fighting to death, the surrounding air was getting colder and colder.

The mud under their feet was slowly freezing.

Even, they didn't notice that, in addition to the white breath they exhaled, there were some fine, white things in the air when they were fighting.

It just disappeared soon.

It wasn't until this time that those fine white things were getting bigger and bigger, even as big as goose feathers, one piece, two pieces, more and more falling, they didn't notice.


Goose feathers fell from the sky, densely packed, and soon lingered around them.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

The weather is getting colder and colder.

When Wulun saw the heavy snow falling in front of him, he turned his head and watched the heavy snow falling around him, he shivered suddenly.

how come?

Why is it snowing suddenly?

Hasn't the weather been warmer recently? It's obviously already in spring, not only has the snow melted, but the ice over there has begun to melt.

How could it start to snow at this time?

A chill suddenly rose in his heart because of the constant snow and cold around him.

He thought of that way.

However, now all the people and horses have been mobilized by him. There are almost no guards on the base camp.

Will something happen?

Just thinking about it, he immediately shook his head, throwing out the ominous thought.


It's just a sudden cold spring. It is impossible to freeze the ice over there so quickly; besides, even if it freezes, it is impossible for people to walk during this period of time. You must know that freezing is not the same. Ri Zhihan, this is no joke.

Besides, didn't he still let Houtéhei guard over there?

It should be fine.

Thinking of this, he waved the big knife in his hand again and shouted, "Kill me!"

The sand bandits listened to his words, and rushed forward bravely.

In the valley on this side, the killing sound shook the sky.

On the other side, it was a completely different scene. The sand bandits guarding the valley surrounded the fire, gambling for money, and drinking and drinking.

Only Hu Saihei frowned, watching the snow falling from the sky on their heads, shoulders, and the ice not far in front, as they accumulated more and more, and his face gradually sank.

Why is it snowing suddenly?

It's obviously already in the spring, and the weather has been warmer by the day, but today, there will be a cold spring suddenly, and there is still snow?

The sand bandits next to them didn't care about this at all, they were gambling around the fire and drinking, constantly shouting.

Hou Saihei was furious: "Be quiet for Lao Tzu!"

The crowd fell silent immediately.

Everyone looked back at him. Someone knew what was going on. A cronie leaned forward: "Second Lord, what's the matter?"

The Houthis said: "Why is it snowing tonight?"

When everyone heard it, they all laughed again.

"Second Master, what's wrong? Isn't it snowing?"

"Yes, it snows a lot here, what's so strange."

Hu Saihei said angrily: "You know what a fart!"

He finished roaring, frowning again, trying to raise his eyes to look into the distance, Ji San stopped the road they were guarding, but of course he couldn't see the mountains.

He suddenly said, "You guys, do you hear anything?"

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